I had a big math test today. It was an all-day thing.
Five fucking hours. Sitting still. Not drawing. Not reading. Not writing. Just sitting.
Obviously, bad things happen. In my mind. D:
This is one of them.
He blinked.
I blinked.
Neither of us said a thing.
We'd been going at this for hours, me and Kiba. Since testing ended. The class idiot, Naruto, was in the back causing trouble by not finishing his test, so all of us smarties were stuck in silence.
He blinked again.
I kept my eyes open, ignored how they stung.
He'd do something, I'd respond. He'd whisper something, I'd respond. He'd smile, I'd respond. I found myself responding a lot.
"You're a geek," he whispered, barely moving his mouth. He slipped his tongue out and licked his lips and then winked, as if that'd turned me on.
I took a second before responding. "You're an idiot."
He blinked again, a grin growing on his face.
I kept my eyes open, forcing them to stay open.
He's so cute. I'd liked him for a while, but we never really got anywhere. Besides, what would he do, the oblivious idiot? Miraculously discover that I loved him and slip my a love letter? Of course not.
He tapped his wrist. I glanced down at my watch and looked back up. I didn't tell him the time.
He grinned wider and blinked.
I didn't move.
He slipped his hands underneath the table, not moving his eyes from my face. He blinked.
I frowned.
He's making fun of me.
"What are you doing?" I asked under my breath. It hurt to speak because it made my eyes hurt more.
He just blinked and smiled and blinked again, exaggerating the movement.
I scowled.
He slipped his hands above the table again, resting his head on them. I stared at his pinky nail, painted fuchsia from the other night.
"Go on, blondie," he whispered, making me look up at his eyes. "Blink."
And he blew. He blew a little gust of air into my eyes. I squinted them, but never completely closed them. My eyes didn't accept the substitute. They hurt to move.
I didn't say anything. My eyes stung wildly, sending messages to my brain, yelling about what a big idiot I was. I still didn't blink. No way was I responding to his blinks anymore.
He blinked.
I almost yelled in anger.
He slid his hand from underneath his chin towards me, his knuckles facing upwards. I grimaced, wondering what he'd do. My heart thumped in dumb expectation, probably waiting for an "I love you, Ino!" or a heart.
He raised it, palm-upwards.
Blink, it read.
Out my pure stupidity, I blinked. He laughed loudly. I growled.
The teacher shushed us.
He grinned and winked.
I kept my eyes closed.