Hi! This is my first story and I hope you like it! Flames allowed.
You can ask the characters questions in your reviews. I got that idea from my friend WARRIOROFDEATH. You may have met her. Anyway heres my story.
Freddy was walking down the street in his dream version of springwood. He was really bored because ever since his battle with that undead oaf Jason, everyone
hadstarted taking hypnocil to suppress their dreams. And that had been 4 years ago!! He was seriously considering commiting suicide for the umpteenth time when
suddenly he felt a ripple in the atmosphere, signaling that someone had enterd his dreamworld. He nearly leapt for joy, "FINALY! some little snot must ave forgotten
to take their pills!" he yelled victoriously.
He teleported himself to his house, since that always seemed to be the place where they showed up. He felt the humans presence in the basement downstairs
"oh, this is gonna be easier than i thought" he chuckled to himself as he walked down the stairs stealthily. Sure enough there she was, a 17 or 18 year old girl wih
blond hair, wearing a light blue sweater. The only problem was... she was unconcious. She lay curled up in the fetal position in front of his furnace, even though it
was off at the moment. Freddys face fell slightly.
He walked over to her and knelt over. He touched her face with his ungloved hand, she was icy cold, but alive. "This isnt any good, how am i suppose to kill
someone who isn even awake to scream?!" The girl opend her eyes, seeing the red and green sweater, she looked up into fredys burnt up face. she didnt even
flinch. 'Oh well, at least shes awake now' freddy thought to himself. "Where am I?" the girl asked, her voice shakey from the cold. "In the worse you could be kid"
Freddy said raising his gloved hand.
The girl weakly extended her hand. "I'm Emily, whats your name?" she asked. Her wrist was face up, so he could have just slashed it then and there, but he
decided to have some fun with her first. After all, she was the first person he'd seen in a while. "The name's Freddy Krueger kid" he shook her hand with his gloved
one, careful not to cut her. Yet. "So, how'd you get here kid?" he asked, truely curious. "Well, my boyfriend tried to get frisky, but I turned him down. So he kicked
me out of the car . I dont really have a family, so I've been wandering around for past few days. My cloths got soaked when it started to rain, and then the snow
started to come down really hard. I wanderd into town and decided to hold up here in 1428, Elm street. it was just so cold outside... and i guess i fell asleep."
She shiverd again. Freddy waved his hand and the furnace lit up, burning as strongly as if it had been lit for hours. Emily slid closer to it, almost touching it,
"Is this 'your' house?" she asked. "yeah, but only here," Freddy mutterd. Emily looked confused. "Your asleep kid. this is the dream world" he explained, deciding
to break the ice on that. "So... does that mean your not real?" Emily asked, sounding somewhat dissapointed. Freddy was ammused, that was new. He grabbed
her still freezing arm and made a small cut in the shape of an "F" on her forearm. " Oh, I'm real alright. I'm just stuck here in this dipshit dreamland." Emily looked at
the cut, it hadn't hurt, seeing as she didnt have feeling in it yet. "Tell me how you got here," she asked, sitting indian-style.
Freddy, though confused asto why she wasn't screaming in terror by now, saw no harm in telling his story. After all, he could always kill her afterwards. Taking a
deep breath he started out by telling her about his childhood. About how he was the unwanted son of a nun, and how in school he had been called,"son of a
hundred maniacs". He then moved on to his teen years, and then his adult life. From his 6 year marriage to loretta, to his murders of the children. Which led to his
being burned alive, and how he'd afterwards killed the children of his murderers. Emily sat there, listening patiently, her expression shifting with the moods of the
story. at one point she even laughed at one of his witty comments hed spoken to one of his victoms. After he'd finished, (excluding the part about Jason) she
streched his limbs, now fully thawed out.
"Are you going to kill "me" ?" she asked. "Probably," freddy said shrugging, deciding to be honest with her. " I don't think that would be very good for either of
us," she said softly. " Why not?" Freddy asked sounding a little annoyed, still perplexed at her lack of fear. "Cause, if you kill me, you'll be alone again, for who
knows how long. that would suck. Plus I don't paticularly want to die." Freddy scratched his head, she had a good point about him being alone again. Suddenly
Emilys face lit up, she grinned form ear to ear. "I have an idea! How about this: You let me live, and i can bring you some people to kill?" Seemed really excited about
it now. "We could be partners. I lure 'em, and you slash 'em."
Freddy had to admit, it was a tempting offer. "Yeah, but what garruntee do I have that if I let you live, you'll stay and fullfill your end of the bargain?" he asked
Emily looked hurt, "I'd never lie to one of my friends". This took Freddy by suprise. "You consider me your friend?" "Of course. what else would consider you?" she
asked. "I told you about myself, you told me about yourself, and we both got nobody,so I figure that makes us friends".
Freddy couls tell she was telling the truth, he could sense lies, and she wasn't telling one. She would do waht she'd promised. "All right" he said extending his
clawed hand "partners. Emily fearlessly shook it, grinning, "partners", she said hapily