
Director Graham walked into the conference room. He sat down; put on his glasses and began to read a report he had carried in with him. Looking at the other attendees, he allowed a small smile to grace his face. "Very good work, everyone."

"I would have given this mission about a 10 percent chance of success before we started. I'm still amazed that we pulled it off without Walker figuring out the ruse." He looked to the agents seated around the room. Does anyone have anything to add to the field report?"

"Best damn mission I've ever been on. If this is how things are done in the CIA maybe I've been working for the wrong agency all these years." Casey laughed with everyone else.

"By the way Casey, nice tan. How was the Mediterranean?" Graham asked.

Casey smiled and smirked at the same time. "It's nice this time of year. Lot's of sand." Everyone got a chuckle out of Casey's tough assignment.

Director Graham looked at Bryce and Carina sitting at the far end of the conference table. "You guys did a good job. I thought Bryce because of your past involvement; you might have a difficult time fooling her."

"Yeah, I'm a little hurt. She seemed to accept the fact that I'm a complete asshole pretty quick. She never even blinked when she heard Carina and I were together."

"That's because she knows how low my standards are partner," Carina said.

Everyone got a good laugh at Bryce's expense.

"Seriously, I consider this one of the more important things I've done in the past five or six years. I appreciate the opportunity to make amends to two of the best people I know," Bryce said.

Everyone in the room sounded their agreement.

"My job was pretty easy," Mei-ling said. I just told her the truth. But I'm still glad to have been a part of this."

There was a knock on the door and a pretty young woman stepped in the room. "Sorry I'm late sir, I'm not used to Washington traffic yet."

"That's OK Agent Stone. In many ways you had the toughest job of all. The more time spent with Agent Walker the more likely she was to figure out what was going on. Very commendable on your first mission."

"Thank you sir."

As everyone knows, both Jill Barrows and Lazlo could not be here for different and obvious reasons. I will express the team's appreciation as well."

"From this moment on the official story on Agent Sarah Walker is after seven years with the CIA, she has retired."

Everyone nodded their agreement.

"And she is never to learn about what we did." He looked around the room.

Everyone continued to shake their heads in agreement.

"I guess I'll never really understand Sarah giving up the CIA for Chuck but I'm happy if she is," Carina said.

"I understand it completely Carina. If Chuck and Sarah had not worked it out...and Chuck would have asked me to stay. I would have thought about it," Elizabeth said. "He is an amazing guy."

"Oh Sir, I almost forgot, Miss Marshall said to give you this note." Agent Stone slid an eight and a half by eleven manila folder to the Director.

The Director opened the envelope and began to read. The agents around the room could not help but notice his brow furrow. Then his expression lightened as he finally finished with an ear to ear grin on his face.

I have been asked to read this statement. So without clarification.

Dear Director Graham,

I want to thank you for everything you've done for me over the last seven years. I am proud to have served my country the best way I knew how. As you know from our phone conversation, this is my official resignation request.

I thought I would update you on what's happened in LA since we last spoke. Chuck has sold his first game for an incredibly large amount of money. His company is expanding and I've never seen him happier. Ellie and Devon were married last week and are in the process of buying a new home. Chuck was the Best Man and Ellie actually asked me to be her Maid of Honor. I've never had a sister before. I think I'm going to like having someone to share a little girl talk with.

Morgan and Ana have moved in together. Morgan really came through for Chuck with their first contract. He believes they are going to have a fabulous year.

Oh by the way. I want to thank you for permitting Chuck and I to discuss my past with the CIA in our counseling sessions. I think it will help our long term understanding of each other.

As for Chuck and I, things have never been better. We are living in his apartment but will look for a house after we're married. Oh, did I forget to mention we're getting married.

He proposed on the beach where we spent our very first night together. He wants to get a house in that same neighborhood but I think it might be too pricey.

I want to thank you for your suggestion about my future livelihood. I've decided to give it a try. I was not sure how law enforcement agencies would feel about using the talents of a has-been CIA agent for security consultations but it appears as though someone from the CIA has let the word out about Sarah Walker Security Consultants. I'm going to have to hire my own staff if I want to keep up with all the request coming in. Oh, and just so you know, Agent Stone wasn't even in her hotel room yet before I had it figured out. I can't believe you went to all of that trouble for me. I want to thank you all. Oh, and Bryce, that was horrible acting. You just don't do asshole very well.

Carina, great job, I would have to say you have always done slut well.

Casey I hear you got a great tan. It's a good thing they kept you away from me. I would have made you in a minute.

Chuck and I want to invite you all to our wedding on September twenty fourth. I don't know if you'll let Lazlo out for it but I hope you do. I will send Jill an invitation as well. I want us to get together and relive the sting operation that brought Chuck and I together.

Oh and Director Graham, if you need any consulting work feel free to give me a call.

Oh and one last thing. Agent Stone. I want my gun back.

Best regards,

Sarah Walker

A/N: I would really appreciate anyone letting me know about the flow and "tightness" of the last three chapters. Did you have it figured out? Did they hold your interest. I am trying to understand if my instincts are correct. I don't mind criticism. Thanks, LeeCan.

A/N: I am going to continue with the "In Treatment" story. I may fall on my face with this but we'll see how it goes. It may take me a while to write the next chapter.