
A Rose for Royalty



Most people knew about fairy tales--of princess in towers, witches and romantic princes. We have heard of lovely slaves turned into princesses, of sleeping beauties awaken with a kiss and of damsels in distress saved by their one true love. We have heard of thousands of fairy tales; from children to adults alike.

But have you ever asked yourselves if these fairy tales--these stories of endless love, kind hearts and heroic deeds--have some basis from the truth?

You probably heard of Snow White--a beautiful princess who ran away from her own palace to be protected by kind little men from an evil queen. It was a very famous tale indeed. However, Snow White is not all that. Let me tell you the true story behind this renowned fairytale--one that was warped, edited and replaced in order to fit as a timeless love story that we have known today.

The original tale did not start with a queen wishing for a beautiful daughter nor was it about an evil queen who wishes to eliminate the poor princess for reasons none other than that of her personal selfish (and vain) gains. No, it was much deeper than that. In fact, too deep that it was far too complex to be remembered. Soon, as it was passed down and told from one generation to another, unconsciously, the story was altered into a simpler and less-complex tale of magic and love at first sights.

The Fire Country is known for its wonderfully made Neolithic mirrors. Obsidian stones, which were grinded and polished until it becomes highly reflective, were abundant in the land. Due to this reason, many glassmakers flocked in the country followed by merchants and traders. People from different lands went there to order intricately-made glass works and the Fire Country became the leading distributer of Neolithic mirrors around the world.

The Fire Country is a beautiful, prosperous and successful land. Its government's system was well-developed and its army was known best in the world. But the finest are also followed by second best. In which case, the Wind Country is on competing terms with the Land of Fire.

It started with a simple competition between the business of mirror works and figurine arts, which the Wind Country was famous for their different colored and oddly shaped ornaments. But time passed and this rivalry turned into a full-fledge struggle: in power, people, army, politics and standing in the globe. It affected the people on both lands; unconsciously placing hatred, opposition, and unfair judgment between them.

But there is more to this competition than what everybody thought it merely is; evils, lies and plans that we wished we never knew. It could have been a simple story, like what history books tell us. But no one knew the true story behind the original Snow White nor did anyone knew how much she changed the tide of times. Her struggles, her past and her adventure, no one knew how great it were. Even her name was soon forgotten and her story was changed.

She was merely Snow White, a girl that held a great and known title. And yet, her true name--the name she was given at birth--faded through time.

Years had passed since her time and here I am, about to reveal the truth behind history. I am about to retell the real story of Snow White and I am hoping that, one day, her forgotten existence would soon be remembered by all--by the people she saved, by the lives she changed and by normal citizens like her, when her story did not yet start.

See, her fairy tale was not about shallow princes, evil plots and vain queens. Her fairy tale never ended like it should be nor was it really a pure passionate love story like it was portrayed. But it did start as magical as it can be in their place and time and, like every fairy tales, started with her once upon a time.
