Chapter 6: Infirmary Visit

Author's Note: Hello!! Um……..I'll try to do the next couple chapters on ShikaIno, NejiTen & NaruHina…..sorry but It's mainly SasuSaku…..Please Review thanx!!



'Inner Thoughts'



A little girl yelled to her beloved cousin. "SAKURA-CHAN!!" she exclaimed.

"Err…Hello Asami." Sakura said half-heartedly.

"Guys, this is Asami, she is my cousin, and she's eight years old." She said gesturing to her. She gestured to Hinata, Tenten and Ino this time. "Asami this is Hinata, Tenten, and of course you know Ino." They said hello to each other and Sakura motioned Asami to talk to her away from the other girls.

"Asami what are you doing here??"she asked.

"Why else would I be here?" she snapped. She looked away for a brief second and turned her attention back to Sakura. "To visit you silly!"

"Do your parents know you're here?" Sakura asked worriedly, putting her hand on her shoulder.

"Of course! They are staying here till next weekend. Isn't that great!! We get to hang out and have fun together!!" she said as her eyes filled with excitement.

"Great…" Sakura muttered sarcastically under her breath.

"Saki!! I want to see your room!!" Ino yelled.

"Ok, in a minute!" she said. Her attention turned back to the excited Asami who was planning out what they were going to do.

"Asami, you should go to bed now. It's important for you to get some sleep for your age." Sakura said as she pushed Asami to her room.

"But you promised that every time I visit you, you would play dolls and dress-up with me." She said tears forming in her eyes.

"True, I did say that but I have school tomorrow." Sakura said feeling a little guilty. She thought about it and an idea hit her. "I know! How about I play dolls and dress-up with you on the weekend, how's that sound?" she said.

"Fine! But pinky promise." Asami pouted, holding out her pinky.

"I pinky promise then. Kay, now go to sleep."

"Fine, good night Sakura-nee chan!"

"Night" she replied as she closed the door behind her. She walked back to where she had left her friends and they dragged the poor Sakura, who doesn't like to be dragged, to her room (okay, well mostly Ino dragged Sakura, but you get the idea). They reached her room and opened the door. Once inside the three curiously poked around her room gasping on how amazing everything looked.

"Wow, Sakura I totally love your room!!" Tenten exclaimed picking up one of Sakura's many bracelets and immediately clasping it on her wrist.

"I'm glad you like it, though Hinata has a bigger house than I do you know! She is a Hyuuga." Sakura replied simply.

Ino stood up and started skipping around the room. "Hey you should host a sleepover sometime Forehead!"

"Sounds like a great idea Ino-pig!"





"Forehe-" Ino shouted and paused for a second.

"Will you two shut up!!" Tenten yelled angrily. Her temper cooled down a bit to notice at what Hinata was doing.

"Hinata what are you doing?" she asked and raised one eyebrow.

"Huh? Oh. I'm looking at Sakura's ipod. Why??" she asked, eyes still glued to Sakura's ipod.

"I don't know, you just seemed quiet."Tenten replied lightly.

"Ok, hey guys, what about our plan to destroy Ami??" Ino asked poking her way through Sakura's closet. "Hey forehead!! Isn't this the shirt you gave me??" she yelled holding up a white t-shirt that had an arrow pointing to the right and said 'This is my BFF. Mess with her and pay!' She turned her head to the front of the shirt and then turned in Sakura's direction. "Hey Saki, my arrow is pointing the opposite direction of yours!!"

"Awesome shirt guys!!" Tenten exclaimed.

"That would be cool if we go to the mall and buy matching outfits!!" Ino exclaimed eyes sparkling with delight.

"Hey Ino, I wonder if they are going to have a back-to-school dance this year?" Tenten asked.

"They have a back-to-school dance??" Hinata gasped. "But I don't have a date yet!! Oh what am I going to do??" she said frustrated.

"Hinata, calm down. We're not even sure that they are going to have a dance or not!" Sakura said reassuringly, putting her hand on Hinata's shoulder.

"Fine." She grumbled softly.

The group heard a shout from Sakura and footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Sakura dinner is ready. Will you friends like to stay??" he mother said.

"Hey guys are you going to stay for dinner?" Sakura asked, turning to her friends.

"We just ate!" Ino whined.

"Well, how about we just have desert??" Sakura asked.

Tenten and Hinata exchanged looks.

"Can we really??" Tenten asked, pausing.

"I mean we don't want to intrude." Hinata finished waving her hands in front of her face.

