Summary: A single event can change the course of the future. If a single revelation have been given to Sephiroth before Nibelheim, what would have happened? AU of my own mostly-canon timeline. OCs, rated for lemons, mpreg. Ties in with past fics and oneshots.

Disclaimer: Akalara is mine, Kandi is Amazon's, Lily is Mystic's, canon characters are SE's... You get the basic idea.

Queen's Quornor: It's been a long time and I've been unfair to Maniac by keeping this back so long (forgive me, I hope?), but it's been a hectic few months for me. Between my final finals, final final projects, graduation, and searching for a job there hasn't really been a heck of a lot of time for fics. Yes, I have managed to work in "Too Much Information" and "Heaven's Reluctant Messenger," but those were stories I already had written in notebooks done during lectures, at least to the point at which they are currently stalled. I really want to update this fic, especially because I already have some of the future installments written and ready to go, and I hope I haven't lost my remaining compatriot/cowriter by taking so long to post his most recent chapter. Yes, remaining. Due to the increase of her family, Amazon has bowed out for the time being and left Cloud, Kandi, and Zack to me. Obviously, I won't hurt them too badly.


Blah blah blah, new update. Blah blah blah my schedule sucks.


Shinra Files: Wheeling and Dealing

It had been a long time since Two-Guns had been in Wall Market for anything. The Turk salary was large enough that all of the shopping could be done above the Plate, so unless there was an assignment there, no Turk would ever go down into the slums for any other reason than the Honeybee Inn. Still, it had been his hunting ground once and he couldn't help but shake the feeling of nostalgia that arose when he entered an old hangout of his: The Yellow Flag.

"Hey! Two-Guns! Haven't seen you 'round here for a while. Heard you went big time up on the Plate and joined the suit squad," said the old barkeep, Ivan. His accent was fairly difficult to place but if Two-Guns had to guess his best bet would probably be from the Northern continent. He was working here as a bartender almost fifteen years ago when the Turk was starting working for Don Corneo as a mook. He was always good for information and getting people together. It's said that these sort of people secretly run the underworld. It's a lie of course - there's nothing secret about knowledge being power, and they have more knowledge than anyone else. Mob bosses may come and go but odds on if a bartender's stayed for over five years, he'll outlast everyone else.

"Yeah. Pays good, but I have to walk for half an hour if I want to find a decent whore," Two-Guns joked. It was only about a year and a bit since he left the slums; the new lot of people might have forgotten who he was, or have never known outside of the suit and tie, and here he was, falling straight back into old habits.

"What about secretaries? Ain't that their job?"

"Long story, involves a bisexual rapist who once got it on with a chocobo, and now every female secretary on one floor are either wearing skirts so long that you can barely see the 6 inch heels and every male one has a bottle of lube on standby just in case. That's my floor," he said, not really wanting to go into all the rumors surrounding the adventures of one particular executive.

"Tough luck man. So what'll it be?"


"Just coming down here on business?" Ivan asked.

"Always has to come before pleasure, otherwise I'd be at the Honeybee, but I need a personal job taken care of and I don't want to put my neck out for it. I need the best rats, bats, pitbulls, hellhounds, whatever. I need this place to meet up with them to discuss a little business in a couple of hours, and I need you to not only get them, but find out just who the fuck I'm messing with. It's been a long time since I've been down here. I don't remember anyone's names so I'll need you to re-introduce me."

"Holy… shit. Son, that's a lot to ask."

"The company will be footing the bill so don't worry 'bout that. Just get them here in a few hours."

How the hell did I get in this mess? he thought to himself as he exited the bar, leaving Ivan to dig up some contacts.


"I'm telling you I can make this shot," Two-Guns insisted, angling his body for the ideal shot.

"And I'm telling you it's impossible, even my little sister could tell you that," the Turk known as Gun shot back. She was a fairly tall blonde-haired woman in standard Turk-issue suit with the difference that her suit was nearly spotless, while Two-Guns still hadn't gotten the chocolate stains out.

"I can do it… I just need faith in myself," he insisted.

"Faith helps for exams and battlefield situations; faith will not help you hit a golf ball from here at just the right trajectory, velocity, and time for it to hit senior Turk Reno Sinclair in the balls!"

