Countdown before Christmas: DAY 5

Hiruma POV

It was five days before Christmas

And all through the field

not a member was practicing

so amazingly, no shouting.

For the crazy ass genius was inside with his girl

And all that was left now, was an annoying little squirrel.

7:30 pm

"Mamori-neechan do you want to go home now?"

Fuck. That damned shrimp is gonna walk her home?

"Just a minute Sena-kun, I still need to wipe Komosubi-kun's helmet."

Tch. Fucking manager really works late.

"Okay, I'll go wait outside."

Then I better tell that fucking shrimp to beat it.

"Ok, Sena-kun" said Mamori.


"Damned shrimp, go home, I'll walk her home."

"Eh? But Mamori-neechan "

"DID'NT YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID? I SAID BEAT IT!!" And he fired several bullets at him.


"Fucking manager, are you ready to go home?"

"Eh? Hiruma-kun, isn't Sena --"

"The damned shrimp went home, he said he was in a hurry."

"Oh... Okay... I'll just throw the trash and hose down the shower-room."

"Fine." and he slumped in a chair.

9:45 pm

"ARe you FUckiNG dONe YET!?"

"Can't you ask a bit more nicely?"

"Look at the god damn time! I've been here for ages!!"

"No one told you to wait! Go home!"

"Are you implying that I'm waiting, FOR YOU?! Kekekekeke, can't you see I'm planning strategies here?! Hurry up and finish up on what you're doing fucking manager." He thought about the previous incident. He would never let her go home alone, ever again.

Where is my pack of sugarless gum, this is gonna be a long night.

"Working?! You just pulled out your laptop right now!"

His gum popped.

"I think you WANT to be here. If you want to walk me home, keep quiet and sit still."

"What did you say!?" holding the gun menacingly with one hand.

"What?! What did I say?!" she said through gritted teeth. She was pouting, angry and flushed.

Damn, this girl has too many cute facial expressions. Wait. Cute? FUCK THAT!

And he let a shot blast the roof off.

"Hiruma! I just swept that part! Oh sit down!"

11:57 pm

"Hiruma-kun, I'm -- eh. Hiruma-kun?"

He was fast asleep - at least that's what she thought. A soft chuckle escaped her lips. She approached him, sitting on the table with his neck bent down and his open laptop on the desk.

She sat beside him. "You...really..." She smiled.

Good. She thinks I'm asleep. kekekeke.

"Thank you for waiting for me, Hiruma-kun... Well, see you tomorrow."

What the - ? She's leaving? Fuck. I have to --

Yawns (acts as if about to wake up) "Nngg." He half-opened his eyes, as if broken from a deep slumber. "Fucking manager, are you - " He came face to face with Mamori.

"Did you honestly think I'd fall for that Hiruma-kun?" she had a smirk on her face.

God. He just wanted to wipe that smirk away with his kiss. Then she'll know -

"Come on. You wanted to walk me home." She stood up and and opened the door. Still with the smirk on her face.

He grinned and stood up.

while walking

He heard her breathe deeply.

"Out with it." he barked.

Again she sighed. "Hiruma-kun, what are you going to do for Christmas?"

"I don't give a fuck about Christmas."

"Oh come on. It's five days from now."

"I couldn't care less. We're here fucking manager. Get inside already. I want to fucking go home."

"... I was thinking of inviting you over for dinner Christmas night." She shuffled uncomfortably for a bit and continued "My parents have a one-week holiday and are in America. So maybe you'd want to..."


Both the quarterback and the manager looked at the source of the sound. A boy, with dark blue hair and a well built body came running over to her.

"Jared-kun" softly escaped Mamori's lips.

Hiruma's pupils moved to watch her.

"I've been waiting for you since this morning! Sena-kun told me you were still in school. Haha. I hung back to surprise you." said Jared.

Everything had been a blur to Mamori as she quickly hugged her old friend.

"How have you been?" she excitedly asked.

"Great. Great. You and Sena are into Amefuto now huh? Never expected it..."

"Well you see haha that's a funny story..."

Funny my ass.

It was certainly a cheerful reunion - a picture perfect scene of how the girl was entranced by the return of her prince.

"So you're gonna be spending Christmas here?" She glowed.

"Yeah! Haha. You better be my tour guide then." He beamed.

"Oh absolutely! Maybe with --"

They were both too excited and too delighted in their conversation.

No one noticed...

That the devil had slowly walked away.