/ Disclaimer, Don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters, for fun, not money /

WARNING: Contains Graphic Sex, Rated M for MATURE.

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Friends Getting Friendly

Chapter 7: A Quiddich Match and Much More...

"And Harry catches the Snitch, making the score 290 – 120 to Gryffindor!" Luna Lovegood said in her usual voice, her craziness being amplified around the stadium by the megaphone she was holding. "Ginny played well, I like her: she's really nice to me and…" Luna continued before a fuming McGonagall, who seemed more frustrated at having Luna commentate the Lee Jordan who she could at least tell off for his remarks, grabbed the megaphone from her hands. The Gryffindor's landed on the ground and madly ran around hugging each other shouting at the top of their voice, most of the Gryffindor team avoiding Harry and Ron, who slapped each other on the back before quickly letting go of each other as those around them started to giggle.

The Ravenclaw team landed at the other end, and headed to the changing rooms, shaking a few excited Gryffindor hands along the way. Cho walked dejectedly with the rest of her team to the changing room. They really had no chance, with Harry playing seeker for the other team, and the new addition of Ginny and Demelza to the chasers along-side Katie Bell.

Cho the only girl on the Ravenclaw team parted with her team members and headed to the girls shower area. She had been kicked around quite a lot bit Harry and the Gryffindor beaters. Cho wandered if Harry was angry because they broke up, whether he was using the fact she was a girl to his advantage, or simply he was pissed about the photos of him and Ron. Cho had confronted Hermione and Ginny about that, but they insisted they didn't do anything.

She stripped off the Quiddich robes she was wearing, and walked over to the nearest shower, pressing the button, and relaxing in the boiling hot water that spilled out from the showerhead.

Cho spent nearly thirty minutes in the shower, letting the warm water wash away her aches and pains from the match, and the mud she had somehow got on her robes despite the fact that they were flying. She was just towelling herself down when a familiar figure appeared at the doorway.

"Hey Cho" Hermione said from the doorway, eyeing the girl's body appreciatively, "Ginny and I were wandering where you'd got to, you've been in here for ages."

"Yeah, had a nice long relax, why were you and Ginny waiting for me?" She asked, grinning at Hermione's attention, and arching her back displaying her beautiful body to her bushy haired friend.

"Oh we were wandering if you wanted a bit of fun, but if you're tired or don't want to don't worry about it."

"No, sounds great, I'll just finish off here and be out in a minute," Cho said, gathering up her towel and dirty robes.

"We were thinking this would be as good a place as any, got a problem with that?" She asked. Cho shook her head dropping the items she'd been collection ready to go on the floor. Hermione left to go and see if Ginny was still outside smiling to herself at the Ravenclaw's eagerness to join in. 'This was going to be fun.'

Ginny was still outside patiently waiting for her friend, and eagerly followed Hermione inside. Ginny had been inside the girls shower area numerous times, choosing to shower there after training rather than risk Filch and Mrs Norris' wrath. She followed Hermione into the large shower-room, and smiled a greeting to Cho.

It wasn't long before the two Gryffindor's had joined Cho in her state of undress. Ginny had turned one of the showers on, and the three of them were madly running around under the jets of boiling water, giggling about the events of the Quiddich match, the picture's of Harry and Ron going out, and Harry's obvious jealousy of how beautiful Cho had become. He'd been going out with Hannah Abbott recently, and although she was pretty, she didn't compare to the three girls who were, by now, eagerly making out.

Hermione and Ginny had just piled on Cho, and were unmercifully tickling her, when the three of them heard a pair of footsteps coming towards the girl's shower. Hermione shushed the other girls, and reached over for her wand, pointing it at the door.

The three held their breath as Luna Lovegood walked into the room.

"Hey Ginny, I thought you played well today." Luna said, and started to remove her robes.

Cho looked at the other two incredulously; you don't just walk in on three hot naked girls, talk about a Quiddich game and start stripping off. "What are you doing Luna?" She asked. Hermione and Ginny nodded, climbing to their feet.

"Well, isn't it tradition for all the female members of a Quiddich game to shower together and engage in sexual activity?" She asked innocently, pulling her top over her head.

Cho, who had played Quiddich for Ravenclaw for three years, shook her head incredulously. She wandered if Luna had made it up, or someone had played a practical joke on her. "No it's not Luna, who told you that."

"I saw that you were all in here, so I assumed it must be a tradition, otherwise why would you do it. Professor Trelawney says we can learn a lot from the inner eye."

