Teach me sadness and pain

By Tsuki to Taiyo

I would like to thank you for continuing to support my fanfic. But I'm sorry to say that this story will end soon. Yes, the ending will be near so if you kept reading my story and never review please review. I will not say how many chapters because I am not sure myself. But I promised an unexpected ending. Watch for it until then!! And hey, to Midosaki-chan!! Thanks for the icon!!

Let no one who loves be unhappy... even love unreturned has its rainbow.

James Matthew Barrie

Chapter Eleven: The Past

I was wrong when I hurt you
But did you have to hurt me too
Did you think revenge will make it better?

Cecilie von Spitzweg received the news quite lately. A messenger pigeon from the Blood Pledge Castle arrived to Caloria, two days ago, where she was staying. It carries all the information she needs to sail the very day. And now she arrived at the palace. She was surprised to find a broken cart and all the people rushing left and right, back and forth.

"What happened here?" she asked.

And when she heard the news she ran at His Majesty's room.

Shibuya Yuuri was in bed, high with fever. Though she pretends to be stupid sometimes, she is really a smart woman, especially in terms of love. She saw his son sitting on a chair near Yuuri holding the Maou's hands. The ex-queen squealed.

All the people including the room looked at her. They were his other two sons, Gunter and Giesela.

She immediately jumped at Wolfram and hug or more like suffocated him.

"That was so romantic of His Majesty!! Ah, the power of love!!" Cheri said tears running on her face out of happiness.

"MOTHER!!" Wolfram yelled.

She released Wolfram and kissed the blonde on the cheek, embarrassing the blonde more.

"His Majesty is so noble!!" Gunter said clasping his hands together.

"Noble? Noble? I call the pathetic!! After chasing after me, he fainted out of fever!!" Wolfram shouted although he said this words, he was smiling rather widely.

Conrad shook his head as Gwendal actually smiled. Everything was resolved after the Maou's highly romantic confession, in the rain no less. It had the maids crying when the soldiers and guards told them about it… in detail and when it means in detail, with every words and actions.

"You can't really blame him… he never really have some comfortable sleep since you left his bedroom, Lord von Bielefeld" a new and familiar voice said.

Everyone looked at the door and saw no other than the Great Sage…

I don't care about the past
I just want our love to last
There's a way to bring us back together

He woke up at his bedroom chambers. He had not noticed that he had fallen asleep, while crying. And that is what we can call pathetic. The familiar but far away warmth of the first king was gone and he was alone…again. But he was surprised to find something on his desk. It was a sculpted flower, it was old but well polished and even varnished, a rare thing that had lasted on the first king's possession for four thousand years.

He remembered that Shinou had chosen him to be at his side when he died. He ended Shinou's life by the poison he made himself. It was agonizing to find your beloved, the person you love more than your life, clinging to you as he breathes the last breath of his life. He was the one who sealed him and as he requested before he put his gift with the container.

He reached for his glasses and then touched the wood sculpture. He was surprised to find a letter underneath it.

My Great Sage,

I know I had hurt you to the point that you hate me. I am sorry. I really am… You told me before that Azalea, my beloved had died four thousand years ago. But some love are strong that it last more than a life time even more than four millennia. And my love is that strong.

You forgave me, you say. But it is not I wanted. Hate me, curse me but I would like to stay at your side. Let me be the one to support you now. Fate had been especially cruel to us and I had broken your heart. I forced you to four thousand years of loneliness.

But please… let me love you… My Great Sage…

Can you really love me back again? When a flower dies is it impossible for it to bloom again? If it's impossible, then I'll wait and take of the plant so that it would sprout another blossom. As you did, I'll bear the pain and although it is not my word, I promise to be patient.

Let me say this again… I love only you… Azalea and no matter what life, I'll only love you.


He shook his head and smiled wistfully as he saw that it was now dark. Yes, it had been dark before but that was the cause of the rain. Now its already night. The moon glimmers guiding those who had lost in the dark to find the way.

He stood up and walked to his desk. He knew he had to do something… He smiled and put the small wooden flower on his pocket. He had stopped to lure himself to such false lies. Now, he had to make amends of what he had done.

