Disclaimer: Dudes, two stories later and I still don't own the mice. Damn my luck...
Throttle, Modo, Vincent, Charlene Davidson, Rimfire, Chef Andy Steinhaur, One-Eyed Jack Monterrey are all characters from the original show. Silva (Modo's Momma) and Auri (Modo's lost wife/mate) are my characters, along with any others that pop up. Thanks!
Shattered, Repaired, Renewed: Brothers
Chapter 1
Chef Andrew Steinhaur of Chicago's Hoogie Stack shook his head in exasperation. Now he'd seen some astonishing things, living in the same town as the Biker Mice from Mars. But this was surely up there as one of the funniest, and sorriest, things he'd ever seen involving his three friends.
Throttle was blushing, Modo was having a nosebleed, and Vincent Van Wham was about to do cartwheels in joy. Silva, (Modo's mother) was being held up by Auri, (Modo's wife), she was laughing so hard. And Charley, wonder mechanic and current girlfriend of Throttle...well, Charley was the maddest they had ever seen her.
The mechanic was currently standing in front of her boyfriend, hands on her hips and glaring at the dozen or so Las Vegas showgirls that were crowding around them. Her normal calm demeanor had gone completely out the window when the flock of girls had started groping her mouse. Most of the girls, recognizing the look of 'back off, he's mine', were giving the tan mouse some space. The bolder ones, though, were looking Charley over with the 'I could take her' look. Charley had recognized that look and was getting ready to steal Throttle's laser so she could take care of the feather covered pests.
How did they end up in Vegas, you ask? Less than two weeks ago, Silva, Modo's mother, had arrived on Earth with a long scar on her chest. The Mice had welcomed her back with open arms, Charley especially delighted to finally meet the famous Momma of Modo's memories. But the happy reunion didn't last, as Limburger and Karbunkle revealed that they were responsible for her arrival, and had implanted a bomb in her chest to force the Mice to do their evil bidding. The brave Mice were forced to attack innocent workers at a factory, and even to fire on their friend Four-by at Karbunkle's command.
Through the daring actions of Charley and Chef Andy Steinhaur, they managed to overload the bomb and save Silva's life. Limburger and Karbunkle lost their hold over the Biker Mice and were defeated. And to the joy of Modo, Auri, the mate he had believed long dead, was inside Karbunkle's lab and rescued by Charley. The two were reunited, the grey Mouse with his half rat-half mouse wife. But sadly, not before a group of Limburger's thugs had mostly destroyed the Last Chance Garage. The damage was still unrepaired as they left Chicago for Las Vegas.
As to why they were in Vegas, the answer was simple. Rimfire and his biker bros had somehow been sent by transporter into a famous race, the Sutterfeild, in Las Vegas, and seen on international television without their helmets. They had been taken off stage by a group of girls, claiming to everyone that they were a part of a stunt show called Project M. Throttle, Modo, and Vincent were now on their way to find and rescue their friends, with Charley, Silva, Auri, and Chef Andy with them in a modified Airstream trailer/tank called the Mothership.
It had been a long trip. They had arrived in Vegas two days after the Last Chance Garage had been totalled. The Martians were stunned and amazed at the Strip. The casinos and lights, stunt shows, and pageantry...the roller coaster rides that catered to adrenaline junkies like Vinnie every day. They nearly had to strap the mouse to his bike to stop him from running off.
Charley had called ahead to do some investigating at the Swisslog Hotel and Casino, the rumored home of the Project M Stunt Show, but it seemed like she was one of many to do so. According to the representative she talked to, everyone in Vegas had been calling in to find those 'three costumed riders.' From motorcycle magazine reporters to modeling agencies that wanted the number for their make-up artist, the phones had been ringing off the hooks. But the Swisslog crew had no idea what the buzz was all about. According to them, there was no Project M stunt show.
