Chapter 1: Prologue

Author's Note: This is my first story so please review!! Arigatou!! To see their uniform clothes then look at my profile!! This story was rewritten!!

Disclamer: I don't own Naruto



'Inner Thoughts'



"Tenten get back here!!" Sakura yelled. "You aren't going to get away with this!" She was soaking wet and shivering. Looking around she sighed in defeat because she couldn't find her. Sakura went to refill her water gun by Ino. Since it was the last day of summer the girl's decided to have a sleepover the night before and now they were having a water gun fight.

"Wow I can't believe it's the last day of summer! It all went by so fast!" she sighed and glanced at Ino. Ino stood up and went to go look for Tenten and Hinata. "Yah it has gone by fast but we still have the school year and there are going to be guys." she said dreamily. Out of nowhere Tenten and Hinata came out from a bush and started squirting Sakura and Ino, which the girl reacted and started squirting them with their own water guns. After minutes of playing they stopped and sat on the grass to rest.

"Who's hungry?" Hinata asked, breaking the silence. All three raised their hands and said "Me!"

"Yah, I'm hungry too!" she said, stomach growling slightly. Sakura stood up and said "Let's go to eat somewhere then!" The rest of the girls also stood up and they were walking to Hinata's limo till Tenten stopped them.

"Guys we should change first!" Looking at their clothes they all nodded and changed. They came back ten minutes later and climbed into the limo.

"So where do you guys want to eat?" Hinata asked.

Choruses of "Don't know" or "Don't care" or "I don't know" were heard.

"Oh I know! Let's go to the kawaii little diner that my cousin goes to all the time with his friends!" Hinata exclaimed. They agreed to go and Hinata told her driver to drive them to the diner. They got out of Hinata's limo and walked inside.

"How many?" A waitress asked.

"Four" Hinata replied politely. A waitress came over and gave each of them water. Then she took their order. They ordered and started chatting about tomorrow. Hinata spotted a back booth there were four guys; one had spiky blond hair, another had blue and blackish colored hair, another had dark blackish brownish hair that was tied into a ponytail and the last one kind of looked like Neji, her cousin. Their order came shortly after and they continued to chat while eating their food. Hinata just shook it off.

Sipping her drink, Sakura twirled the straw and mixed her drink. "I can't believe that we still have uniforms!!"

"I know yah!" Ino said with a pout.

"We never had a free dress day……ever!" Tenten said throwing her hands in the air.

After talking a bite out of her burger Hinata spoke. "We also had to wear uniforms since kindergarten do you realize that??"

"Yah" the three girls chorused.

Sakura spoke. "That's so unfair!! We should do something about that!"

"We defiantly should!" Ino said, lightly pounding her fist on the table.

They chatted and ate their food till it was mostly all gone, spilt the bill and climb into Hinata's limo.

"Here's your burger and fries that you wanted!" she said giving the order to her limo driver.

"Thanks Hinata!" he said.

"I am soooo excited about tomorrow!! Who's with me?!" Ino exclaimed.

"We are!!" they chorused.

Hinata dropped the girls off at their homes and he limo driver brought her home. After getting ready to go to bed, Sakura climbed into her bed and thought about tomorrow. 'It's going to be a great day' she thought as she slowly drifted off to sleep.



A/N: This is my first story so please review!! Yes I rewrote the story if you didn't know so reviews are welcome!! Arigatou!!