A/N:- Here's another chapter, after this one, i'm planning to do a time jump to when they do the rituals, just so you know, Sirius will come into the story then, but he's not going to make a big appearance, just so you know.
The next day the school was in uproar, the headmistress had disappeared and the caretaker was found passed out cold with enough alcohol in his system to make a horse stagger. This fact caused the Hogwarts rumour mill to start up and spin faster than it had ever done before. Some bordered on half truth, saying that Umbridge had been the Heir, whole others bordered on the fantastic, saying that Filch and Umbridge were having an affair. In any case, Aurors were soon marching into the school, slapping shackles on the extremely hungover squib and frog marching him out.
Classes for the rest of the week were cancelled, to the student bodies great pleasure, not only had they got rid of Umbridge, but they had got most of a week off. Harry and Hermione weren't among those relaxing outside or in the common rooms. They were heading towards the defence professor's office, identical looks of determination on their faces.
They came to a stop outside the wooden office door and knocked loudly, a stuttered voice came from inside told them to enter. Once they had walked through, closed and sealed the door from being opened and any sound escaping. They both turned to Voldemort.
"We had an interesting encounter last night." Hermione started as they moved to the offered seats. Harry nodded his agreement and Voldemort looked interested.
"So you were responsible for Umbridge disappearing?" Voldemort asked.
"In a manner of speaking, but that's not the interesting thing, the interesting thing was the book that she had with her, a little book, more of a diary really," Harry said, he cast a sly look at Voldemort, who looked interested, but Harry could tell that he had tensed slightly. Hermione continued.
"Yeah, and the funny thing is that it had 'Tom Riddle' written down the spine."
Of all the things that they expected, they didn't expect Voldemort to curse loudly, stand up and start pacing, "I told Lucius to keep that book safe, that it was an important artefact from my past that should only be used if I gave him the command. I should have realised that when the Chamber was opened and talk of the Heir was being spread around again. Do you still have it?"
He asked suddenly as he spun and looked at the duo, who shook their heads, "No, it was destroyed. It was controlling Umbridge, so we had to remove her."
"The basilisk?" He asked.
"Well fed." Harry said with a cold grin which was mirrored on Hermione's face.
"Well at least that's good news, the Basilisk was always a major part of my plans to take over Hogwarts, but this Umbridge thing is a spanner in the works that we do not need, do I even need to ask about if you were traceable?" he peered at Harry and Hermione.
Harry looked affronted, "We are not mere amateurs, we do not make foolish mistakes."
Voldemort nodded, "be that as it may, never underestimate your opponent, never think that you can never be beaten, that is where most followers of the path to power fall astray."
A couple of minutes silence passed, each in their own thoughts, Harry and Hermione were thinking about Voldemort's words and taking them to heart. Voldemort on the other hand was thinking of the situation and how to turn this to his advantage.
Suddenly standing up, he motioned for Harry and Hermione to follow him as he wrapped the turban around his head, unsealed the door and proceeded to walk out of the castle and out of the wards. He offered his arms to the pair, who grabbed on and they disappeared with an unpleasent squeezing sensation, appeared in a living room that reeked wealth and grandeur. A lone man with white blonde hair and aristocratic features was sat down reading the daily prophet.
He jumped up and moved over to them, "Ah, Proffess . ."
Voldemort interrupted him, "have you forgotten your manners, Lucius? Bow down before your Lord!" Voldemort command, causing Lucius to gasp in surprise, and throw himself before Voldemort's feet as the turban was removed and lord and servant looked at each other for the first time in over a decade.
"I am most displeased in you, Lucius, first you do not even attempt to find me, then you gave the diary to Umbridge,when I made it clear to you that you should only use it if and when I told you so, what do you have to say for yourself?"
Lucius was still in shock at seeing Voldemort, so he could only stammer, which caused Voldemort to snarl and caste a crucio curse at the blonde man, who proceeded to writhe on the floor, agony written on his face.
After the curse had been lifted, Lucius staggered to his feet and bowed to Voldemort, who was looking at Lucius in thought, "As punishment for these crimes against me, you will ensure that the next Headteacher at Hogwarts is sympathetic to our cause."
Lucius bowed in understanding, not trusting his voice after the round of crucio that he had just suffered.
"I also want you to gather who ever you know, not think, that you know, is still loyal to me, it is time that we started to plan, and it is time to introduce my two apprentices."
Voldemort gestured to Harry and Hermione, who had stayed in the background, listening and watching, taking in everything. As Lucius shifted his focus to the pair, Harry smirked as the Death eater recognised the lightening bolt scar on his forehead.
A/N:- Hope you enjoyed it, bit on the short side I know. Please review, thanking you.