That had worried all of them. No stunt show meant no other clues except for the girls that had taken the younger mice off the stage. And they only had a description of them to go by. The group had stopped in the Bellagio hotel/casino outer parking lot so Charley and Andy could make some phone calls to try and track down their mystery girls when a group of the casino's showgirls had spotted them. The long-legged performers had nearly swooned when they recognized their bikes as the same kind that had won the Sutterfeild Tournament, and rushed over to talk to them. Their racy costumes had made Throttle and Modo blush to high heaven, and had made Vinnie's face split with the biggest grin they had ever seen him wear.
"Oh my god, it's them!!"
"Project M! I saw them on TV!"
One girl pulled a marker and small t-shirt out of...nowhere and offered it to Throttle. "Can we have your autograph? Oh, please, my son would be so happy! The stunts your crew pulled were so wicked cool!"
The tan mouse looked a bit startled at the idea, but composed himself quickly. "Sure."
Suddenly sharpie pens and t-shirts were flying as the excited girls tried to get all three mice's autographs. Some girls tried to get more than that from Throttle and the poor mouse had been vastly unnerved by the attention. Charley had come charging out, more than willing to yell at the girls to leave her guy alone. Things went to a standstill as the showgirls and the mechanic stared each other down.
And then one of them was stupid enough to try the same thing on Modo. Silva was too stunned to move, but Auri was out in a flash and madder than hell. She shouted angrily, but her throat, damaged when she was a slave to a Plutarkian master, couldn't make a sound. Charley was happy to shout for her friend. "Get your feathered mitts off him!" She barely restrained herself from throwing punches. "Alright, girls, enough's enough. Hands off the merchandise, capisce? You mess up their costumes, you pay for them."
"Aw Charley, they're just admiring great work, right girls?" Vinnie asked happily. Three showgirls were draped over his bike and two were in his lap, all five giggling. The white mouse looked over to where Andy stood in the doorway of the trailer. "Please tell me you have a camera!! I want for this for posterity!"
"You don't know what posterity means," Modo pointed out.
"I still want it!"
"That's our Vinnie," Throttle said, shaking his head. The tan mouse fought back the raging blush that nearly covered his face, trying to get back his composure. He leaned forward on his bike's handlebars. "Hey ladies, you don't know anything about the rest of our bros, do ya?"
The girls exchanged glances. "Are they lost? They said that they were from the Swisslog, but we heard that they aren't working there."
"We sent them ahead to scout out a new gig for us," the tan mouse said, improvising as he went. "The Swisslog doesn't pay that well."
"No kidding," one of the girls said. "Especially after they got bought out by that Monterrey Corporation."
Modo's ears twitched at that. "Monterrey Corporation?"
"Yeah, it showed up a couple of years ago and just started buying up properties and casinos all over the strip." The girl frowned a bit. "Weird thing is, they never build anything. They just blow it up, tear it down, and put up signs advertising this new thing they're going to put in and nothing ever starts."
The mice exchanged glances. That sounded awfully familiar. "And you said the Swisslog is owned by the Monterrey Corporation?"
"Yeah. Oh hey, and about your friends? Cindy heard that they were spotted down at The High Roller Garage."
"Oh I know that place," another girl chimed in. "Kawasaki can get you the best deal on parts in town! Tsu's an awesome mechanic."
"Thanks, girls," Throttle said politely.
"Yes, thank you," Charley said frostily. Auri echoed it in her look. "Now if we could just get the directions, we'll be on our way." A few minutes later, the showgirls waved a sad goodbye to the Martians and the mini-convoy was off to the High Roller Garage.
"You know, I thought those girls were really nice," Vinnie said cheerfully. He had to duck pretty quick to avoid the screwdriver Charley threw at him from the trailer window.
"You just can't wait to find out if there's an afterlife, can you?" Modo asked.
The High Roller Garage was in a modest part of town, nothing too flashy about it. Except for the insane amount of motorcycles that were parked everywhere. Dirt bikes, street bikes, choppers of every make and model, classic and vintage bikes lined the road. Leather jackets and racing suits were all over the place. Biker gangs of every age and race were making themselves known, a wide respectful distance given to some of the more notorious groups. Rock and roll of different genres boomed throughout, several stereos and radios cranked up to the local channels.
"We have died and gone to heaven," Vinnie said reverently. Throttle and Modo looked like they were about to agree as they pulled up to the garage. The Sutterfeild Tournament had drawn in bikers from all over the country, and several were staying over for Vegas's Bike Week.