"Please. If I miss his balls, I'm gonna at least get him in the gut. Teach him for locking me in the closet with you for an hour."

"I could have concentrated on picking the lock if you weren't whining or trying to squeeze past me so you could shoot it off with a 9mm semi-automatic."

"Who cares? The point is he locked us in and I don't take well to hazing."

"Couldn't you do something simpler, like spike his drink with Viagra?"

"Why the hell would I have Viagra on me?" he asked, looking up, utterly confused.

"Where the hell did you buy the golf clubs?"

"You know, I was walking around Sector 8 and I saw this beautiful pair of clubs. Now I'm not much of a golfer, but walking around the scenery taking aggression out on a small round object sounds great for a time killer sometime so I…" He stopped, looking at an expression of terror on his fellow Turk's face. Dropping the club, he signed 'what's wrong'.

"Ahem," came a voice that pretty much answered his question.

"Sir! Tseng, I mean, sir! What brings you over here?" he asked, with his voice stuttering slightly.

"You have a new assignment. Follow me for debriefing," he ordered.

"Hey wasn't that…" he asked after passing by the head Turk's office.

"Venat's office? Yes. You are, so to speak, moving up in the world," he said as he brought him out of the Turk offices and into their Superior's office.

"Heidegger, this is the man I was referring to earlier."

"Ah, brilliant. Bang up job, Tseng," the executive said, not even bothering to look up from pouring a new glass of whiskey.

"Sir, the debriefing," Tseng reminded him.

"Oh, right, how silly of me. I need you to be the Turk in charge of a personnel retrieval mission. Due to its nature you will have the ability to deploy several SOLDIER troops of varying classes should you meet with sufficient resistance that the brute force option is well forced."

"I believe you mean 'forced to use direct force', sir."

"Really? Well the young lad gets the picture, which is the important thing. Should the need arise contact me, Tseng, or Reeve, who's got SOLDIER added to his budget for the time being until we can replace Sephiroth in the administrative sense."

"Sounds great, sir. Who's the target?"

"Four targets, to be precise. It's preferable that all four are obtained and with the minimum of damage sustained to any of them, especially in the two cases marked with an X in this envelope here. They are unlikely to offer much physical resistance themselves despite what the profiles will say about past training, but are closely guarded by people who will."

"What, are they knocked up?"

"One of them probably is, the other case: no goddamned clue what the hell is with him. Want more details, ask Hojo."

His expression dropped from confusion to fear when he looked at the first profile. One name said it all: Sephiroth.

"Oh, hell no."


"So is this the big group I asked you to get?" There weren't many people in the bar this time, just three people huddled around a table playing cards, two men and one woman.

"It may not look like much, but quality over quantity has always been my rule when hiring these types. I just hope you got a big budget for whatever you got planned. These people have an attention span measured in seconds per 10k gil."

"Good. I got them for a while, then. Want to tell me what you know about these three? They'll take one look at the suit and know who I am; I want to be able to do the same."

"Well there's the girl for one, red Wutain dress thing on, slit at the sides and leaving that cleavage window?"

"Yeah? She's hot."

"Don't say that in front of her unless you got chocolates or flowers. She's a knife expert, probably fit right in with the suits but she feels it's dishonourable or some shit for her to work directly for ShinRa as in a regular paycheck, but a one-off thing should be okay. Throwing knives, shurikens, daggers, punching daggers, wrist blades, stilettos both knives and footwear and her main weapon of choice is a kukris, all concealed in that dress of hers." Two-Guns stopped to look for a while, trying to think of all the places she could be hiding weapons in that tight dress. Straps around her thighs were slightly concealed, but that only accounted for a small proportion if the barkeep was to be believed. "Her name's Mia, in case you were wondering," he added once he noticed the Turk's eyes slowly drifting towards her breasts.

