A/N: Here's my shot for a Twilight/HP crossover. Forgive me if my writing isn't really that good since I'm not much of a writer – more a reader. Any constructive criticism will be helpful and much appreciated!
Anyways, the first chapter starts with the wedding of Edward and Bella. I'm not sure about the whole wedding format (like what who's suppose to say) so bare with me here.
Also, excuse the grammar and spelling. I'll revise and edit tomorrow since I'm dead on my feet right now. (pun intended)
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters/settings from the twilight series or from HP...sorry , that means I can't you sell you souvenirs (and that goes for all chapters!)
Chapter One: Night Light
The guests were all seating in columns of metal folding chairs on the lawn, the trees deep into the woods were strung with paper lanterns, the lights in them blinking in a regular set pattern seem to complement with the stars. It may be weird to have such a ceremony at 9pm in the night, but as a new moon shone above to the people present below, it gave the special night and people a glow that was perfect for the setting.
In the front row seated the Cullen's family. Alice tightly clasping Jasper's hand, Carlisle and Esme sitting side by side, and Rosalie gazing at the man standing before the soon to be married couple with a loving expressing she usually only reserves for the mirror.
Behind them were a scatter of close friends of the family that were all trying to not shift nervously in their seats at the guests hidden deep within the shadows of the trees. Jacob Black, the new leader of the werewolf pack and his commander in chief, Sam, stood side by side flanked by Embry, Quil, and Seth, their thoughts traveling throughout their adjoined minds.
But back at the front of the ceremony, the feelings were a bit different.
Edward looked at his soon to be wife lovingly. Even though the wedding dress was a bit antique for the time period, it made his bride, Isabella Swan, even more pretty. Scratch that, it made her breathtaking and so ever more stunning that he held his breath in awe- not that it would matter anyways, Edward Cullen was a vampire and he didn't need to breathe much anyway.
Shaking himself out of the daze, he turned towards the Emmett, the minister for the ceremony, who stood in front of the bride and groom. Edward and rolled his golden eyes in annoyance as soon Emmett's thoughts hit his mind. While Emmett was saying the standard wedding procedure with his mouth but his mind and eyes lingered on Rosalie and in Edward's mind, he could clearly see the exploits Emmett had with the girl clearly as if it was broadcasted on a projector.
That was something he didn't want to see on his wedding day.
Emmett seemed to catch his favorite brother's eye roll and the private scene was pushed out as he shrugged apologetically at the mind reading vampire across from him. Edward just sighed in annoyance that was responded by a soft squeeze by Bella who had taken his hand. Her face shone the message of happiness and love even though her mind was completely hidden from the vampire's view.
"Isabella Marie Sw-"
"It's Bella." Came the soft but defiant reply from the bride. Ever since Alice, Edward's adopted sister had pushed Bella into helping her make the wedding plans, the girl had become more and more confident after meeting with the people on the long list of invites that Alice had sent out.
"Sorry, just trying to be formal here," Emmett grinned and winked good naturally, "Bella Marie Swan, do you take Edward Cullen as your husband?"
"I-I do." Came the stammered reply. Bella winced at her answer and mouthed 'Sorry' to the vampire groom and her fiancé softly squeezed his hand back as reassurance.
"Edward Cullen, do you take Isa- sorry, I meant Bella MarieSwan as your wife?"
His reply was cut off as a blinding flash appeared in the middle of the field, making the vampires around jumped up in a reason they could all smell and the wolves' growled in warning. In the center of the light as it started to fade away the viewers could see a man that clearly was not horizontally challenged hunched over a boy that seemed to be curled up in vain for protection. But with the amount of blood oozing out from the lashes and open whip marks on the back, it seemed evident that with the continued seemly nonstopable swing of the fat pudgy arm of the adult and the still form of the teen, that had not realized where they were at the present.
Meanwhile, all the vampires present seem to have no difficulty zoning in at the blood dripping from the open cuts. Their eyes following every drip of the blood and some of their eyes seemed to flash a shade of pink now and then.
Then everything happened at once. About half a dozen of the pale red-eyed guests shot forward in a frenzied blur towards the two people, knocking the fat man aside in a single rush of their anxiety to get to the delicious food that seemed to have delivered itself straight to them like how one orders pizza.
Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, and Emmet – who had abandoned his post – spirited with inhuman speed at the group of vampires. Carlisle had two pinned under the disfigured folding chair, Rosalie had one hooked up with her seemly delicate hand, Emmett had two held in a vice grip, Esme had who locked under one her knee, while Alice firmly retained Jasper from twisting away from her grip.
The werewolves stood barely 10 feet away from the group but no one paid attention to them. "Edward, hold these two, I need to go see who is that." Came the adopted father's calm voice, his 'power' already stilling the two vampires under him.
Edward dropped Bella's hand and like a blur, Carlisle's weight on the crumpled chair was transferred to the younger vampire. "Everyone, please go to our house right now. Jasper, if you can control yourself now, take the two from Edward and bring them there too. Alice you should go find some animals for the 6 to quench their thirst," Finally the elder vampire turned towards Edward, "Edward, I need you to stay here with me-"
"I need to take Bella to safety." Came the firm reply
"I need you to translate the thoughts of the boy there, Alice can take Bella back safely and bring my medical tools back without a problem. You know how fast she is." Carlisle said calmly while piercing his eyes at the golden ones.
"Bella stays then."
Carlisle gave a defeated sigh and motioned to Edward, "Bella, dear, stay there and don't move." With that, he held his breath to stop the urge the blood was telling him and crouched over the teen. "Edward, come-on, I need your help."
Edward crouched beside his 400 some year old father and murmured, "He's in a lot of pain." He said tightly and flinched as he gazed at the boy, "It's…I can't explain it, it's so much…" The vampire trailed off, his normally perfect and smooth face seemed to turn a bit green.
Carlisle took the medical equipment Alice had handed him from the dash from the house and wiped the blood off the boy's back awkwardly after taking of the shredded too big size shirt and rubbed it with medicine that normally would have caused one to flinch as it rubbed on the open cuts.
"Is h-he al-live?" Bella stammered making the trio of vampires around the wounded human glance up in a start. All of them have been so absorbed in the blur of Carlisle's hands as he stitched the boy up without batting an eye that they had seemly forgotten the police's daughter's presence. All of them turned back to the boy and Alice tugged on Bella's wedding dress that seemed to have loss it's glow.
"I'll take her back to the house, if you need any help, the wolves are still around." Alice said while sweeping Bella right off her feet – a feat that may seem impossible if Alice was just a regular human being.
Carlisle too absorbed in his task didn't reply while Edward muttered a half-hearted, "Go ahead." His golden eyes still fixed on the teen's beaten face and half hidden lighting shaped scar.
"Bu-but Edward!" Bella shouted half confused half terrified as Alice carried her away. Her fiancé always had his full attention and love towards her and her only. Why did his tone seem so indifferent and uncaring?
A/N: So…is it okay so far? Yes? No? If anyone likes it, I'll try to have regular updates. Not sure if there should be a paring for Harry. Vote? What do you want to see? Open to all suggestions. Even Edward/Harry ;) I could easily get rid of Bella.