I'm back and alive minna! It took me a really long time to update neh? Aaaah! (ducks for cover to avoid shooting arrows) S-s-orry! (hides behind the couch) I've been experiencing some writer's block for awhile. I could only imagine short scenes and got no idea how to put them together. Ehehe. No matter how hard I want to update, fate just won't give me the right amount of mind power and brain juices. I needed a burst of inspiration! Anyway… take the chance to read ahead

Tsuchiura's POV

He was silently watching everything that has been happening from the corner of his eye.

The screams were evident so he followed the angry glares of the fan girls that were all focused in one direction. He stole a quick glance to find the two seniors, Hihara and Yunoki, asking Hino to dance. But they were not the only ones who stopped by that certain table. He noticed Shimizu who also walked up to her. He noted how she suddenly jumped up from her seat and dragged him to the dance floor.

The situation beforehand aroused his suspicions. Eyebrows quirked and eyes narrowed, Tsuchiura watched Hino and Shimizu as they danced together in front of the crowd. Then his head turned to Tsukimori who seemed to be spacing out but noticed that he snapped back to reality when the red headed violinist along with the blonde cello player started to dance. He gave off dark auras to anyone who tried to pry his attention away from the two.

I see…

Tsuchiura started to think things through.

It was plain for everyone to see that Hihara has something special for Hino. Asking her to dance with him was predictable if he mustered enough courage to ask her. Ever since the pillow incident, he has started to develop feelings for the girl. Heck, the poor guy was so obvious, blushing every time at the sight of her and stumbling at his words when he spoke to her.

Yunoki on the other hand, was something else. He was always interacting with the girls that surround him from morning 'till afternoon but to come across one and make contact is unlikely. He's not been the one to make the first move. It has always been the girls that flock over him first. And Hino of all people? Surely something is wrong. It's not unless he also has some hidden feelings behind that perfect attitude.

Now Shimizu would certainly stay awake when it's something important. Well, at least that was his impression on him. It was suspicious really. Judging by how he bolted up straight when he heard Hino's name and looked around to find her, there is a slight hint of possibility that he likes her as well.

Tsukimori, well, he's somewhat different in showing his feelings. Different meaning: (1) His stoic expression towards others but how he suddenly changed around Hino. No, not all mushy and nice-nice, for that would be unlikely of him and his pride. It was his music that slowly turned into a sound with more feeling, almost like Hino's that is full of emotion. The Ave Maria at Fuyuumi's Villa and the Fourth selection are proof of this change. His playing might as well be a love confession for the girl! How he was affected by her was something we would call the sign for his new profound feelings. (2) The kiss at the beach was left unanswered. But right now, he could see that Hino wasn't minding him at all and seems oblivious to the glares he's now giving off. Might be that the kiss was his fault seeing how Hino reacted by running away from him. Ha! It seems Mr. Ice couldn't contain his raging hormones after all.

As for him, he admits that he loves the girl. He didn't really intend on telling her that time as it will bring only confusion into her life. He didn't want that to happen. Their friendship is important but Tsukimori pushed his luck and he just couldn't contain all those emotions that swarmed over him. His tongue slipped and he ended up telling her.

The other guys might've confessed and he didn't really mind whether she chose him or not. She doesn't realize how much she's made an impact on him so he'll just love her secretly if that's the case then or until he forgets about her if that's possible just as long as she's happy.

He sighed inwardly and rested his chin on his palm.

All that is left to say is…

"A very interesting competition might take place," he thought.

Tsukimori's POV

It's not that he didn't dance. It's just he didn't want to dance! But when something red caught his eye, he immediately focused his attention at the couple going at the center to dance. Hino was obviously eye-catching with her fiery red hair and her bright orange dress that added to the glow. Shimizu was dancing with her. What? The 'sleeping' Shimizu beside him earlier? He checked the chair beside him to make sure it wasn't just his clone. Stupid thought really. Obviously, he's gone. He looked at the two figures in front of him again. He suddenly felt the urge to wrestle her out of his arms and dance with her instead.

"What's this? Is this jealousy?" Tsukimori grunted to himself.

He casually leaned back on his chair and folded his arms, trying to keep a cool expression. He continued to watch them as they danced past.

This feeling was starting to get on his nerves. He hated to admit it but, he was having growing affections for her.

