Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fullmetal Alchemist or any of the characters.

Two Colonels

„Get out of your clothes and sit astride on the chair." The Colonel made clear what he wanted this evening. Ed did what he was told but he hated this position. He hated it from the start when the Colonel and he had sex for the first time. He swallowed and opened the buckle of his belt. "Faster!" The teen looked up and nodded. It was nothing new to him but every time it happened he felt dirty. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor. He pulled the black shirt over his head after he had removed the black jacket.

The blonde made his way to the desk and sat on it the way the Colonel had described. It was cold and he shivered lightly. He saw that the other male got the lube and the condoms from the closet. He swallowed again but was kind of thankful that this time this guy didn't want to take him dry. The last time it had happened the teen had started to bleed and the Colonel wasn't pleased about that. He had punched him in his chest – never in his face 'cause someone may see it – and told him to clean up the room.

Ed heard the rustle of clothes and shortly after felt the Colonel's cold hands on his back.

"You'll be a good boy this time, Ed, won't you? You won't tell Mustang or any other person of our little time together here, right?" The other man trailed kisses down Ed's neckline. The teen knew that he couldn't tell Mustang or anyone about this. The Colonel had told him that he knew about Al's condition and that if Ed wouldn't do what he wanted, he would take Al away and get him court marshalled. The Colonel nibbled on his neck. Ed shut his eyes tightly.

Ed often imagined Roy in this guys place. He pictured Roy with his large warm hands stroking over his back and kissing him lightly on his neck. Never once the touch of this man behind him was lovingly. He told him to get his hands on the chair's backrest and to never touch him with his automail or real hand for the matter. The young alchemist felt the semi-hard member on his lower back. The other man had his hands now between Ed's on the backrest and was rubbing himself on the teen's back. He always did before… before… Ed didn't want to imagine it. It hurt most of the time and afterwards he was sore and on one occasion he wasn't even able to walk afterwards. The son-of-a-bitch let him rest for a while before he took him again.

The rubbing got faster and the Colonel had a leg on the chair. As Ed was short, they could both fit on it when the man had a leg on the floor. It was the normal way the Colonel and he had sex. Then he felt the fluid spilling on his back. The first round was over and Ed wasn't even hard. The blonde swallowed and waited for the fingers that would come now. He heard the cab of the bottle of lube open and a squeezing sound. The Colonel coated his fingers with the clear fluid and stuck the first finger forceful in Ed's entrance. The younger suppressed a growl and gritted his teeth. Just get over with it and you don't have to see him for a while. He hadn't time to adjust as the finger moved immediately to stretch the teen. But it was more a gesture as the stretching was never enough.

Ed's breathing was ragged as the other male inserted the second finger and for tonight the last finger. He scissored them and after a while pulled them out so that something different could find its way into Ed's anus. The Colonel's dick wasn't large but it still felt as if Ed had been torn apart. He gritted his teeth again and the other mal moaned due to Ed's tightness. The teen hoped that it was over soon and that he could go home to Al, pretending that nothing had happened.

In nearly the same moment he was inside, he started to move. Ed gasped and tried to relax. The teen had done it before and knew that this guy didn't last long. The movements got faster and harder much to Ed's dislike. He felt a warm liquid running down his inner thighs and knew that this was something bad. He tried not to show too much emotion and gritted his teeth a bit more.

Suddenly everything stopped. He hadn't heard that somebody came inside and that this somebody was looking for Ed. The teen craned his head and looked into Roy's obsidian eyes. The Colonel looked disgusted and shocked.

"Colonel Ryans. Get off of Edward!" The dark-haired man demanded with the force of his gloves. Ed felt the other Colonel withdrawing and felt relived. He sat on his heels and hissed slightly. Those moments were enough to make him sore and tears were shining in his eyes. Slowly Ryans made his way away from Ed. Roy went to the desk taking his uniform jacket off and laid it around the teen's shoulders. The blonde looked up and received a warm smile. He shivered lightly.

But Roy wasn't so nice to Ryans.

"Get some of your clothes on. You're under custody for rape." Mustang's voice was cool but his eyes spoke a different story. Ed knew that his Colonel would do everything that the other Colonel would never come back. He swallowed again and after the MP took Ryans out of the room, he tried to stand up, but failed miserably. Roy helped him to stand up and took him into his arms bridal style.

"I can walk on my own, Colonel." But Roy just shook his head.

"How long did this go on, Edward?" The teen looked to his lap.

"Some months now, I think." His voice was so low that even Roy couldn't understand him properly. He just nodded and took the teen to the infirmary.

Hours later after Ed was examined and made his statement to the police he was lying in a bed that was not his but he didn't care. Roy had taken him with him home and they had called Al that Ed's younger brother knew where his brother was. The doctor said that there were dried and fresh marks in his anus from several encounters with the other Colonel and Roy cringed. He put the shame on himself that he hadn't seen the oblivious. He had put him into bed and got him something to drink and a little to eat. The teen knew that he would have to make a statement as witness in court. He sighed heavily at the thought but he hoped that his Colonel would be there.

There were two Colonels but only one of them was gentle and Ed knew that now he could concentrate on his Colonel. The teen fell asleep with his thought by Roy and his friends.

The dark-haired Colonel sat on his couch with his eyes shut tightly. He had brought the blond boy home, laid him in his bed. He didn't know why he hadn't seen it. He sighed heavily and put his half empty glass with brandy on the table next to his couch. At least Roy was to stop it tonight. But how long did it go on exactly? Ed had told him some months. The younger alchemist was 15 years old. Had it already started when he had been 14? The raven-haired man didn't even want to think about it. He was just sure of two things: Firstly Ed wasn't legal, yet, state alchemist or not and secondly Ryans would face a firing squad.

Roy stood up and made his way upstairs to his youngest subordinate. Slowly he opened his own bedroom door. Under a mountain of blankets laid the teen shivering slightly but at least he seemed to sleep. He approached the young alchemist and sat on the edge of the bed. Carefully he laid his hand on the teen's side. He felt the stiffening under his touch.

"You're awake, aren't you?" The blankets rustled and Ed poked his head out from underneath nodding once. The blonde sniffed and wiped the nearly dry tears off his face. "Does it still hurt somewhere?" The doctor had given them medication against the stinging of the wounds and the soreness but Ed had refused to take them stating that the pain wasn't that bad. The teen looked up with his reddened eyes and bit his bottom lip before he again nodded once. "I'll go get the medication. Just wait some minutes." Roy's smile nearly broke his heart as he watched the Colonel leave. As promised Roy came back minutes later with some water and Ed's medicine. He sat it on the night stand and helped the blonde to sit up under the blankets. Ed tried to hide his pain but he couldn't suppress a hiss. He looked up into Roy's sad and concerned eyes. He took the pills and downed them with lots of water.

"How did you know where I've been?" The teen looked to his lap. His voice was low and a bit hoarse from his cringing.

"You're brother called me because you took so long and as he told me you had gone to see me, I knew that something was wrong. I sent some of the guards to look for you in the streets and I searched for you in the building. Some time later O found a guard who had seen you walking to Ryans' office." He looked at Ed who had started to shiver under the blankets. He reached out with his hand and carefully stroked over the blonde's cheek. "Why didn't you tell me?" The teen bit his bottom lip and leaned into the touch.

"He said he would take Al away and that he knew a way to get rid off you. I couldn't risk any of that." New teas were falling. Roy was stunned. Ed had done it because he didn't want Roy to what? Go away? Get killed? He leaned forward so that he could look into watery golden orbs.

"Listen to me, Edward. I promised the day I came to Resembool that I would protect you until you would reach your goal and would be able to live on your own – a life for you only. I'm not leaving." He pushed some of the strands out of Ed's face. "And I'm certainly not dying soon."

The teen still looked away from the elder man.

"What will happen to him?" Roy sighed to the question.

"He will face a firing squad soon. I know that you don't want to hear it, but you're a child and the military doesn't want children to be raped by officers." Ed got silent. He hadn't thought of himself as a child and that a relationship between him and Roy was forbidden until he would be 16 and legal. The dark-haired man put his hand on the blonde's head.

"Go to sleep Ed. It will help you to heal." The teen nodded and got back under the blankets.

"I…Could you stay here? Just this night?" He swallowed. The elder man got to the other side of the bed and laid down facing the younger. He reached for him and curled a strand of the golden hair between his fingers.

"Tell me about your childhood, Edward." The teen looked at him questionably but started to tell him about Resembool, the summers when they had swum in the little lake and the winters when they cuddled in front of the fire place with hot chocolate. Roy listened carefully.

"Was he your first?" The blonde was slightly taken aback but nodded. "Had he ever kissed you?" Ed looked up at him and shook his head.

"He just stuck it in and it hurt and than everything was over. But he never kissed me. He didn't even touch me really. He always did it from behind." He was silent again looking at the sheets between them. Roy got closer and kissed Ed lightly on his lips. At first the teen didn't know what to do but his instincts kicked in and he kissed back. It was a pleasurable feeling for the broken young man. They broke apart as they both needed air and looked in each other's eyes. Ed didn't know what to say and searched Roy's face. The elder man stroked over the blonde's cheek.

"When you're legal and reached your goal, please let me be a part of your new life." Ed smiled and nodded. His Colonel wanted him.

You saved me from hell. Let me be your heaven.