"Why would Hermione be here then? She didn't play." Ginny said grinning as Luna took off her bra revealing her small supple breasts.

"I'm a seer, not a Legimance, only she knows that. Now can someone come here and lick me, those pesky Phombats are at it again."

Ginny couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at how Luna always twisted the question to make it look like they were stupid rather than her. She had to admit to herself though Luna was decent looking. She was about as tall as Cho, and despite her small breasts she had a shapely body, and was quite beautiful. Ginny remembered her request, and moved over to the blond head.

Ginny gently lowered her to the floor, and bent her head down and ran her tongue up between her legs. Luna yelped, and wriggled, but Ginny continued.

Hermione watched the scene and felt her nipples slowly becoming more erect. Cho felt similar reaction, and grinned over at Hermione. She crawled over to Hermione and eagerly kissed her on the lips, keeping one eye on Luna who was sprawled on the floor being eagerly licked by Ginny.

Hermione could tell that Cho was tired out from the game, so contented herself with a snog here and there, and a fondle of her breasts, while enjoying the other two girls. Ginny was showing off, putting on a good show for the two watching, but Luna was screaming out, and thrusting her hips upwards every time Ginny pushed into her.

Hermione had known Luna for two years, and she had always appeared calm. She almost didn't believe what she was watching as Luna screamed out again, and spread her legs even further. Ginny appeared to be enjoying pleasuring her friend, and was contenting herself with teasing the blond, and drawing out her orgasm, despite Luna's pleading.

The two girls were really starting to turn Hermione on, if they hadn't already, and she slowly began to move her hand in a downwards direction. Cho spotted her, and grabbed her hand. "I'm not that tired; let me help you with that."

Hermione smiled her thanks and spread her legs. Cho shifted position, and moved her hand between Hermione's legs. Hermione moaned as Cho ran her hand back and forth over her clit, but refused to enter her.

An eventful five minutes later, Cho wearily climbed to her feet. "I just need a bit of fresh air." She said to Hermione who nodded, still grinning stupidly as Cho walked away, purposefully swinging her hips. Hermione watched the girl leave the room, then looked over to where Ginny was straddling Luna, grinding hips against each other. Hermione didn't remember that happening, but then again, she'd been focusing on something else during the last five minutes. She slowly crawled over to where Ginny's and Luna's intertwined bodies.

Outside, Cho drank in the fresh air, as she leant against the entrance to the changing rooms. It was getting dark, and it was hard not to notice the ground to her left that was bathed in light emitting from a nearby window. Cho let her curiosity take control of her, as she crept towards the window...


"Hey Sexy," Ron whispered to Harry, keeping his voice low so the two Gryffindor beaters wouldn't hear, "You wanna take a shower?"

"Yeah, but you'll have to cover me. We can say we went to bed early, and bribe Dean to say the same thing. Hannah's been getting really clingy ever since those photos. I keep telling her their fake, but she's all suspicious. You know she got a friend to follow me around the other day. That was the little Hufflepuff who you stunned when she got in your way the other day."

"Oh yeah, that was funny." Ron added, chuckling in a generally evil way.

Peakes noticed Harry get changed as slow as he could, and Ron casting his robe about him in a dramatic manner, and then slowly taking it off again, while muttering to each other. He grinned, and grabbed his stuff, and left the changing room, dragging Coote with him.

Harry grinned, and captured Ron's lips with his, exchanging a wet kiss, saliva dripping from their mouths to the floor. Harry lifted Ron's shirt over his head, and slowly made his way down Ron's pale body till he reached his trousers...


Cho watched in amusement as the two boys continued their activities on the changing room floor. She had heard all about Harry and Ron's exploits from Ginny and Hermione, but hadn't actually seen them like the other two had.

She was interrupted from the scene in front of her as she heard footsteps. She had had the sense to bring her cloak and wand with her, and cast a mild disillusionment charm on herself. The footsteps came nearer, and turned into the tall darkly clad figure of Severus Snape.

Cho followed him cautiously, making sure not to make a sound. Cho breathed a sigh of relief when Snape turned towards the Home team changing area, where Harry and Ron were. She was just about to go back and join the other three when she heard more voices coming from the open doorway.

"I bet their still in there. I saw Hermione and Ginny waiting outside the Ravenclaw entrance." A male voice that Cho couldn't place said.

"Who do you think they were waiting for?" This time she recognised Pavarti as she asked the question loudly.

"Well it's obviously Cho Chang. She's the only girl on the Ravenclaw team, and she's hot while the rest of the team look like trolls." This time it was Lavender's voice that Cho recognised. She saw three figured come into view, and they walked straight past her, towards the girls shower area. Cho quickly hurried after them.