Hihara's POV

He watched as the two left. He was disappointed that he wasn't able to dance with Hino first but there was something else bothering him at the moment. He looked at his best friend who was watching the pair leave as well. Why'd he suddenly take an interest in her? Is it because he liked her? He knows that it wasn't polite to intrude in one's affairs AND this is his best friend after all. He respects him. If he wanted to keep something from him he understands. That's how they work. But, more of importance, this is his most loved kouhai- KAHOKO we're talking about! He wanted to get a straight answer. If he and his best friend liked the same girl… it was just too weird.

"Yunoki," he called to him.

Yunoki's POV

He watched as they left. The scene earlier was what he wouldn't have liked. How can we describe this again? Awkward. He never felt that before. Now his best friend looked at him with unease.

"I think I know what's going to come next," he thought.

"Yunoki," his best friend called him.

He faced him with a friendly smile, "Yes?"

"I have something to ask you," he tugged on his sleeve to pull him to a corner.

(A/N: Hehe, short cut to hold the suspense… I know…. Evil…)

Back at the table

Mio looked from the two senpais to the dancing couple. She couldn't help but smile.

"Do you think it's what I think it is?" she asked still looking at the couple whilst her eyes are in dreamy state.

"Oh I know what you're talking about," Amou said evilly while glaring at the two.

"Do you think so?" Mio asked yet again, an even bigger smile plastered across her face.

"I'm right ahead of you!" she quickly grabbed a notebook and pen from her purse and started to jot down notes.

It's finally coming true!

Nao watched the exchange of words from Mio to Amou. It managed to make her sweat drop.

"Are they talking about violin romance?" she wondered and also looked at the two.

Fuyuumi hasn't said a word since Hihara and Yunoki came up to their table. She quietly observed as the scenes played before her.

(A/N: hold that thought, we're back to them again)

Yunoki and Hihara's POV

"Yunoki, do you like Kaho-chan?" He was direct to the point with the question.

Should I speak the truth? "Maybe it's only fair since I know your secret…"he stated carefully.

Yunoki looked at his best friend. Then continued, "…that you should know mine as well."

"I told you to be ready for you're not the only one…" he added.

He broke eye contact to look at the star-filled sky overhead, "…Whose attention was taken away by the red headed girl."

"Yunoki… are you saying…"

Hihara was now catching up. Unexpectedly, he smiled.

"Sigh, I guess my suspicion was right. We like the same girl huh?" he put his hands at the back of his neck and stared at the sky as well.

A very long pause followed.

"What do you plan on doing now?" Hihara asked, still looking at the stars.

"Isn't it obvious Hihara? I'll be sure to win the young princess' heart," Yunoki smiled with a glint in his eye.


Hihara looked at him.

"You're on," he said.

The two had an understanding. Each wanted to have their own happy ending which they'll fight for but FRIENDSHIP is still the keyword here. No matter who wins this match they'll accept it as their own fate, keeping in mind that this is a friendly battle between them.

"I gladly accept the challenge Hihara, but you still don't know who you're up against… it's not just me…I'm not in the position to tell you these things… I know you'll realize soon enough that the others have feelings for Kahoko as well," Yunoki thought as he gave his friend a knowing smirk.

Hino's POV

She almost fainted. Even her kouhai?


"Hai… Kaho-chan… maybe… I do love you…"

(A/N: Sorry, I'm not ready to make a ShimizuxFuyuumi just yet.)

The music ended. Shimizu released his hold and bowed.

"Thank you for the dance Kaho-senpai."

He left. She looked at his retreating figure until he disappeared into the crowd.

"Is it really true?"

She stood rooted to the spot and continued to gaze warily ahead. It was absurd how everyone suddenly acted around her and confessed their heart's content! She felt like she has landed in some fairytale with princes and balls.

"This is nuts! This is nuts! I need some air," she quickly walked out of the field to the benches up ahead.

Normal POV

Shimizu walked past the different people clad in elegant dresses and handsome black tuxedos. He reached the table shared by Tsukimori and took his cello that was leaning on it, unaware of the now deadly stares of the young man.

"Arigato Tsukimori-senpai… for watching my cello…"He bowed and disappeared to practice under the moonlight.

Mostly everyone saw Hino walk out after she danced with Shimizu- Mio, Amou, Fuyuumi, Nao, Tsukimori and Tsuchiura. After Shimizu left, they stood up at once, concerned.

When Tsuchiura saw Tsukimori take a step forward, he did too. Even though he didn't mind whether who Hino chose, he wouldn't willingly lose. If Tsukimori plans on following her out, he'll be sure to go first.

