Title: It's Snowing!
Authour: Me, Canni-Applecrisps
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: G, 'cause nothing really goes on.
Disclaimer: I wish I owned Torchwood and its characters, but I sadly do not.
Summary: It's the first snow of the year, in the middle of the night, and Jack wakes Ianto up to go make some snowmen. Oh the thrills they will have!

"Ianto! It's snowing!"

The words were spoken with such intensity that I awoke quickly from my blissfully dreaming state. With my conscious mind still slowly sludging itself into wakefulness the words made no sense, but the tone had woken me instantly and had me reaching under my pillow for the gun that was always kept there.

Jack's hands grabbed mine, however, to keep them from further fumbling for the weapon as the words started to make sense to my muddled brain. "It's snowing, sir?"

My voice was thick with sleep and with a few blinks I cleared enough sleep from my eyes to find Jack's face. He wore a broad grin, his eyes sparkling with some youthful happiness that the thought of this natural phenomenon had brought him. "Yes, Yan! It's snowing!"

I blinked once more. "It will do that, Jack…"

"For the first time this year!" His joy could not be dissuaded.

"It had to start sometime." I mutter, flopping my face back down into the pillow I had previously been sleeping on.

"Oh, you're no fun!"

"I distinctly remember you saying the exact opposite of that," I glanced at my wrist watch, "Not four hours ago. We still have two hours till work, Jack. Hasn't sleep even crossed your mind?"

"Let's go out and make a snowman!"

"I'll take that as a no." I comment into the pillow.

"A snowman, Ianto! A snowman!"

"God, you're worse then a four year old. We're never having kids." But I might as well have been speaking to a wall for all the good any of my comments were doing me.

"Snooooooowman!" Jack drew the word out softly, almost whining.

"How did I know from the first 'It's snowing!' that the next two hours of potential sleep time had gone down the drain?"

"Well, I can make it worth your while…" He whispered, leaning down to breathe it in my ear.

"Yes, you had better."


"So, does anyone want to tell me why there are five snowmen outside the reception door?" Owen asked as he shucked off his snowmelt-wet coat to hang it on a hook.

Gwen stifled a giggle at her workstation and Toshiko glanced pointedly over her shoulder to the couch in the break area. "There's one waving at everyone from the perception filter lift as well."

Jack and Ianto lay cured up on said couch under a large pile of blankets, their clothes neatly folded over the railing, still drip-drying.

Owen rolled his eyes, shaking his snow-wet hair out like a soaked dog. "Oh, that's right. Forgot about Jack and snow."

"Yes," Toshiko smiled, "And now he's got a partner in crime. I'm surprised they didn't target the Millennium Centre as well."

Owen sighed theatrically, flopping down in his chair at his station. "Don't worry too much about that one, Tosh. They'll get there tomorrow."

AN: I wish it were snowing here... As it is, it's spring break and there's nothing to do since my grandma got sick this morning... Blah... Anyways! Written in the middle of the night, and since I don't have a beta reader to look over my late night idiocy there may be a few mistakes. Please point out anything that sticks out too much or really annoys you! I'll try to fix it
Thank you very much for reading! Please drop me a review so I know how I'm doing!