In the Girls shower area, Luna was straddling Ginny, sitting on her stomach, gentle caressing her breasts, while Hermione was sprawled out between the V of her legs.

Ginny felt Luna's soft hair between her legs rub against her bare skin, as Luna shifted position on top of her. She stooped low, so their breasts touched, her blond hair providing a curtain shielding them from the rest of the world as Luna placed a delicate kiss on Ginny's lips.

Hermione looked down between Ginny's legs. Deciding that she looked ready, she slowly plunged a finger into Ginny. She felt the red head stiffen, but she continued the passionate kiss with Luna. Hermione noticed Luna had lay down so she was fully on top of Ginny, both still exchanging kisses. Hermione reached forward with her other hand, and started to massage Luna's outer walls.

Luna started to tremble again, until Ginny held her still, and moved her arms from the back of her head to around her body, hugging the blond close.

Hermione heard a sound from the doorway, and not bothering to look called out:

"Cho, want to come and give me a hand."

There was no answer, and Hermione looked up to see Lavender, Pavarti and Neville standing in the doorway. Lavender had a look of victory on her face, perfectly imitating a Hermione 'I told you so' expression. Pavarti had a look of mild shock and hunger in her eyes, whereas Neville's mouth had opened, and was watching avidly as Hermione slowly withdrew her hand from the two girls who hadn't noticed the new visitors.

"Where's Cho?" Pavarti said, causing a startled Luna and Ginny to break apart and look up to see who had spoken.

"Right here," Cho called out from behind them, and moved past the three Gryffindors standing in the doorway, slipping of her cloak as she made her way into the room, exposing her naked body to the three onlookers.


Harry lay on the floor behind Ron. Both had exhausted themselves in the first few minutes or so, and were lying next to each other talking about Quiddich, Harry gently stroking Ron's manhood.

"Well, Well, Well. What do we have here?"

Harry immediately recognised Snape's slippery voice and groaned, muttering Snape under his breath.

"Yes Mr Potter. It is Professor Snape, and you two are in big trouble. Oh how I wish Potter Senior was here to see this."

"But Sir."

"Quiet Weasel, Don't worry, your parents will get to hear of this too, I'd bet my job on it. Now who wants to go on a little trip to the headmaster's office...neither of you...well I insist." Snape was turning to the door when he noticed the two boy scrambling for their clothes. "Oh I wouldn't bother getting changed. It's quite warm outside," he sneered, and cast a spell, causing their clothes to burst into flames. "Now follow me."

As Snape led the way back out of the castle, Harry heard a noise, and turned round startled. "Sir their something in there, do you think it's from the forest?" Harry said, ignoring his hatred of Snape, and hurrying to put the Potion's master between himself and the changing rooms.

"Oh stop prancing round Potter, I'll come and investigate after I've given you to the Headmaster, I'm not missing this for anything."


Back in the girls shower area...

Cho sat down beside Hermione and beamed at her, while reaching a hand forward and placing it between Ginny and Luna, she could feel the warmth radiating out from each girl. "Well are you going to come and join in or aren't you?"

Lavender blushed, and looked across at Neville, who returned the look.

Pavarti spoke for them. "Neville and Lavender want to have some fun together, but I'll come and join you. She eagerly went over to Hermione and Cho, and joined them on the floor.

Lavender dragged Neville over, and gently pushed him onto his back. She knelt down, with one leg on either side of him, and snaking her bady forward, caught his lips with hers. Neville relaxed into the kiss, and gave Lavender an eager smile as she slowly, with his guidance, lowered herself onto him.

Pavarti had enjoyed the last few weeks with Lavender and Neville, and even though both of them insisted she still 'joined in' with them, she still felt like the outsider. She wasn't jealous of her best friend and her boyfriend, just felt a bit left out sometimes.

Pavarti had known she liked girls, even before she and Lavender began their 'experiments' last year, and the sight below her, was more than enough to turn her on. She lowered herself to the floor somewhat hesitantly, but that was brushed aside as Hermione gave her a peck on the cheek, and started to strip of her clothes.

With Cho's assistance, Pavarti was undressed in no time, and Cho didn't need much persuasion to work her way between the Gryffindor's legs, and begin to devour her sex.

Hermione, noticing the other two were happily engaged, went back to the task of pleasuring Ginny and Luna, who had grown a bit restless in her absence. She eagerly took up where she left off, giving them a bit of warning, before thrusting her hands in.

