Sesshomaru's Rage

Part 2

Chapter 14

Don't you think Sesshomaru's being really sweet? giggle So now you get to see what Kagome does in the world of the dead! I am having so much fun with this story, I might actually finish it before the end of the weekend at the rate! I can hope I will keep writing until I hit a writers block. I just hope it lasts for more than just with story, I want to finish at least one more story!


Kagome passed threw mist as she came out the other side of the wall, there were people in here, waiting for rebirth, most seemed to be in a meditative state, those who were not bowed to her as she passed among them, and it felt normal, and familiar, she was not sure.

She went through many chambers each looked different, as if each one was a different version of the afterlife, one was a meadow of beauty unsurpassed with flowers with people prancing around it, another was a prison, with cells and people wailing, another yet was fire and brimstone with demons torturing people yet when she passed them even the demons bowed to her, and even another was clouds and golden gates and angels comforting the souls.

She continued to walk through them until she came to the great cavern that had very few souls in it, and those stayed to the edges, she saw a soul standing next to the throne, and as she approached she saw it was Shippou, she had to contain herself from holding him to her. He motioned to throne, "Take up Sou'nga mother, strike me from the world of the dead, since it was not my time I will return to my body."

She nodded and picked up the sword of hell which simply pulsed and said to her, "My lady it is good to see you again."

She smiled and ran the sword threw Shippou's body, he disappeared, and instinctively she knew he had returned to the world of the living. She picked up the harness for Sou'nga and strapped it on her back, and turned to leave, when suddenly two souls approached her, souls she recognized from the their last life; her father and the ancestor who had trained her, she smiled at them and they embraced her and when she went to talk they put a finger to her lips and shook their head, either one stood on either side of her and walked beside her as she went on her way out.

Meanwhile in the palace Shippou had taken his first breath and started panicking over where he was, and sighed when he recognized the stones of the palace, it had worked he was alive again. Now all he had to do was tell everyone that for he knew it would be a while before Kagome returned to the palace, for she would have to actually travel back here.

Rin got out of her bed, tears still falling from her eyes, as she left her room intent on going to Shippou's body, and saying her final goodbyes, when she saw him sitting up and breathing on the stone slab she fainted dead away.

Shippou smirked, and went to her and held her, very much glad he wasn't dead, and when he got near her he caught her change in scent, and hugged her tighter to him, he had come so close to never knowing his own child, he swore it would be a long time before he left this plain for good.

He hadn't understood why Kagome was able to bring him back or how he knew that she could, he just did once he had died, he really didn't want an explanation either, it was the work of the kamis is what he believed he was back was all that mattered.

Sesshomaru stared at the wall, he would wait for the rest of his natural existence for her to come back through that wall. He was not going to lose her, he would do what ever he had to to keep her next to him, even if it meant giving her up to another man.

Meanwhile, her father handed her a box right before they hit the wall and then the two souls shooed her out.

She stepped out of the wall and sure enough the first thing she sees is Sesshomaru sitting there, when he sees her he immediately stands up and embraces her. She had to quickly move the box out of the way so it wasn't squished, and embraced him back.

He let her go and she smiled at him, "I am sorry I had to worry you Sesshomaru."

He shook his head, "you came back which is all that matters."

With that they started walking out of the cave and when he looked back at her is when he noticed it, Sou'nga, the sword of hell, his father's third sword, what was Kagome doing with it, he thought, "Kagome, why do you have Sou'nga?"

She shrugged, "I am not sure but it feels right on my back, and it seems to respect me."

Sesshomaru quirked an eyebrow but nodded his head and they walked the rest of the way out of the cave and when they emerged it was very bright outside.

She smiled into the light ,"Everything feels so much better now."

Sesshomaru looked down and replied, "I am sorry I was not there to revive Shippou right away."

Kagome looked at him and shrugged, "it is fine, you had to make sure that Sango remained in this world, Sango is not one meant to die during childbirth, she should either die of old age of die fighting, she wouldn't be happy any other way."

He looked at her and knew he truly didn't deserve such a forgiving woman.

And that is the end of Part 2

Look for part 3 or the courtship of Kagome, coming soon!

Oh I am so evil aren't I? ending it here just felt right. I promise I will at least have chapter one and two out with in two days of posting this chapter.