"I love Tournament season," Charley said happily as she changed out of her travel clothes from
the back of the trailer.
"Oh? You've been to one of these before, dear?" Silva asked.
The human girl paused a second. "It was a long time ago, but you never forget it. It can get a little crazy around here."
"Oh, I'm sure the boys can handle it," the mouse said reassuringly.
"Oh, its not the boys I'm worried about," the girl laughed. "If they can handle the Pitts, I'm sure they'll be alright with this crowd. I'm more worried about what the boys might do to them!"
The mice dismounted from their bikes, stretching a bit to work the road kinks out of their systems. Several bikers eyed their rides with appreciation, some whipping out cameras to take pictures. A glare from Modo put a stop to that as he knelt to polish away the road dirt from Lil' Hoss. "You gonna sit this one out, big guy?" Throttle asked.
"Yeah, gotta see to my darlin'," he said.
"Shouldn't you two do that in private? Or does Auri-girl know about the affair?" Vinnie said suggestively.
The grey mouse rolled his eye. "Throttle?"
"Yeah, Modo?"
"Would you?"
"Sure." The tan mouse proceeded to smack the white mouse upside his head. "OWWW!!"
"I better keep an eye on this crowd too, be sure they keep away from our bikes." He glanced over at the trailer, a smirk pulling at his mouth. "And from the Mothership."
Throttle grit his teeth, "Why did he have to call it that?"
Vinnie grinned, "Lighten up, bro. Admit it, its funny."
"No, its not," he snapped.
"It is to," said a softer voice. Both mice turned to face Charley and both jaws dropped at the sight of her. She wore a tight white t-shirt that Throttle was certain he would be hiding from her in the future, her hair up in a loose twist with a clip. Stonewash low-rider jeans clung to her hips, her trusty cowboy boots peeking out from underneath the hems. And a black leather jacket, ladies cut to show off all the right places, with an outline of a blood red butterfly stitched into the back was on her shoulders.
"Whoa, Charley-girl. Where'd you get the new duds?" Vinnie asked.
"These? Had 'em for years, Vin," she said as she walked up to Throttle's side. She used one finger to lift his jaw shut. "Ready to go, otaku?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah, right," he said, clearing his throat. He knocked on the door to the garage, all three startling a bit as the door opened easily. Suddenly a little black haired streak tried to slip past them out the door, giggling madly. Throttle caught the little one easily, the blur turning out to be a three year old child that squealed happily in the mouse's arms. "Hey there, kiddo, where you runnin' in such a hurry?"
"'Tou not watchin', so I go hide," the boy said with a laugh. "Playin'!"
"Bic! Bic, where are you?!" A frantic voice called.
"Is Bic a half pint with black hair?" Vinnie hollered through the open door.
"Yes!!" The voice shouted back, footsteps pounding down stairs and up to the door. A young Asian man in a faded blue mechanic jumpsuit panted as he came outside, lifting his arms to take the child from Throttle. The boy smiled brightly as he went to the man's arms, "'Tou!"
"Bic, don't scare Daddy like that!" he scolded as he looked the child over for injuries. "You made me really worry. What would have happened if a scary man had you..." His voice trailed off as he had just gotten a look at the biker that had handed him his child. "How far did he get?"
"Just to the door," Throttle said.
"He's a quick little guy," Vinnie said admiringly.
"Too quick," the man said, eyeing the three. "Can I help you with somethi..." his voice just died away as he looked at Charley. "Oh. Oh my god. Are you who I think you are?"
She gave him a searching look. "Depends on who's asking."
"I saw the dragons hunting, chasing a golden bird," he said.
"But golden birds cannot fly," she said in surprise, raising an eyebrow.
"The dragons still give chase," the man said, a smile spreading across his face. "My god, I can't believe it's you. What an honor! Come in, come in!"
Vinnie and Throttle stared at Charley as she walked through the door. "You guys coming?"
"Explanation?" The leader asked in return.
She gave them a slightly nervous look. "I'll explain inside, okay?"