Finally Finally Finally! I finally figured out what I'm gonna do with this fic! It's my fave next to Hope gets some KFC! Ah a nice little Daiken..or Kensuke I'm not designating anyone as uke in this one. Probably Daiken in the end. I tend to lean towards that... This fic was also one of my first ideas. I wrote it on my old computer..a macintosh classic 2..ugh..
*Pets her nice new computer that she got for her birthday*
I rambled on a bit and wasn't going anywhere but I figured out what I'm gonna do so I'm rewriting it! It's gonna be pure WAFF here people. No lemons here. Maybe a lemonade fic later on...heehee. But I want Kathrine to read this and she won't touch lemons OR limes with a ten foot pole! Well as long as the lime isn't that bad..this will have lime. I have to have lime. I MUST have lime! On with the lime! Lime lime lime lime lime lime lime lime won't do a lemon..must not write lemon...dang. I'll shut up now.
P.S. This is for Kathrine's no hentai couple contest.
I don't own digimon. I really wish I did but I don't. Ain't that a sad thing?
Daisuke sat on the Ichijouji's couch a frown on his face. He didn't want to be here. Well he liked coming over to Ken's place to hang out but being forced to stay was irritating. His entire family had planned a hiking camping canoeing trip for the long weekend months ago. Unfortunetly for Daisuke he had to go and sprain his ankle the day before they left. He'd wanted to stay at the Yagami's aka with Hikari but they had left town. Takeru was staying at Yamato's and Daisuke hadn't wanted to spend a weekend with T.O. anyways. Both Iori and Miyako had quickly backed out of having an injured imobile Daisuke at their house. That had left the older digidestined or Ken. Ken it was. He'd phoned up Ken and explained the situation. Ken had agreed but there was one catch. His family was also leaving for the weekend. His parents were going to his aunts place. Ken was staying behind because he had a soccer game on sunday. But he'd said it was perfectly all right for him to stay.
(A/NI don't know if they have a four day long weekend in Japan but they do now!)
~~~~~~Flash back
The phone rang several times before anyone at the Ichijouji's picked up. When they did Daisuke heard Ken's quiet voice on the other end.
"Moshi moshi Ichijouji residence."
"Hey Ken it's Daisuke!"
"Oh hello how are you?"
"Listen my family's leaving for the weekend and I can't go I sprained my ankle so I need a place to stay."
"Well I would let you stay here but.."
"Hey cool I knew I could rely on you!"
"But I didn't.."
"We'll have a blast I know this one movie we can rent. It's got lots of blood and fighting and sex and.."
"Daisuke! I can't let you stay my parents are at my Aunts for the weekend."
"Oh. So you wont be home?"
"Well I had to stay because of a soccer game on Sunday but.."
"Cool then we'll have the place to ourselves! Your parents won't mind right? I know mine won't care."
"But Daisuke they've all ready lef.."
"This is going to be so cool! I just got a new video game we can try out."
"But Daisuke.."
"Of course I'll totally kick your ass. I rock at video games."
"But Daisuke.."
"I gotta go now my anoying sister wants to use the phone. So I'll see ya around five all right? Bye Ken!"
"But Daisuke.."
Daisuke hung up the phone and hobbled to his room to pack his things .
~~~~~~~~~End flash back
He'd arived with Jun carrying his things and knocked on the door loudly. Ken had answered the door and he'd hoped quickly to the couch past his friend. It was hard walking around on one foot. Jun had dropped his bag inside the door.
"Bye Daisuke have fun lying around doing nothing but homework all weekend!" She smiled sweetly.
He'd stuck his tongue out at her retreating figure and sat back against the couch. He had been in a good mood but trust Jun to ruin it.
Ken closed the door and glanced at his not so welcome house guest. Daisuke was sitting on the couch a huge frown on his face. He must have wanted to go on this trip his family was taking. But it was obvious he couldn't have. His ankle was wrapped in a cloth brace and was swelled beneath them. He'd gotten similar injures playing soccer and knew how painful they could be. He smiled ruefully deciding he shouldn't complain about Daisuke's self invitation too much..
*At least now I'll have some company.*
That and he really didn't mind having his best friend and secret crush over for an entire weekend to himself.
He picked but Daisuke's bag and carried it to his room tossing it under the bed. He walked back out to where Daisuke was frowning on the couch. He sat down beside him and smiled tilting his head to the side.
"So I'm guessing you wanted to go on that trip from the expression on your face." He said.
