Karen screwed their second bottle open and took a swig, handing it to Nick so he could have some too. The sun was about to go down and Nick noticed how the pale orange glow glimmered across the ocean in the little Italian bay where they were staying. She was laying on the sun baked stone wall next to Nick with her head in his lap, her long golden hair spilling over his knees and brushing his bare legs where he had rolled up his trousers in the heat where he had stroked it away from her face.

'I wish we could stay like this forever.' She said wistfully.

'We can.' Nick told her. 'We're young; nineteen and we have our whole lives ahead of us.'

'Nick, Seriously? When we get the plane home tomorrow I'll go back home to Mom and Dad, and Jeremy and Juliet and back to Yale; and you'll go back to yours and go off to NYU. We come from different worlds! People like us are just not meant to be together.'

'It won't be easy but...'

'Nick; are you seriously telling me we should give this a go?'

'Marry me?'

'What?' Karen squealed.

'Marry me.'

'Niki darling; I think you've had a bit too much to drink!' She looked up into Nicks face, and after a few second she sat up. 'Your serious arn't you?'

'Karen...I'm sorry I shouldn't have...'


'What?' Nick said not exactly understanding her.

'Yes, Nick; I want to marry you.'