But something else caught his eye. It was Fuyuumi running to follow her senpai with two cases in hand. He noted her anxious and worried expression and the hint of determination on her face.

"I'll let her go alone," Tsuchiura thought.

Apparently the others thought the same and sat down as well.

"Fuyuumi-chan, where are you going?" Nao asked when she saw her picking up her clarinet case and Hino's violin.

"I'm… going to follow Kaho-senpai," with that she ran.

Fuyuumi left them. They were taken aback by her determined voice. She was usually shy and timid but just look at her now! There's nothing that could stop her and they decided to give her the chance. There was nothing else they could do but wait.

Holding up her dress, Hino ran up the steps. (Hehe rhymes!) She walked through the brick path, making soft tapping noises that echoed in the silence. Chinese Lanterns were hung even in this part of the school. It was the only source that lighted up the dark night and left the stars to glow in the sky. She sat down on one of the benches and buried her face in her palms.

Moment's peace.

Just then, faint clacking of heels was heard behind her. She ignored it not wanting to speak to anyone as of the moment. She felt a presence sit down beside her. An object brushed against her foot. She heard locks being opened and some clicking. Suddenly, there was music filling the air, namely from a clarinet. The tune was familiar, Romance No. 2 to be exact. It was different from how she usually plays. It wasn't stiff at all. Its soothing melody made her ears perk up a bit. It continued to flow from the instrument making her relax. When it stopped, she looked up to see her kouhai sitting beside her. Even though her face was slightly lit up from the lanterns she could see the worry written across her face.

"Kaho-senpai… could you… play something… please?" Fuyuumi's words were barely a whisper. She looked at her senpai and gently nudged the case beside her.

Obliged, Hino picked up her violin case and took out her violin. She stood up in front of Fuyuumi and played the first piece that came to mind which was… Ave Maria.

Her music was different today. It reflected her sad aura.

I should've noticed this before. Music is what feeling sounds like. "Kaho-senpai, what's bothering you?" her voice was soft.

Hino stopped in mid-playing and looked at her kouhai sadly. She sighed and went to sit beside her with the violin on her lap.

"Fuyuumi-chan, have you ever been in love?" Hino asked.

Fuyuumi was silent for awhile.

"With my clarinet…" Fuyuumi replied.

Hino looked at her then to her violin. She gazed at it fondly and smiled a bit. She does love her violin and the music they made together. Love & music… These two things seem to revolve around her world. Music led her to love. Cheesy it may seem but it was true. She stroked the golden string with the tip of her index finger affectionately.

"Fuyuumi-chan if you were to pick between Shimizu-kun, Tsukimori-kun, Tsuchiura-kun, Yunoki-senpai and Hihara-senpai, who would you pick?" Hino released the question that was bugging her ever since.


Awkward pause.

"G-gomene… It's unfair of me to ask you this since… I don't have an answer as well," she said sullenly.

Fuyuumi gave her a questioning look. Hino sighed again.


"I… don't know what to do Fuyuumi-chan!" she burst out.

Fuyuumi backed off a bit and stared wide eyed almost comically at her senpai. Hino continued to speak 'more to herself' as she explained her current situation with the concour participants with her arms flailing around all over the place.

"Who should I pick?! I mean, I can't leave them hanging forever! And if I did… They'd end up getting hurt! I don't like that!" she stopped and took her time to breathe.

"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. That's what Victor Hugo said…" Fuyuumi started, a little doubtful if she should continue.

When she saw Hino snap her gaze to her, she knew that she had her full attention.

"Kaho-senpai, what if you try listening to your heart just the same as how you listen to music," her voice was slowly shrinking and her shyness enveloped her once again.

"Listen to my heart… Just like how I listen to music…" she repeated.

It took a while to sink in.




PANG! Then it hit her. Love and music! Her kouhai was right. The signs were scattered all over the place. How come she didn't notice this before? Her heart beat faster at the realization. Now she knows.

Hino carefully placed her violin aside to hug Fuyuumi.

"Arigato Fuyuumi-chan," she whispered in her ear.

Fuyuumi then stood up abruptly and bowed to excuse herself. She turned her heels and walked back to the dance. Hino stood up as well but she wasn't ready to leave yet. She gathered up her violin and bow and started to struck the strings. Her music was now filled with a new feeling… of Love.

"Listen to my heart just like how I listen to music… Love & Music… I can see they're not so different from each other… You're not so bad of an advice giver Fuyuumi-chan."

