Prologue: Rufus

Radiant Garden had never before seen something quite like the Turks.

They had arrived rather swiftly to the small, peaceful kingdom, and yet were anything but small or peaceful. Transfer students, the whole lot, from a town no one had heard of in the half-sunlit realm called Twilight, they seemed at first a promising quintet. Rufus was regarded by adults as an aspiring young man, sharp and confident, a good conversationalist, properly respectful and the head of student council four years running. His right hand man was pragmatic and efficient, capable of organizing slews of tasks and scheduling while still maintaining perfect straight A records. The bald and red-head seemed a bit eccentric as a duet, but upon closer inspection their grades were good, they had skills in athletics, and they were frequently seen assisting with community services or clubs for neighborhood improvement. Their final member, the sweet, long-legged female, added the extra touch of innocence to their brigade; eager to please and very capable, she seemed a strong young woman headed for success.

To the adults of Radiant Garden, there was little, if anything, to contest about the bright new students from their neighboring lands; On the contrary, it was always wonderful to see the youths of tomorrow taking such an interest in today.

To their peers, on the other hand…

"This is just the beginning."

Rufus stood atop the high school building, watching the sun set over the hills that surrounded the peaceful city. It would rise again tomorrow morning to the east where the large castle towered over all, and he would watch that, too, satisfied in knowing that all he gazed upon was his. Everything which mattered, at any rate.

"The last gang offered their white flag earlier this afternoon, and we already have signatures indicating their future support. Final tallies on the student election shows you winning by a landslide; we did not even rig results this year. Beyond that, there is strong backing for our causes among the faculty of the math and literature department, and Rude and Reno have promised us arts, music, and athletics before the week's end." Tseng tapped the final numbers into his phone, before he closed the small device and promptly slid it in his pocket. "All extracurricular activities now require our endorsement, and we've obtained a student roster for the entire school district in case future…problems….should arise." There was a pause before and after 'problems,' indicating the full breadth of situations they were now equipped to handle.

"All in all…not bad for our first week here." Rufus was, quietly, impressed. It had taken them years to establish themselves back in Twilight Town, though they had been young and new to each other, then. Radiant Garden, on the other hand, the magnificent capital of the High Radian country, was a much more daunting and strategic point: an inevitable challenge he had been eager to accept. Careful planning had brought their campaign to fruition, many evenings spent in the basement of his father's lush estate as they counted down the nights till they'd be transferred, working to ensure they would have a place when they arrived.

And thus he stood here, now, his orders executed as swiftly as he would have expected from the best, and allowed himself a few careful moments just to bask.

This kingdom might have had a ruler to take care of economics and outside issues, but everything age 19 and below now belonged to him. The future was in capable hands, he knew, because those hands were his: those of an outsider, perhaps, but also of an insider. There would be order, because the students would fear to break the rules, and where there was order there could be progress, and a better state of living. They were well on their way towards that, here.

"What is our next objective, then?" Tseng finally asked as the sun slipped over the horizon, the deep blue of the encroaching night slowly casting stark and lovely silhouettes of buildings, trees, and houses on the fading amber sky. His hand was still in his pocket, at the ready. Although the dark-haired boy was never tense, Rufus had also never seen him quite relaxed, prepared instead at any moment for what might be yet to come.

"Let us get this district running like the well-oiled machine we have designed it now to be. I would like to see those club proposals, tonight, so that everything might continue functioning, tomorrow. Although the most difficult task is over…" He smirked, his hands clasping together now behind his back. "Our job is far from done. What an exciting year this is shaping up to be."

The other simply nodded, saying nothing as Rufus drifted back down to reality, his allotted moment of pride slowly fading with the sun. They had done well and he was pleased, intending for some mild celebration late that evening when the other Turks convened, but their plight was far from finished, and there was always more to do.

He turned, then, his coat swaying slightly with his movement, catching the quiet flash of agreement and life within his companion's eyes. There was, perhaps, still much to do, but they were capable and they were confident and nothing could stand in their way while they were ready. For a moment, the two shared a smirk before they departed from the rooftop, the sun forgotten fast behind them, new horizons already tantalizing before Rufus's cool blue eyes.

It was time…no, more than that. It was their time.

"Then lets get back to work, and see just what our newest town can do."