Disclaimer- I do not own The Outsiders. Story is dedicated to Dally lover 1990. May God bless you with all the fulfillment of all your writing ideas. And I know you have many.
The courtroom was rather cold and dreary. A sense of nervousness hung in the air. The bailiff stood to face the court. "All rise for the honorable Judge Walker." Everybody stood up as a man in a long black robe entered the room.
He was an older man in approximately his mid sixties. He stood at the podium and sat down. "You may be seated court is now in session. We are here today to discuss the case of Dallas James Winston in an armed robbery of the Quick and Go on the evening of September Fifteenth Nineteen Sixty Six. Will the bailiff please bring in the defendant?"
The bailiff walked out of the courtroom pushing a wheelchair with none other then the infamous Dallas Winston astride in it. His left leg was propped up and his skin was a tad paler then his usually ivory. His blond hair was messy and unkempt. Dallas was pushed to the judge's podium.
He didn't even seem to notice his friends sitting right behind him; or he didn't want to. He just looked straight ahead trying not to concentrate on the pain in his chest and leg.
The judge gave a sort of smile. "You never can stay out of trouble long can you Dallas?"
Dallas just shrugged. "What can I say?"
The judge frowned. "Dallas you're going to be eighteen soon. You'll no longer be tried as a miner after that. Do you really want to spend your whole life behind bars?"
"And if I do?"
The judge shook his head and from behind Dallas Darrel Curtis rolled his eyes. "Dallas the gun wasn't loaded. Do you mind telling me why you had it in the first place?"
Dallas shrugged again. "Can't say that I do."
The judge rubbed his temple. "You know I have the power to give you a full court trial, you could be put away for a very long time."
"Dallas you pointed a loaded gun at the police that night. You knew full well they would shoot. It sounds to me that this time you were not trying to get yourself locked up. Am I right?"
"Maybe you should get your hearing checked."
The judge gave a frustrated sigh. "Dallas ,were you trying to get yourself killed that night?"
'Would I call anyone of I was?" For the first time Dallas indicated his friends behind him. Darrel sighed.
The judge looked at the older boys. The youngest of them had paled and looked sick. The redheaded one just shook his head. Judge Walker was inclined to agree with him.
"I have reports from the doctors who talked to your friends. You were very distressed that night. Now I need you to tell me Dallas why did you rob that store?"
"I felt like it." Dallas's voice came out cool and crisp and calm.
"So you pulled a gun because you felt like it. Somehow I don't by that Dallas. You have no other history of fire arm use in a crime. Please Dallas I need to know did you or did you not want to die that night?"
Dallas sat silently and the judge frowned. "Listen to me Dallas. I don't want to send you to jail. You're a good kid even if you don't know it yet. I heard what you did at that church; that wasn't something a bad person would do. Now just please tell me Dallas, why did you rob that store?"
Dallas shrugged and the judge's shoulders sank. "You were found guilty a while back Dallas. This is about your sentencing. I've talked to a physiatrist from the hospital. He told me you were emotionally unstable at the time and still our. I don't want to send you to jail Dallas. You did a good thing at that church. I'm going to give you a chance to do something right with your life. You have a relative who want to take you in"
"What ever."
The judge shook his head. "I herby put you on three years of probation. The conditions of your probation are as follows. During the duration of your probation you will reside with your Aunt Clarisse in Bloomington Hills Colorado. You will have a curfew of eleven o' clock PM to Nine o'clock A.M at which time you are to be back on the property, You will see a court approved physiatrist at least once a week and have regular visits to your probation officer. You are at no time to posses any fire arms or alcohol. Is that clear"
The judge banged his gavel. "You have twenty-four hours to say goodbye to your friends and pack your things. Your train leaves at noon tomorrow. You will be escorted by a police officer. Good day Dallas and good lock.
Chapter Two
It was quite in the Curtis house; something that wasn't so ordinary. Usually the home was loud and full of rough housing. Instead everyone was silent. Dallas didn't really know what to make of it. Okay so he was going away. He went to jail for months at the time the guys should be used to it by now.
Finally Two-Bit broke the silence. Not that anybody expected anyone else to. "So you have an aunt in Colorado?"
"Yeha, what of it?"
"Nothing man; it's just too darn quite in here; I can't think straight." Everyone but Dallas laughed.. Of course Two-bit would be the one that needed noise to think; it explained why he never shut up.
Dallas rolled his eyes "I just thought you never think." He replied coolly leaning backing in Darry's armchair.
"I think about girls and beer." Again everyone laughed.
"Serious though Dally do you even know this women?" Darry asked. Dallas kind of shrugged.
"She's my aunt what's to know?" Darry didn't push Dallas any further because he knew what Dallas really meant was for the guys to stop pressing him. The room became silent again. Nobody wanted to ask Dallas anymore questions and risk him getting riled up. He had been even more dangerous then usual since the shooting; far moodier and reclusive. Only a fool would tango with him. So they all stayed quiet and enjoyed the last evening together.
A.N. Short I know and not my best work but I needed a chapter with the gang in it. So sorry; it will get better once Dallas gets to Colorado. This is my first multi-chapter non Curtis centered fanfic.
Chapter Three
Dallas looked out the train window.