"You guys are guests, and we ate already so let's have some desert!" Sakura exclaimed, ran downstairs, then came back up and gave the group and array of snacks and drinks to enjoy. They chatted for a while till they realized the time and Hinata gasped.

"Guys! I am so in trouble!" she said and started panicking.

"Why what happened??" Sakura asked.

"I forgot to tell my parents that I'm at your house!!" Hinata said.

"Oh yah! You told me how strict your father is! Sorry Hinata." Sakura apologized

"Um, just say that our shopping trip went overtime and we forgot that you had to leave!" Ino said searching for the right words to comfort her. "Besides the mall doesn't close till an hour more! Relax!" Ino said.

"I won't relax till father knows where I am!" Hinata said while dialing numbers on her cell phone. She then walked out of the room to the hallway. On the other line someone picked up.

"Hello?" the voice said.

"Father?" Hinata asked.

"HINATA!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" the voice boomed.

"I'm at the mall still…with my friends…sorry we lost track of time." Said Hinata unsure of what to say.

"Fine. You better have your homework done young lady! Otherwise your grounded!" he said.

"Ok Father, I finished my homework and we are coming back. Ok, don't worry!!" she said cheerfully.

"Kay, Hinata, but I expect you to be home by 11, you got that??" Her father's tone was serious.

"Hai Father! Good-night!" she said as she hung up her cell and went back into the room where the rest of the group was.

"Hey Hina! So how did your father take it?" Sakura asked as Hinata made her way back to the group.

"He took it fine…I guess, but I have to be home in less than half an hour." She said picking up her school bag and books.

"My driver should be here soon. Hey Tenten do you want a ride since you live close to me?" Hinata asked turning her head slightly and waiting for her response.

"Sure Hinata! Thanx! Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" Tenten and Hinata said as they walked out the door.

"Oh, wait what about you Ino??" Hinata asked before she left.

"My house is about four houses down from here! I'll just walk!" she responded also gathering her things to leave and bidding Sakura good-bye before leaving her house.

"See you tomorrow guys!" Ino shouted loudly, waving toward her friends.

"Bye!" Sakura yelled before closing the door behind her.

-The next day-

Sakura ran out of her house and walked a couple of houses down to Ino's. She knocked on the door waiting patiently, but there was no answer. She knocked again, but still no one answered. She knocked one final time and the door finally opened and their greeting was not plesent.

"What do you want?!" the old man yelled, there was a possibility that he was slightly deaf.

"Um, does Ino live here??" She asked nervously.

"Ino?? Ino?? Why would I have a boar around my house?? Huh?? You tell me why??"he replied. After a minute of arguing with the old man, Sakura was already mad.

"You know what!! Never mind!!" she yelled.

"What?? You tell me you want Ino now you want Never mind?? Jeez make up your mind!! Kids these days, they just don't listen."

"Sakura, what are you doing?" Ino asked as she walked out of her house, locking the front door and watching the two argue.

"Ino! What you doing here! I thought you live four houses down!" Sakura said looking frustrated.

"I do see!" Ino replied as she pointed her finger toward Sakura's house. "One" she moved her finger toward the next house. "Two" again moving her finger. "Three and Four!" she exclaimed.

"INO!! You live five houses down!!" Sakura yelled.

"I do?" she said and carefully counting again. "Oh, right" realizing her mistake.

"Anyway…lets go!" Ino said skipping cheerfully down the sidewalk toward their school. A little bit after Sakura joined her and they chatted about everything and anything. Sakura and Ino walked to the gates of Konoha High only to come face to face with their new so-called enemy.

"Hello……forehead girl……pig" Ami sneered.

"Hello……Ami…toad." Ino muttered the last part under her breath.

"Listen if you think you have a chance with Sasuke-kun, forehead girl, then your wrong! You got that??" she shouted the last part.

"Well we're just friends you realize that!" she threw back.

"Whatever. I'll believe it when I see it!" Ami yelled and flipped her hair back. "Well, come on girls!" she said pointing to her so-called followers. She turned around and said one final thing before they could only see her retreating figure. "Oh and by the way, our leader would not be coming till later in the year so you got lucky Haruno!"

"Whatever!" she yelled back.

"Jeez I hate them!" Ino said, eyes narrowing into slits.

"Yah I do too! Which sucks because this is only the second day back!" Sakura said while the two were walking to their class.

"Sakura-chan! Ino!" yelled a voice from behind them. It was Naruto and he was waving to them. Suddenly a door opened and he rammed right into it. Sakura and Ino ran over to help the fallen Naruto.