Ginny gave out a little scream as Hermione forcefully pushed into the pair of them, but a reassuring hand on her shoulder stopped her from making any further noise, and she was distracted from the slight pain and waves of pleasure as Luna kissed her passionately again, and began to tease her breasts.

She ran her hand over Ginny's smooth curves once or twice, before running her hard pink nipple between her thumb and forefinger...

On the other side of the small shower area, Lavender let out a yell and urged Neville to go faster, meeting every thrust he made upwards with one downwards. Her blond hair had come loose from its hair band, and was thrashing wildly around her face. She could feel and hear his balls slapping wildly against her skin, turning her on even more, and causing her to fasten her pace. She knew that it was going to hurt for the both of them next morning, but she cast that thought out of her mind as she involuntary found herself begin to stiffen.

Neville was still going strong, but he too felt the two of them get even closer, and, not wanting to leave Lavender unsatisfied, slowed down the pace, and changed his angle slightly, while reaching up and caressing her shapely breasts.

Neville quickened up as he felt Lavender approach her orgasm, and put his last ounce of energy into one last thrust, which had the two of them crying out, as they climaxed simultaneously...

Cho, Pavarti were laying next to each other, letting their eager hands explore each other's bodies. Cho shivered in pleasure and anticipation as Pavarti ran her hand cautiously between her legs. She quickly moved her hand, blushing in embarrassment, and Cho groaned to herself. 'What could be more embarrassing then being felt up while your naked, while your best friends lay about the place having sex with each other?'

Cho caught Pavarti hand, and placed it back over her clit. Pavarti cautiously began to run her hand around Cho's entry. Cho returned the favour, using her other hand to pleasure the other girls breasts.

Five minutes later, Cho was just about to suggest asking Hermione to join the two of them, as she had finished pleasuring Ginny and Luna, and was looking restless, and Cho wanted some help with her own 'problem' as Pavarti wasn't quite as skilled as the bushy haired witch.

Hermione jumped at the invitation, and moved over to where the two girls were laying. However, a distinctly male voice stopped her before they'd even started:

"What's going on here?" Snape said from the doorway, rubbing his hands together with glee. He looked around the room, grinning sadistically as he recognised another Weasley, not bothering to stop his roaming eyes. "Another...five, six, seven for detention," He counted as he cast his eyes around the room. "After catching Potter and Weasley I thought it couldn't get better, but I was obviously mistaken."

Snape gave another evil cackle as Neville raised his head to look at the potion's master. "Oh, aren't you a lucky boy Longbottom." Snape said sarcastically. "Got all these sluts to yourself, well I don't know how you satisfy them with that maggot... I expect all of you to get changed and be in the headmaster's office in ten minutes. Dumbledore will have to expel you all now."

Neville blushed bright red at Snape's remark, and the other's expressions varied between worry, anger and surprise. Luna just muttered something about possessed by aliens, and smelling like Plimpys under her breath, before joining the others in covering up their nude bodies. As Hermione's initial shock wore off, she smirked at the jealousy that was obvious in the professor's voice when talking to Neville. As he continued to stare at the group of students in front of him, with hunger in his eyes, Hermione looked between his legs she saw a faint shift in the black robe he always wore.

Hermione looked over to Ginny who had noticed it too. She gave the red head a small nod. Ginny grinned, and reached for a wand that lay discarded at the side of the room.

Hermione turned to face Snape, and put on as seductive face as she could: "Sir, how about a blow job..."


Does anybody actually know why playing Quiddich gets you muddy? JKR is always banging on about it in the earlier books. It's all in the air isn't it...

Snape catching Harry and Ron was an idea from BandWhore2011, including Luna in the group was from Benners, and the end is for Darkest-Fire.Blackest-Night.

Also thanks to the people who did the poll, and Look out for my Ginny/Luna fic in a couple of weeks. The number of hits stands at just over 20,000, and 38 reviews as I'm posting this, so it can't have been that bad...

Thanks to all the reviewers so far, especially: The Falling Moon, Kaitou Bloodrayne, Kibainuzu, BandWhore2011, and Lillei. Plus everyone else who reviewed.

I've re-written parts of chapter one, and will be going through the other chapters doing this to all of them. At the moment this chapter hasn't been very thoroughly checked for mistakes.

I'm writing a Ginny/Luna fic now, the first chapter should be up next week some time...

Did you like the fic? What did you like/hate? Which chapter was best? Do you like the pairing? Basically: REVIEW

Thanks for reading, hope you found it…entertaining.

Hp Legend