"Now you see the guy to the left of her? Sweet hat and long coat, dressed to kill? The guy's called 'the Blood Red Wizard'. I don't know his real name. He's a show-off, always looks for a dramatic entrance and its gotten him shot more times than I have fingers, but he's not a complete idiot: he's always got the right armor for the job. If it wasn't for his showboating he'd be ruling under the Plate, and you people would be trying to crack him down. Crack shot with an assault rifle, sub-machine guns, and carries a sawed-off shotgun and tranquilizer pistol wherever he goes so when he finishes his little speech thing, he can out-gun half the Suits, assuming they let him finish his speeches," he continued, pointing at the second guy. What was it with them and the color red? He didn't like red too much, too many connotations with co-workers.

"Half the Turks don't use firearms anyway, but point taken."

"Actually quite a funny story surrounding him, but it's a bit long-winded. The third guy? Small black jacket and a goatee? Ex-AVALANCHE saboteur and infiltrator. Lost touch with the rest of the cult mentality and decided to quit and dish some dirt back to the company, only the place he was supposed to go to was blown to shit about a week before he made his turn."

"Whoa, wait a minute, the Junon Turk base before we all got pulled to Midgar? It got destroyed as part of the attack on Junon - if he's ex-AVALANCHE he would have known about that, so why didn't he head to Shinra HQ instead of slumming it here?" Two-Guns asked, looking at the infiltrator. He looked familiar somehow...

"He was the one who blew it up, change of heart afterwords, but the problem was most of the people above knows he did it. Even with a disguise, a scanner here or a leading question here, and he's on death row. So you could probably get a discount off-a him. Or you get your face blown off and he heads someplace else."

Well that explains why he looked so familliar, the Turk thought. He's on the wanted list outside the boss' office. "Thanks old timer, there'll be a couple of grand later for you to help… rebuild the slums."

"You're welcome."

"Gentlemen, and lady, I have a proposition for you."


The buzzing of computers provided an abstract background for the sound of metal on metal as a tall man with dirty brown hair under a camoflauge print bandana, a long-sleeve casual shirt covered across the torso with leather armour with a mythril edge, walked down a set of stairs in a darkened corridor somewhere under the Junon weapons shop.

"Codename ADAM, here to see SNAKE and EVE," he rasped into a speaker as the door opened before him, leading him into a roomed filled with computers. Glowing blue and green screens provided the only illumination as its one occupant turned around in shock.

"Why the hell are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in Midgar?" she asked.

"Plans change. How is she?" the man asked.

"Stable," was the one-word reply.

"Dead is about as stable as you can fucking get, Jessie," the man cursed as Jessie stood back into the light, her normal armor replaced by a set of hospital scrubs.

"Well she's still alive, and I can't believe she'll want to see your face if she wakes up," she shot back.

"Don't fucking say 'if'', you know she's gonna wake up, we both do."

"You're the one who knocked her out! And whatever was wrong with her wasn't exactly helped by doing whatever you did, Shears."

"I did what I had to do! Better then letting that madman take what we've worked so hard for. I've given everything for this fucking rock, Jessie; no man, woman, or freak of nature is gonna take this from me."

"I still haven't told them, if that's what you're wondering."

"I wasn't."

"If he finds out about us we're sunk."

"Like that ship would have been."

"We're tired of being your personal watchdog, Shears. Shinra has to pay sooner or later and I can't keep up this masquerade alone. Besides, it was used to field-test a device that you wanted working."

"So does it?"

"Of course it does! I made it myself; it's worked every time, although don't try it with an Exit materia… that still has a few bugs left in it," she mumbled towards the end. Biggs was still in a bad mood about that.

"Do we have a spare?"

"It's with Biggs at the moment. Why?"

"Because if this works, she's coming back and they'll be nothing Shinra can do to stop us. That glasses freak has pissed on our name for too long. He never really cared about AVALANCHE, never about her, not in the way I do."


"Jessie, you know where my loyalties lie. If anyone tries to convince you that they're somewhere else, especially if they're with Shinra or the Turks even if one of them is well... you know."

"Why are you telling me this now?" Jessie asked as Shears turned to head back out.

"Because thanks to you I can finally show the world just where I stand."

Within half a minute he was gone. She was back in her secret, the one she even kept from Biggs and Wedge, or Tifa. Tifa... FUCK! she screamed mentally. She had forgotten to tell her something already, and it was the one thing that would definately keep her in.