"Hey Naruto, are you all right?" Sakura asked.

"Sure am Sakura-chan!" he said dizzily.

"I don't believe he's fine Sakura"Ino paused. "Should we take him to the Infirmary??" she continued.

"I guess so." She said unsure of what to do.

Hinata walked over to the group and offered to help.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Well Naruto was coming to us when a door opened and he slammed into it." Ino explained.

"Now I think we should take him to the Infirmary." Sakura said.

"Here I'll take him, you guys can get to class." Hinata said while helping Naruto stand up.

Naruto put one arm around Hinata's neck for support while Hinata wrapped one arm around his torso from preventing him from falling. "Oh. Sakura, can you tell Kakashi-sensei that were in the Infirmary?" Hinata asked.

"Sure Hinata!" she exclaimed.

Sakura and Ino left to go to homeroom while the other two left to go to the health room.

"Your Late!!" the class yelled. The two had a confused look on their face when their classmate spoke.

"Sorry, we thought you were Kakashi-sensei." The boy apologized.

"It's ok, but we were always here!" Ino said dragging Sakura to the back of the classroom where all of their friends were.

"Good Morning Class!! Who's absent??" Kakashi asked.

"Um, Naruto and Hinata are in the infirmary sensei." Sakura said.


"Cuz Naruto slammed into the door and Hinata is helping him" Ino said, rolling her eyes because she got tired of repeating herself over and over.

"Oh……Forget I asked." He muttered.

"Hm, I wonder where the nurse is." Hinata said looking around the empty room. "Anyway, Naruto you should lay down."

She grabbed an ice pack from the refrigerator and wrapped it in a towel. Then she placed it on top of Naruto's forehead.

"Ok, does your head still hurt Naruto?" Hinata asked.

"Just a little bit. Thanx for helping me Hinata!" Naruto said cheerfully.

"N-no Problem!" she said. She felt her face heating up.

"Ehh?? Hinata, do you have a fever too? Your face is all red!!" Naruto asked as he put his hand on her forehead.

"No, I'm fine!" she said still red in the face.

There was a silence between them and Hinata just stood up and sat down in a chair across the room.

"Hey Hinata?" Naruto asked.

"Yes Naruto-kun?"

"I'm going to get a smoothie after school, you want to come?"

"Sure." She replied her face heating up again.

"I mean I have to thank you somehow for taking care of me!" he said with a huge grin.

They chatted for a while till Hinata brought up the topic of how Naruto felt.

"So……are you feeling better??"

"Yah, I think I can manage the rest of the school day!"

"Ok! I think it's English now!"

"Oh NO!!" he said.

"What?? What's wrong??" she asked.

"I forgot to do my English homework!!"

"You can copy off of mine."

"I can? You're the best Hinata!" he replied giving her a big bear hug which she automatically blushed. Hinata gave Naruto her homework tablet and he immediately started copying off answers.

"Um, Naruto-kun?"

"Huh? What is it Hinata?"

"It's already lunch time" she said quietly.

"Oh, then I won't be needing this!" he gave back her English tablet and they walked off to the cafeteria. They sat down at their usual table and joined in the conversation.

"Hey Hinata!! Haven't seen you guys all day!" Tenten said.

"Yah, we were in the Infirmary. So, what did I miss?" Hinata asked.

"Only the best moment in history!!" Ino exclaimed. "Ami so-called tried to trip on Sasuke but he moved out of the way and she knocked the cheerleaders and herself into this giant mud puddle!! They were screaming their heads off and they all got detention!! It was hilarious!! We took pictures and since were in the yearbook committee were going to submit them so that Ami is going to be in it!!"

"Sounded like it was funny!" Hinata said.

"Oh it was! It was hilarious!" Sasuke said with a smirk.

"You should have seen the look on Ami's face when everyone was laughing at her!!" Sakura said and started giggling.

"But that means that we are still going to get her back right?" Shikamaru asked.

"Of course we are!" Neji said.

'That's ok! I got to spend time with Naruto and that's all that matters! He even asked me to come to get a smoothie with him after school!' Hinata thought and looked at her friends. Naruto was complaining about not getting to see Ami covered in mud. Neji was covering his ears tired of listening to Naruto whining. Sasuke and Sakura we talking. Shikamaru was sleeping and Ino was yelling at him for being so lazy, and last but not least Tenten was smiling at the sight of Neji hitting Naruto.

A/N: Happy Memorial Day!! Lol!! Please Review and Check out my other stories!!