
I've always been faster than you Mana-sama, and I'll probably always be. Do you know that I've always let you catch me though?


I may be Baka Blue, and I may be a girl from the mountains who doesn't know a calculator from a cell phone, but Mana-sama has always fallen for my traps, right?


Mana-sama has never beaten me. Even though I haven't beaten her either, I've never been the one to start the fight; that means I'm the stronger one, right?


Mana-sama doesn't like to talk to people very much, ne? She scares the twins sometimes with her eyes; like she's going to eat them if they get too close.


Mana-sama is exotic, but I'm more feminine. Mana-sama must be the only girl in Mahora who is less of a girl than I am; we're even worse than Setsuna.


Mana-sama never fights battles she doesn't know she'll win. What's the point of getting so strong if you never fight someone who might beat you? Does that mean she thinks I'm the weak one?


Mana-sama is a foreigner; I am an exile.


Mana-sama wants to be alone because she loves the silence. I'm always lonely because she doesn't want to talk to me.


Mana-sama may be a professional, but I'm a much better liar. Wearing this smile hurts me more than she'll ever know.


Mana-sama is always so far away when she pulls the trigger. She doesn't know what it's like to have to clean off a dirtied knife or retrieve a dart from a fallen opponent.


How is it that even with so many bruises and scars, I'm so soft, while Mana-sama's skin is like ice?


My eyes make people think I'm at peace, and make the twins give me silly nicknames. Mana-sama's eyes make people want to run to Misora and confess their every sin.


I've never killed a man for money. I've never tried to hurt a child. I've never fought the law, and I've never betrayed my friends. Mana-sama has done all of this, and tried to do it all to me.


Mana-sama's weapons are horrible smoking steel. Mine are clean and cold and made for the blood to roll off. Does Mana-sama scrub at her body and bullet to try to rid away the men she's killed?


I admit that Mana-sama looks much better than me in a dress. I hope she never learns I've said that.


For all my inner turmoil, I can hide it all. Even the children on the street can tell that Mana-sama isn't in the mood to talk, even though she'd never yell at them.


Mana-sama is always trying to look younger to save money. I'm sure she's never used her looks to try and get drunk, even if it was only once…


Mana-sama has traveled everywhere, and fought in more conflicts than I can write in a notebook. Will the people she's met remember her name like they remembered mine?


Mana-sama is always covering herself up in the bath; what're you so afraid of? You're only making the twins try harder to mess with you.


Mana-sama just needs her guns; I need to hear someone else breathing just to fall asleep.


Mana-sama never eats too much. That's why she's never strong enough to defeat me, and that's why she's always so easy to outrun.


Mana-sama is always so rational and methodical. I'd much rather jump from the cliff and look for something to land on while I'm falling. It's always more fun that way.


Mana-sama has no sense of humor. I may be a baka, but at least I'm fun at the same time.


Say what you like, Mana-sama – nobody wants to be with the scariest girl in the school. Well, except maybe one, but she's not quite brave enough either.


I never leave people behind, like Mana-sama. Mana-sama is the perfect soldier, but I'd much rather be the perfect shield, no?


Mana-sama is too slow. Sometimes when something needs to be done, people like Sessha need to run in like idiots.


Why does Mana-sama need all of that money? Why wouldn't you just buy the twins ice cream and tell them that it's okay, they don't need to pay you back?


I can be selfless as I want; I can give up every worldly possession I have, but it doesn't stop me from wanting everything I can't have.


The closest I'll ever be to Mana-sama is fighting her, trying to wrestle the gun from her hand. Mana-sama, become stronger so you can come and catch me!


All of the things I can do better than Mana-sama; she is better than me at everything else. I can never capture Mana-sama, and so she'll never belong to me.

Author's Notes: Well, it's sad, but I think I'll add a new chapter in the near future. I'm not sure whether or not it should be from Kaede's point of view or not...I'll think about it. Reviews would be greatly appreciated!