Cloud Strife had been stricken from the cadet records and now, in the minds of the average Shinra MP or SOLDIER, he was just another idiot who thought he could run from the company.


"No deal, I no work for suits," the Wutian women told the Turk. Her Midgarian was heavily broken. It was somewhat amusing and he hoped that she spoke Wutain better, otherwise he would seriously have to consider if she was touched in the head.

"She's got a point; we start getting chummy with Turks, we'll have problems getting work anywhere else in case they think we're gonna rat them out to the corps," the man with the goatee agreed.

"This is a one-off job. Shinra doesn't even know I'm down here and probably doesn't want me to be, so forget that they're even in this loop. I'm not looking to fuck up whatever status quo you people have worked up; I'm looking for a job done," the Turk explained. Shot down and he hadn't even begun to explain what it was he wanted them to do.

"Well it may help if you tell us what the job is first," the man who called himself the Blood Red Wizard suggested.

"It's a simple kidnapping operation, four targets going in what I would assume to be two different groups in different directions. Because you people don't want to deal with the rest of the suits and to be honest, neither do I with this thing, the drop off point will be in a trainyard. I can guarantee privacy there for about a few hours and do the rest myself."

"I highly doubt it will be that simple. If it was you wouldn't be here," the goateed man told him. You can tell he's an ex-terrorist. Guy's paranoid.

"So what's your point?"

"Who exactly are the targets?" he asked.

"A secretarty, a former stripper and..." Two-Guns made a quick intake of breath. "ZackFairandSephiroth," he said in less than half a second so it came out as one big blur of sound.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who were those last two?"

"Former First Class Soldiers Zack Fair and... Sephiroth." The reaction from the ex-AVALANCHE guy was predictable enough, shock and fear, even the Wizard showed signs of it, but he kept it more hidden. Mia however did quite the opposite; her mouth moved into what was technically a smile but reminded him more of a shark's mouth.

"You have my interest now, Mister Suit. I suggest you keep it there with money," she told him.

"Wait, you're seriously going to go after Sephiroth of all people? Even if he is just one of four targets, that's suicide, as is trying to take down any of his friends or anyone he could have known for long enough to justify shoving that totally compensating for something sword up your ass so hard the tip will come out your mouth," the ex-terrorist asked, in a tone indicating that he was questioning her sanity.

"He have it coming, deserve big knife in neck for what he did in Wutai. Or he get worse, but all I have is knives, so that do."

"Cultural grudge aside there's got to be something huge in it for us," the Wizard said, changing the subject to something much more important than any sign of vengeance, in his opinion.

"Glad you asked that," Two-Guns said, pulling up a briefcase onto the table. Clicking the locks open on the case he revealed nine glowing blue orbs.

"Materia? You pay us in materia? You cheapskate."

"Ah, that's where you're wrong, Mia. This isn't just any materia here: for one thing it's mastered, so it'll be very usuful if you ever need to use magic in conjunction with it, but the most important part of these things is the value. Basic value of this to any vendor? 1.2 million a stone. That means that this case here contains 10.8 million gil, at the minimum, possibly more on the black market due to how much of a pain in the ass these things are to get to the master level."

"So, 10.8 million between the survivors should we succeed in this near-impossible task."

"Nah, see this is just a little deposit for you if you choose to accept here and now. You each get three materia for signing on, and you get seven if you return once the job is over, no need to fight between yourselves to see who gets more. There's thirty of these babies to give away, but it's ten per customer."

"A chance to perform on such an important stage should not be turned down. I'm in," the Wizard said, grasping an All materia for himself to inspect it closer.

"As long as you look other way if certain scum get in my way to capture, then I join."

"Done, and as for you..." Two-guns prompted, turning to the ex-AVALANCHE member

"Call me Crow," Crow told him.

"So Crow, do we have a deal?"

"Lot of money, this goes well even I could live in the clear... Never have to take another underground job again... Fine, you got me, Turk. I'm in as well," he agreed, shaking Two-guns' hand.

"Pleasure doing buisness with you."


Right, that's that done with. I think I'm pretty much done for now creating more and more elements to cure my agonizing writers block. Now I must return to my crossovers! Black Lagoon, Metal Gear, Ghostbusters and Bleach need to be returned to.