Daisuke looked up and made a face. Scrunching up his nose and smiling.
"Yeah but it involves hiking and camping and stuff so there was no chance of me going at all. Totally sucks." He said sounding grumpy but not too upset.
Then he grinned and grabbed the plastic bag he'd carried in. He pulled out several movies and three games. Ken groaned mentally. He'd hoped Daisuke wasn't going to make good on his threat to bring that gory movie he seemed to think was brilliant. Daisuke held up a game and a movie on each hand and looked at Ken.
"Okay which shall it be, Hellraiser or Paper Mario?" He asked cheerfully.
*The choices are so difficult. A stupid video game or a stupid movie.*
Ken pointed to the movie figuring he'd at least be able to ignore it and think of something else if it became too difficult to watch. He took the movie from Daisuke and got up putting it into the VCR.
"Hey Ken you got popcorn?" Daisuke asked as he grabbed the controller and began fast forwarding through the previews.
He nodded and went into the kitchen placing a package of instant pop corn into the microwave. Daisuke was chatting at him inanly from the living room about the movie while ken waited for the popcorn about what were the best scenes what he should watch for, how cool some guy named Pinhead was.
Ken had a feeling that the movie was going to be worse then he thought. Not that he minded terribly. If he hadn't wanted to watch it at all he'd have said no. Though maybe not he never could say no Daisuke. He'd say no and then the auburn haired boy would fill his brown eyes with fake tears quiver his lip and say 'pweese Ken?'. Of course he give in. Ken had discovered it was better for his sense of dignity to give in before Daisuke started begging. He just couldn't say no to that kawaii little face he'd make.
*He's too adorable for his own good. Of course he'd be horrible if he actually knew how adorable he is.but then that's part of Daisuke's charm.*
The microwave beeped on the last bag and Ken snapped out of his thoughts of Daisuke. He put the popcorn into a large bowel and walked back to the living room. Daisuke grabbed the bowel from him as he walked past and Ken smiled sitting on the over end of the couch. Daisuke started the movie shoving popcorn into his mouth.
*How does he not choke eating like that?*
Ken thought distractdly then focused on the movie. It was strange and fairly disturbing. It made Ken feel slightly sick as they watched though the other boy was enjoying himself emensly.
"Whoa did you see that Ken? They just ripped off all his skin and tore him to pieces! That was so cool." Daisuke said not taking his eyes off the screen.
Ken looked at him then back to the gore on T.V.
"Yeah, sure Dai-chan." he murrmered not impressed.
The movie was fairly boring during the begining and Ken spent most of his time sneaking glances at the boy beside him. Daisuke was obsorbing in the movie his dark brown eyes glued to the screen. Ken smiled because this was when he liked Daisuke the best. Not his typical boyish obsession with bloody movies but how he always devoted himself to something 100%. He would get this totally focused look on his face that was so..kawaii.
Of course Ken tended to think anything Daisuke did was kawaii. Even that week when he'd been putting whoopi cushions everywhere. Miyako had almost beaten him to a pulp when she'd sat on one in front of this cute guy she liked.
*I believe he stopped after that.*
He glanced back at the movie to see some half formed bloody corpse flirting with some lady. Oh yeah the one who'd been bringing the thing back to life. An old boyfriend or something.
He glanced back at Daisuke as he was presented with a half eaten bowel of popcorn. Brown eyes smiled at him sheepishly.
"I guess you might want some.." Daisuke said having finally realised he was eating all the popcorn and Ken had had none.
"Thanks Dai-chan." Ken smiled grabbing a handful before leaning back and watching as the lady tried to bludgon some poor hapless guy to death.
Daisuke also went back to the movies a large grin on his face as the man started freaking out over the corpse thing. He was enjoying this thing way to much. Ken wondered how his frined had gotten the movie in the first place. It had several graphic sex scenes and excessive violence.
*He must have gotten Jun to rent this because we are far below the age of thirteen. Trust Daisuke to love a movie made for older viewers.*
Suddenly Daisuke was grinning like an himself and telling Ken
to pay attention to the next part in the movie. He sighed a focused his attention back onto the rediculous movie. Four strange beings apeared on screen. Two where completely grotesque and Ken had to admit not something you'd want apearing in your room at night. The nest was a strange femine guy with a whispery voice and his throat pulled open and exposed.
*Ew but kinda neat how they did the make-up and stuff. Actually quite horrifying if I suspend my belief a little.*
Then Pinhead came on and he was certainly interesting. He did have pins or nails stuck into his head and face in a square pattern. His lines where corney but had a kind of old fashioned lilt to them and..Ken had to agree with Daisuke. For a pain/pleasure sicko with strange tastes Pinhead was cool.
He achualy started getting into the movie at this point as he started treating it less as a serious movie and more like a mistake that has it's moments. Like Pinhead and well Jack's corney line of 'Come to Daddy.' had to be laughed at. Come on a bloody body with no skin saying that. It was kinda funny. The ending just ended up being weird though.
(A/N Okay I have no clue if Ken would actually like that movie but that was generaly my opion of it even though I paid more attention to the begining. Anyone who likes bad horror movies watch it. Pinhead is cool! Right Leth? She's obsessed with Pinhead. Quote Pinhead " I have such sights to show you." or my fave.."Shall we begin?" Haha he's so cool. Ahem anyway back to the fic.)
Daisuke was grinning at the end of the movie. He loved these things more then the children of the corn movies. He looked through the bag again and picked up the next movie. He held it up so Ken could see. Ken rolled his eyes as he was the tittle. Hellraiser 2. He cocked an eybrow at Daisuke.
"They made another? Wasn't one bad enough?" He said sounding a little tired.
"No it's good! There's more of the girl and Pinhead and that perv Jack and it's cool!" Daisuke said excitedly.
He really wanted to watch the next movie. Ken looked at him wariely and sighed shaking his head.
"I don't know Daisuke. Two of these movies in one night. My brain just might melt from the strain of not thinking." He said.
Daisuke gave him a sad look, lip quivering. Ken could never say no to him when he did this. Emediatly Ken backed down. He gave Daisuke a slightly annoyed look then held out his hand fore the movie. Daisuke gave it to him with a grin. The raven haired boy got up slowly and replaced the video. He sighed again as he sat down but Daisuke didn't care. Hellraiser 2 was just as cool as the first one. He settled down to watch a grin on his face.
It was around eleven when Daisuke finally stopped the tape of hellraiser 3. Ken was curled up on the far side of the couch blinking sleepy eyes and didn't even notice that daisuke had stopped the tape. Daisuke streached yawned and glanced at his watch.
"Yikes it's late."
(A/N eleven is kinda late for an eleven or twelve year old right? I can't remember....That's when I go to bed now so...I don't know.)
Daisuke gave Ken a poke with his good foot. Ken shifted a little and Daisuke realised he was half asleep all ready. He gave Ken another poke harder this time.
"Oh Ken wakey, wakey. I think it's..(YAWN) time we went to bed right?"
Ken blinked and sat up yawning.
" sec..." He mumbled streaching then slowly getting up.
He helped Daisuke to his feet and then went to turn off all the lights while the other boy hopped over to the room. He got back to the room to see Daisuke struggling to climb the latter to the bunk bed all ready dressed. Ken frowned in confusion.
"Daisuke? Don't you want your own bed we do have an extra for guests.." He asked a little embarissed by the thought of sharing a bed with the kawaii Daisuke.
Daisuke finally managed to pull himself over and turned to blink at Ken.
"Naw, this way I can talk to you anyway. On the floor I couldn't see you. That and the floor would be hard on my ankle." Daisuke replied.
Ken shrugged and got out a pair of pajama's. He got changed and after turning off the light, climbed up after his friend. Daisuke had of course stolen his favourite pillow and was curled up in the person groove all beds have. He chose to sleep on the inside so he wouldn't fall off and snuggled under the bankets.
It was strange having someone sleeping this close to him. Especially Daisuke. The cute, adorable Daisuke who never understood fully how cute, how kawaii he was. Like now as he turned towards Ken his teeth flashing white in a smile.
"So whatcha think of the movies?" He asked.
"Well I guess the first two where okay for crappy horror movies but the third was..less then wonderful." Ken said truthfully.
Daisuke grinned.
"I liked CD head. He was so stupid it was funny. Was he supposed to be scary cuz I couldn't tell I was laughing too much." Daisuke said.
"I suppose...look why don't we go to sleep Daisuke. It maybe the long week end but I do have some school. Sorry I forgot to mention it cuz I'll have to leave you on your own tomorow." ken said quietly not wanting to talk much.
Daisuke pouted for about five seconds then changed his mind.
"All right. Good night Ken."
"Night Dai-chan."
Part one! Hehe! My first Daiken...Kensuke fic based solely on them! Tell me what you think! R&R pweese!