The thought made her smile. And different other scenes from previous encounters entered her mind, making her smile more.


"oi! Where's Hino-chan and Fuyuumi-chan?!" Kanazawa barked at the four males present at the time.

"I'll go and get them sensei!" Tsuchiura and Hihara said at the same time.

They looked at each other for a moment then looked back at their teacher to wait for his answer.

"No…" he mused. An unnoticeable smirk graced his lips.

"Tsukimori! You go," came their teacher's reply.

"Tch… How troublesome…"was his nonchalant reply.

His words seem to say 'It's their fault for being late anyway' but deep inside him is a different matter. He was a bit uneasy as to how 'she' would welcome him.

"Now, now Tsukimori-kun, it's only fair since you came here last when all of you were called. Besides, aren't you going to play a duet with Hino-chan? She's your responsibility," his smirk was now unmistakable.

He shook his head in defeat and left the gang, receiving different kinds of stares from them. He bumped into Fuyuumi on his way. He was relieved that half of his task was done when he saw her.

"Fuyuumi-chan? Have you seen Hino?" he asked her.

"S-She's up ahead by the benches," she replied shyly and was unable to look at him in the eye for she knows his almost 'confession'.

"Thank you," Tsukimori replied before he took the stairs.

Fuyuumi excused herself again so she can head for the waiting teacher near the stage.

He continued to walk through the brick road just like what Hino did earlier. He looked around for any sign of her until he stopped when he heard a familiar music. He didn't know if he was imagining it but when he spotted Hino, a pinkish light emanated from the violin and wrapped itself around her. To add to the effect, a slight breeze ruffled her hair and dress and blew it sideways. She was looking serene as she played Ave Maria.

Seeing that she was in concentration with her playing, Tsukimori decided not to disturb her. He's got manners to know well enough not to interrupt someone when they're practicing so he just sat down on one of the benches across her and listened.

When she finally opened her eyes in time with the end of the music, she was surprised to see Tsukimori sitting on the bench with his eyes closed and arms folded across his chest. He opened his eyes and she stared at him.


"Hino… the program is about to start… everybody is waiting for you down there," Tsukimori replied as he stood up from his position.

"H-hai… Arigato T-Tsukimori-kin for calling me," she stuttered.

"Kanazawa-sensei asked me to do it anyway," he said.


She put back her violin in its case. Unexpectedly, Tsukimori touched her hand. She looked at him but he was looking away. She could only see the back of his head when he spoke to her.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," he said.

He felt the warmth of her hand when she placed her hand on his. He now felt the courage to face her and found her smiling at him.

"It's alright Tsukimori-kun."

They walked back silently to the field. Tsukimori was four or five steps away from Hino.

"I guess you would've guessed by now…" Tsukimori started when his foot reached the last step of the stairs.

"Hm?" she turned to his back view.

"You would've guessed by now that I like you," he said not too loudly but enough for her to hear. His voice remained stoic as usual.

"Pretty much," Hino replied, almost giggling.

They entered the flowered arch and went over to the other participants. They all looked at her with admiration and tender love. She smiled uncertainly and was a bit doubtful about her decision. The show is about to start.

The show meant much more than you think.

(end of chapter)

Oh my, would you look at those votes. hey, how come no one's voting for Hihara or Keiichi?

haha. alright! Do you think there's OOCness with the cast? I always wanted Fuyuumi to be able to do something big here so I put it too full extent. Her little sister role really shone in this chapter. And I also noticed some of you wanting more LenxKaho moments so I gave it a shot. It was just for a short while though but I thought it was cute.

The next chapter may be the last or... I'm not sure though.. maybe the next, next? would you like the next chapter to be the last?

I've got some surprise for you readers in Chapter 14 anyways.

Oh yeah, I'm open for comments and suggestions ok? So, don't forget to push that button that says 'GO'

Love you guys!!

Special thanks to...

aviane13, kae1523mae, aceanimefreak26098, danianime, HarMony&MelodY, The Last Vampire 1982, kalen1, mintjujubes, strawberrybubble, twinklet31, pianogirl15, cherryblossom429, IceDollSayaka, cute0anime0addict, ILoveYuffietine2719, CheRRyBLoSSoms2904, jaja d, idioticsmile, shhhitzmwah, Serena of the Moon, Cherisetst, mibeaivy9, Judy107, PurpleBlackGoth, shiroyuki-hime, '-MiNi-RAi-' & Pathetic Rainbow

Thanks for the wonderful reviews. It made me want to write more (: