One day to live:

Plot: At midnight on one particular night, Sakura is told by an angel that she has only one day left to live. How will Sakura take this? And more importantly, what will Sakura do on her last day on earth?

Rating: PG (for character death)

Pairings: SasukexSakura, maybe slight NarutoxSakura

Hello readers! I'm back with another Naruto story! This was very spur-of-the-moment, so bear with me.


It had been a long night for Sakura. She had gotten into bed at about 9, but for some reason couldn't fall asleep. She looked at her clock.

"It's almost midnight, and I haven't slept a wink." Sakura groaned. It was 11:47. Nothing of particular interest had happened to this point. However, something would happen very soon that would change Sakura's life forever.

"I suppose I should try to get some sleep." Sakura said lightly, lying back down on her pillow. About ten or eleven more sleepless minutes passed, when Sakura suddenly shot up in bed.

"What…what is this?" She asked in horror. A very bright light appeared in her room. It started moving toward her.

"Go away, please!" Sakura pleaded. The poor girl was crying because she was so terrified. In a moment, the light took on the form of an angel. Sakura's eyes were now full of wonder more than terror.

"Sakura Haruno." The angel said in a simple voice. She now realized it was a man.

"Y…yes?" Sakura asked, still shaking.

"Do not be afraid. I will not hurt you. Sadly, I have some bad news."

"What bad news?"

"The Lord God has sent me to inform you that when the clock should strike midnight, you last day will begin." The angel explained in a solemn tone.

"Wh…what?" Sakura asked, now in a great deal of disbelief. "I can't die! I'm too young!"

"I am truly sorry Sakura. You have done nothing wrong. It is what God has commanded."

At the same moment the clock struck 12, the angel began to fade from view. Sakura jumped out of bed and ran toward the fading light.

"Why?!" She screamed at the fading angel. "Why me?!"

She then began to cry again. She had so many plans for the future, and they had all just been dashed. Sakura figured since it was her last day, she would do all those things she wanted to do, but had never gotten around to, and would get an early start.

End of prologue