End of Explorer's Song
My mind is in K'veer.
My mind is out of reach.
It tries to figure out
The point of Yeesha's speech.
She said there is a quest
Which I must undertake,
But I am not sure why,
Or even for whose sake.
My breath is in Tahgira
Congealing in the air.
It is so cold I can't believe
The prisoners lived there.
No wonder they all died.
But who then built the tombs?
Why won't this strange guy help me?
What are these bubble rooms?
My stomach's in Todelmer,
Or rather, its contents:
That starry pod age has begun
My fear of heights intense.
Who is this Esher guy?
His accent bothers me.
I hate his speech so guttural:
"Ti'akhna" and "D'khni"!
My mind has been imprisoned;
I wish that I were dead.
And I pity the bahro
Now I've heard what Esher said.
In Noloben I learned
How Esher made his robe,
And to make things even worse,
I'm a herpetophobe.
In Laki'ahn my skin
Is trav'ling through the gunk
And trying to forget
The time I had to dunk
My body in the water,
Then travel through the dark,
To find a-swimming in the sea
A giant laki shark.
In K'veer all my neurons
Are trying to see why
Someone who doesn't want a tablet
Would spread her arms so wide.
She does not want to speak
Though I walk straight into her.
Well, at least there is the benefit
Of a place without Esher.
In Releeshahn my senses
Are being overworked:
They witness a reunion,
Then in the air they're jerked.
Despite the quest, I'm glad
Esher got his just desserts;
Now if only I can find
My scattered body parts.