I must forgive you
You must forgive me too
If we wanna try to put things back
the way they used to be
Cause there's no sense in going over and over
The same things as before
So let's not bring the past up anymore

The room was frozen. The dark haired sage walked to Yuuri's side. He looked at Yuuri and said "I want a word with you… Lord von Bielefeld".

He put something on Yuuri's bedside table and walked outside. Wolfram initially followed.

He found Murata on a dark hallway. The floor was made of marble and the walls have enormous glass window. The moon is the only light. He saw Murata staring at the silver orb.

"Your Highness… I…"

"When we were souls, coincidentally, the bringer of Yuuri's soul, you brother compared him to the sun with words like 'second to no one to radiance'. And the caretaker of Christine, I mean my soul compared me to the moon. He said 'light that illuminates darkness' and 'the one closest to the sun'. Since then, I thought that I should follow the sun as the moon. But I found out that the moon can never have the sun, it can only have some of its light."

Wolfram stayed silent all the time…

"It surprised me. I thought I know all the lessons in life but I was wrong. I had learned another thing…" he softly chuckled. "I let him to you know…"

Wolfram looked at him sadly. The Sage is more of a man than he is. It had taken him weeks to accept it, to acknowledge loss and to let got but it only took the sage some hours. Yes, until now, he had thought of giving up especially in love as weakness. He always refused to quit no matter what games it is since childhood, it was his pride that prevented him from giving up and worse letting go. But now as he saw the sage with his ebony eyes full of pride, he knew… letting go is more than clinging… It was a sign of bravery… Letting go is painful for he experience it.

"I thought you will never let him go once you got him…" he said quietly.

The sage gave him a soft chuckle and said "But I never had him… his thought while we are 'together' was always at you"

"I can never give a bigger and greater love than what you gave to him…" the blonde said as the sage walked to his side.

Out of all the good we had
You only keep track of the bad
Though y
ou knew I never really loved him

Didn't anyone tell you yet
That to forgive is to forget
How can you be mad if you
don't remember

The sage smiled and his glasses flashed.

"Perhaps not but you can give him something that no matter what I did… I can never give…" he said.

He is staring at the portrait of himself while Wolfram had been staring to the opposite direction. Both of them are on the same line.

He gave up and let a tear escaped his eyes.

"You can give him happiness…" the Great ever wise Sage whispered as he continued walking.

Wolfram closed his eyes and felt his heart soared. He screamed as he did when Yuuri disappeared but now it is the exact opposite. He had won a fight… and strangely he had won when he decided to give up.

The people inside the castle smiled… things are starting to brighten up.

I must forgive you
You must forgive me too
If we wanna try to put things back
the way they used to be
Cause there's no sense in going over and over
The same things as before
So let's not bring the past up anymore

When Yuuri woke up, he saw a flash of gold… and a pair of emerald orbs staring at him. He smiled weakly despite his delirious state, he knew who it was.

"Wolfram-kun…" he said raising his hand.

Cold, pale hands clasped on his. He smiled and brought it to his forehead.

"You will not leave anymore?" he asked like a child.

"Never again…" the high tenor voice said.

He closed his eyes as he heard Wolfram saying "I'm sorry… Yuuri. I promise I will not hurt you again… Put your heart on my hand and I promise you'll be safe…"

Yuuri smiled and said "I already did… when I chose to chase after you…"

"I love you… Yuuri more than you could ever imagine… I'm sorry that I cheat on you…"

"Wolfram-kun… let's forgot about the past and never bring it up again. I'll forgive you and you'll forgive me." he said falling to a deep slumber.

I must forgive you
You must forgive me too
If we wanna try to put things back
the way they used to be
Cause there's no sense in going over and over
The same things as before
So let's not bring the past up anymore

Shinou stared at the sky as he heard footsteps. He was back at his shrine. If there is an little more love still in his Azalea-sage, he would come here.

And he was not disappointed…

A flash of black fell on his eyes and he smiled.

"Does this means that it is now a happy ending?" Murata teased as he walked to him.

"You are forgetting that there is no ending in my vocabulary… I had hurt you so much but I have an eternity to make up for it…"

Yaay!! Chapter Eleven finished!! Review please!! Sorry it was kind of short and full of fluff too!!