Reid woke with the sun, as was his habit. He went to stretch, but found himself pinned to the bed. He glanced down to find JJ curled up against him, her head resting on his naked chest and her arm draped across his torso. He smiled contently, placing a hand atop her gorgeous blonde locks. He had half expected her to be gone in the morning, half expected her to realize she had made a mistake and leave before he could wake up. But she was still here, and she was still lying naked next to him in his bed; his emotions soared at the realization. He listened to the sound of her steady breathing as he lightly stroked his hand over her hair, silently thanking whatever forces out there that had kept her in his arms through the night.

Roused by Reid's feathery tough, JJ slowly opened her eyes and turned her head to face him. He smiled in greeting and she gave him a sweet smile in return. "Good morning," she whispered.

"Good morning to you," he replied, still running his fingers through her long hair as he gazed adoringly at her. "Did you sleep well?" It was an awkward question, but now that she was awake he felt unsure of himself again.

"Never better," she said, placing a gentle kiss on his chest.

"I… I wasn't sure you would be here when I woke up," he admitted, looking at her warily.

She lifted her head and stared at him. "Why wouldn't I be?" she asked in near disbelief.

"I don't know. Maybe you realized what you… what we did and just… I don't know, realized your mistake," Reid replied haltingly, averting his eyes from hers.

"Spencer, look at me," JJ directed, not believing what she was hearing. She touched a hand to his face, bringing his gaze back to her. "Spencer, last night was not a mistake. I would never think that, why would you think I would?"

"JJ, I… just… well, you're you and I'm… I'm just…" he stammered.

"Just what, Spencer?" she pried, trying to get him to release the fears that she knew must be quaking underneath the surface.

"Just not good enough," he whispered, turning away sadly.

JJ placed a hand on his cheek and forced him to return his gaze to her. "No. No, Spencer, no. Never that," she assured, caressing his face with her hand. "How can you even think that?"

He looked at her helplessly, the pain of his past bearing heavily on his heart. "It's difficult to think anything else when you watch the only girl you've ever loved walk away from you for a college football player three times your size and a hundred times better looking," he admitted softly, furrowing his brow and feeling his heart clench at the memory.

"Oh, Spencer," JJ sighed sympathetically. "Oh, Baby, don't let some stupid little girl's mistake taint how you see yourself."

Reid gazed at her curiously. "You don't agree with her?" he asked, perplexed. "I mean, this guy was like a Greek god or something."

"Of course I don't agree with her!" JJ replied adamantly.

"But why?" he questioned, still honestly confused. Women were supposed to go for the Greek gods over guys like him who had little to offer to the eye.

"Because you're sweet and tender and kind and everything a girl could ever ask for in a boyfriend and a lover," she insisted. "Only someone as shallow as she obviously was would give that up for something as fleeting and superficial as what someone looks like." She pulled herself closer to him and kissed his lips firmly. "Besides, body and soul, I couldn't ask for anything more than you, Spencer Reid."

"You're just saying that so you won't hurt my feelings," he assumed, rolling his eyes.

"Shall I prove you wrong?" she challenged, half sitting up.

"And how do you propose to do that?" Reid begged to know, still not believing her.

JJ leaned in and kissed him passionately, wrapping her tongue around his and causing his body to respond instantly. Pulling away, she gazed at him intensely. "By proving to you just how much I want your body, not just your heart and mind," she replied, unexpectedly wrapping her fingers around his growing erection and stroking him slowly.

Reid's eyes widened at the contact. "God, JJ…" he sighed heavily.

"Do you believe me now?" she grinned.

"If I say no, will you keep going?" he nearly pleaded, his brown eyes flooded with desire.

JJ replied by leaning over and slowly, steadily drawing him into her mouth. She grinned when he let out a deep groan of satisfaction.

"Oh my god, JJ, yes," he gasped, placing a hand on the back of her head. "Oh god, that feels amazing!"

Determined to prove her point beyond doubt, JJ slid his now fully hardened flesh to the back of her throat. Reid's groans of desire spurred her on as she sucked his aching erection and caressed his balls with her fingers.

"JJ… JJ… god… JJ, yes!" Reid was in heaven having JJ's mouth encasing him and it was all he could do not to explode on the spot. "JJ… JJ, don't stop… please… I want… please."

JJ withdrew her lips from his manhood and grinned up at him as he looked at her in sheer desperation. "You want what, Spencer?" she teased, lightly pumping him in her hand.

"Please, JJ…" he begged, desperate for her touch.

"Please what?" she grinned, making the movement of her hand slow and deliberate. "Tell me what you want, Spencer." She firmly squeezed his tender flesh, causing him to gasp in pleasure. "Tell me what you need…"

"I need you. Please, JJ, don't stop," he pleaded, his voice thick with desire. "Make me… make me cum, please, JJ. I need it so bad." He felt like his manhood was on fire from wanting her so much. "Please…"

JJ gave him a devilish grin before once again wrapping her lips around his arousal and eagerly taking in every inch of him. She raised her eyes, watching her lover enjoy her passionate pursuit of his pleasure. She sped up her sucking as she felt his tension coiling tighter.

"JJ! Oh god, JJ, yes!" Reid groaned, his pleasure climbing and his peak quickly nearing. "JJ… oh god…JJ, I need… oh god… JJ, Baby…" He could feel himself hovering on the edge as he laced his fingers through JJ's blonde hair. As she drew him in to the hilt, he felt himself hit the back of her throat and that was all it took; he exploded in pleasure as JJ milked his release, swallowing the proof of his climax as she continued to suck on his manhood. He groaned, crying out her name again and again as his orgasm shuddered through his entire body.

As JJ drew out the last of his release, she slid up his body and kissed him gently. "Do you believe me now?" she smiled.

"Oh god…" Reid sighed, kissing her softly. "God, JJ… Yes, I believe you… God, JJ, that was amazing!"

"That'll teach you to doubt me," she teased, resting her head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"It that's the price for doubting you, I'll do it everyday," he replied, still trying to catch his breath. "You are… mind blowing!"

JJ smiled and tucked an arm over his torso. "I love you, Spencer," she said softly, kissing him once.

"I love you too, JJ," Reid sighed contently, holding her close to him. "I always have."


AUTHOR'S NOTE: I have much more written, but it's not chronological just yet, so when I write the next chapter on the timeline, I'll post it! I hope you've enjoyed it so far! Reviews are much appreciated, as I have few friends that are able to handle the, ahem, intensity of my writing, lol!