"Jak I-I need to talk to you" Keira said hesitantly, as she adjusted the hair out of her face as the wind sent it wildly flying in every direction.

"Yeah babe?"

Jak and Keira were driving down an empty street in kras city to meet up with Torn, Ashelin, Tess and Daxter at the racing garage to get ready to head back to haven city for a "reunion" party at the naughty ottsel.

"I'll just tell you later Kay? At the party?" She had a guilty but confident smile.

"yeah sure, whatever babe" he didn't really seem intimidated.

They took a sharp left turn and pulled up to the racing garage. Everyone was packing their favorite alcohol and party favors into the air tran, they chose to take it instead of separate hover cars so everyone could ride together, which was all the better in keiras head. She was avoiding being alone with jak for as long as possible. But she knew she HAD to tell him, because if she didn't, she'd choke on it. She was gonna tell him at the naughty ottsel. But on the other hand, this was supposed to be the biggest party in haven since it had been a year since the whole grand championship race team had been together, plus someone she secretly invited..

"Jak baby! How's it goin?" daxter yelled from inside the tran. Accompanied by Tess sitting beside him on the flat metal bench with her slim fury arms around his shoulders, with a bubbly smile like always.

"Dax, I just saw you yesterday." Jak replied in a sarcastic voice. Gently pulling Keira by the arm in after him taking a seat on the other side of daxter.

"I know, I know" "I just missed ya big guy" winking at jak in a pretend flirty kind of way.

"Alright everyone, Seatbelts!" Torn stated with a smirk, With ashelin attached at his hip as he entered the Tran with a bottle of Jack Daniels pre opened in his other hand.

"Too bad there aren't any" jak snapped back in joking voice, causing muffled laughter through the Tran.

The whole two hour ride to haven city was full of laughter and sharing hilarious stories that happened to them when they were young. Including Jak and Daxter's trip to misty island where daxter fell into the pit of dark eco. it happened to strike laughter. Everyone was just enjoying each other's company and passing around the Jack Daniels. Jak never was a drinker, well never more than one or two, but he had never really gotten drunk, he never felt the need to. So when the bottle came to him, he would only take a small sip and pass it to Keira. But for some reason Keira wasn't acting like herself. She didn't feel like talking to anyone and when the booze came around she wanted nothing to do with it, and she was usually up with the party. Now jak was beginning to worry.

"Is everything okay?" he asked sympathetically, already knowing the answer.

"I told you, I'll tell you when we get there." She replied, looking out of the dusty window with her feet pulled up against her chest. Seeming aggravated.

Everyone went silent as the Tran came to a fast halt and began to lower down on the opposite side of the lake where the naughty ottsel was located. Torn and daxter stumbled out of the Tran nearly falling off the side of bridge into the lake, that is, until Tess and ashelin ran after them guiding the way. Jak just waited as Keira slowly stood up and walked out of the Tran leaving jak by himself. He quickly caught up with her, she had her head down and pieces of her blue-green hair blowing and sticking to her cheeks where there were streaks of partially dried tears. She had her arms wrapped around her shoulders and she just stared and listened to her feet as they hit the concrete. They where about 20 feet from the naughty ottsel when jak decided to speak up.

"Look Keira, you know you can tell me anything. Ill love you no matter wh-"

"We need to sit down." She snapped back sharply.

Jak held the door open as she hesitantly entered. He followed her in and took a seat at the nearby booth. Not everyone was there yet, only the few that rode in the air Tran, so they had time to talk. She was sitting across from jak up against the wall with her knees pulled up to her chest.

"Okay jak, I just needed to tell you that-"

"Hey cherries! Sig is in the building!" Sig and jinx both entered the naughty ottsel with liquor at hand and (of course) jinx's cigar smoke beginning to fill the room.

"Sig, Jinx!" jak yelled, running over to them and giving them a friendly hug.

"um, jak?" "hello? Weren't we just talking about something?" Keira said in an annoyed tone, but he still couldn't hear her. That was it, she had to get this secret out that she had been bottling up in side for way to long.

She yelled at the top of her lungs, "Jak, im pregnant!!" and over the music, talking, and popping of party favors, jak heard her alright. And so did everyone else in the naughty ottsel. Jak's face turned white and he ran over to her grabbing her small cold hands.

"w-w-what? But that's not possible, we never-"

"I know jak, that's why there's a problem, its-"

"My, my" razor said as he entered the naughty ottsel,

"So this is the famous bar of haven city. Oh, Keira darling, we can't stay for long, we need to get you over to your appointment with- oh hello jak." Razor said with a slightly disgusted face as he walked closer to the booth.

"Razor!" Keira exclaimed Ripping away from Jak's grasp and jumping into Razors arms.

Jak just sat there with no expression on his face. Trying to process what just happened. There was anger building up inside him but he refused to let it out. razor? no way. wait, thats why she always stayed late at the garage.

He just sat there and watched with clenched fists as they shared a kiss. Right in front of my face. Thanks keira. Thanks. That doesn't hurt at all.

"well, we should get going Razor." She said in sweet innocent voice as she looked up at him. He nodded.

"bye jak" she said quickly giving him a "I-finally-got-what-I-wanted" smile.

Everyone in the naughty ottsel just stared as the couple departed and headed for a double seated zoomer. Did this really just happen? Jak thought to himself. No one dared to talk to him the rest of the night. He just sat there downing shots left and right. He had never drunken this much before but, what the hell, there's a first for everything.

"oh shit" he said to himself. I have to help train the new underground recruits in the morning.

next chapter is almost finished(: