Hi everyone!! The long awaited story-for some people anyway- is here!! It is co-written with my friend, Sizzlin'-Starry-Night-sky!
This story is set after Haunted and before Troq.
Well, we both love reviews so send us one dedicated to me and to her! She worked on this too!
Review Please!
xStarfirexRobinxo & Sizzlin' Starry-Night-sky
"Robin!" Starfire exclaimed when she saw Robin, supporting his weight against the wall.
Robin suddenly felt a cool rush of relief when he saw her above him. "It's okay Starfire," he smiled weakly, suddenly his knees going weak and vision blurring, "..it's okay." Thankfully, Starfire caught him in her arms, preventing him from falling once more to the ground. He was beaten up enough.
As Starfire held him, she had to restrain her self from holding him tighter and not letting go. She looked upon his face seeing all of the cuts and bruises Slade had given him. She ran her hand softly against his face causing him to flinch a little. "It will be okay Robin...I promise." She flew back up to the top of the stairs, cradling him, keeping him safe from the evil that clouded his mind.
The next day:
Starfire woke up with the sun that peeked through her window. She smiled as she picked up Silkie. As she was petting him, she sighed with concern. "Oh...my bumgorf...I am worried about my dear friend Robin. Although Cyborg has assured Robin's fine, I still can't help but worry about him and how he will react later, she said while her eyes casting away elsewhere, "it hurts too much to see him hurt."
Silkie marbled a little before she set him down back on her bed. She walked over to her dresser and brushed her hair. Hopefully, Robin was feeling better and Slade wasn't back for any kind of revenge. It pained her to see him so…distant from himself, not knowing what was wrong with himself. She took in a deep breath and exhaled it as she got dressed in her normal attire and headed downstairs.
It was a pretty peaceful morning at Titans Tower. Raven was hovering behind the couch reading the latest book in her favorite mystery series while Beastboy and Cyborg battled it out in a round of sudden death of Mega Monkeys 4.
Starfire flew into the OPs room calling out melodiously, "Good Morning friends!"
"Good morning," Raven replied, her nose still buried in her book.
"Hey lil' lady," called Cyborg over his shoulder eyes set with the determination of victory.
"Heya Star-dude!" Beastboy shouted staring at Starfire worriedly.
The other Titans, including Robin who had just walked in shot him a quizzical glance. "Is everything okay friend Beatboy?" Starfire asked. "You look at me strangely. Perhaps I have another zit?" She touched her forehead self-consciencley. "That's a nasty bruise!" Beastboy cried out, pointing at her left arm.
The other Titans followed his gaze. Indeed on her arm was a large dark purple mark.
"Starfire, STOP HIM!" Robin cried through the rain.
Starfire got her self ready for attack, a natural instinct, but was puzzled soon after. No one was going near her. A bolt of lightning after, no one was there.
She looked around, eyes widened at Robin's "false" battle cry.
All of a sudden, his strong hand grabbed her left arm, keeping her right where she was. She gasped at the pain that was pulsing through her arm, feeling the bruise growing the tighter he held.
"WHAT HAPPENED?!" He cried angrily. She gasped at the strength of his hand. He had never touched her like that…never grabbed her at all.
At first she was speechless. How could she say "I did not see any villains friend Robin"? All she could do was say in a pained, voice, "…You're hurting me."
She could see Robin's face twist in frustration. "SLADE WENT RIGHT PAST YOU! HOW COULD YOU LET HIM GET AWAY?!"
She winced as he spat at her, his grip only growing stronger as he got angrier. She felt the lump of tears coming, more from him yelling at her rather than her bruised arm.
"But Robin," Starfire shook away the tears, " there was no one there."
Robin's grip loosened, his face shocked and confused.
End of Flashback
Starfire turned a brilliant shade of raspberry. "Ooh," she stammered as she stared at it, not noticing Robin wince. "Well, it was raining yesterday, and it was difficult to see and I accidentally bbanged into the corner of a building of offices." The last part of her sentence was whispered.
Wordlessly she grabbed an ice pack from the freezer, wrapped it in a towel and placed it on her wound. She gave her comrades a big smile. "It is merely a flesh wound friends. Nothing to concern yourselves with. I believe I shall go to the roof and meditate." With that being said, the Tamaranian exited.
Robin was shocked. She was willing to cover his mistakes, just like that? After what he had done last night? Forget calling Starfire a princess, she was an ANGEL. Robin chased after her vowing to make things right. Robin found Starfire on the roof. She wasn't meditating, but staring out at the ocean.
"Star..." He whispered as he sat next to her.
She gave him a small smile. "Hello Robin," She greeted, "how are you feeling?"
"Physically, I'm fine," Robin responded. He lowered his gaze to the ground. "But on the inside, I can't stop feeling so guilty." Starfire tilted her head, her signature silent gesture for showing confusion.
"Robin," she began. "Why do you feel the guilt? What had happened last night was not-"
"I know it wasn't my fault," he interjected. "But had I listened to Cyborg, and actually gotten some sleep, I would've never stumbled across that mask which contained a hallucinogen and I would've never hurt you."
Starfire placed a hand on his shoulder. "but because you DID stumble across that hallucinogen, I therefore know that you did not choose to hurt me of your own free will and I am not mad at you." Robin looked at the soft smile she gave him and at the genuine warmth in her emerald eyes.
He gently pulled the ice pack away and rubbed her arm. "I'm so sorry," he murmured. He lowered his head down and kissed her bruise. She took a quick breath, feeling tingly on the inside while his lips touched her skin...it felt so right...
"Robin, why did you kiss my arm?" She asked, even though she loved it.
"I wanted to make you feel better," Robin said while he wrapped his arms around her slim form and brushed the top of her head with his lips.
"Well...," Starfire said turning to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck, "...is there anything I can perform to make you feel better?"
Robin smiled as he leaned toward her lips. "Maybe...," Robin murmured as his lips brushed lightly against hers. Starfire smiled as she leaned in to close the space between them, but the alarm rang, ruining their moment. Both of them broke away from their embrace, disappointed. "..and that wasn't it." Robin muttered sheepishly as he got up. He extended his hand out to her and helped her up, and they both ran to the Ops. room.
At the Ops. room, Raven was at the computer typing various codes.
"Who is it this time?" Robin asked sternly, obviously mad that his and Starfire's moment was ruined because of this guy.
"We're not sure," Cyborg said, "but we got their lock." "Titans, GO!" Robin said as the titans ran out of the tower to catch their villain.
At the center of town, there was a man flying up above the buildings, shooting at various targets.
"Titans GO!" Robin exclaimed once more and the titans prepared their powers and plunged to attack. Raven flew and surrounded objects with her energy, Cyborg got his sonic canon ready and ran to the villain, and Beast Boy turned into a flying dinosaur and flew up to where the villain was.
Beast Boy swirled around the villain, trying to make him dizzy. The villain simply smiled and raised his arm with navy blue energy surrounding it. "S'catha ti lades sda hudkr." the villain cried and shot Beast Boy in his left wing, sending him spinning down to the ground, morphing him back into a human along the fall.
Starfire caught Beast Boy easily. "Are you injured?" Starfire asked him. "Star, he has your powers and he speaks a different language!" Beast Boy said curiously. Starfire looked at him puzzled. "Please, do you know if it is my language?" she asked him, flying down to place him down safely on the ground, Raven and Cyborg followed them.
"Star, what's wrong?" Robin ran over. "Beast Boy believes that this villain possesses the same powers and language as I," Starfire answered. Robin's eyes narrowed and he turned to the villain that was landing in front of them, his powers fading from his hands.
"Koriand'r huty detri okuf kiold," the villain said coolly, and crossed his arms. Starfire gasped and placed her hand on her chest. She never wanted this to happen... "No..." was the only thing that could escape from her lips that shook in fear, just like the rest of her body.
Here's chapter one! Who is attacking the city and why does he have Starfire so scared? Please Review! Send a shout out to Sizzlin-Starry-Night-sky!!
xStarfirexRobinxo & Sizzlin-Starry-Night-sky