A/N: So yeah, an attempt at romance. I woke up in the middle of the night, found myself in a poetic mood, and decided to write this. My friend coughChizurucough says that I suck at romance. I'm inclined to believe her, but I tried anyway.

Disclaimer: I don't own FFVII. If I did, the game would have focused on how Seph and Cloud got together and would have had nice, long yaoi scenes. Obviously I don't own it.


My mother always warned me that once it was gone, you couldn't get it back. It's that part of yourself that you could only give once. It was special. Don't waste it. The thing is, she never told me how far you have to go to lose it. Is it only gone once you've had sex? Or do you lose it with your first kiss? Zack says it's gone with your first declaration of love. I don't know what to believe.

He was my first kiss.

He called me to his office. Zack had told me that he thought I was cute; I had figured that Zack was teasing me. I can't remember what we spoke of there, only that he asked me as I was about to leave. So casually, as though it was nothing. To him, I'm sure it was.

I let him have it.

I gave my innocence to the general I admired.

He was my first declaration.

He had called me to his office once more; it seemed to be the only place we could safely meet. He kissed me again and it slipped out. I think he was surprised. I was too. But, I knew it was true.

I told it to him.

I gave my innocence to the superior I cared for.

He was my first lover.

We met in his apartment this time. He held me, kissed me, told me I was his. I told him I loved him. He gave me that look of surprise and confusion that he always made when I said those words. For the thousandth time I wondered what could have made those words so strange and wondrous to him. Then he showed me his bedroom and asked.

I gave myself to him.

I gave my innocence to the man I loved.

I gave my innocence to Sephiroth.

I don't regret it.