Author Note: This is it, the very last (and very short) chapter... a.k.a. the epilogue. I was seriously considering being horribly sadisitc and killing one of them... But I decided to be nice instead.
Dedication: To none other than Roxas-Has-A-Stick, for following and loving this story almost as much as I do.
Summary: Zexion knows that Demyx is a danger to himself, but that doesn't mean he wants to watch him fall to pieces.
Pairings: Zemyx
Suggested Listening: The Reason - Hobostank
Disclaimer: Sadly, even though I have loved and cherished this little thing... I dun own it. Buggerdamn.
The Way You Fall
I walk up to the front door of our apartment, unlocking it and entering. I dump my bag on the floor and inhale the scent. Demyx. I should be used to it by now, unable to smell it. But I still do. I love this time of the day. Just me and Demyx's scent.
I smile as I looked around the spotless flat. I never would have guessed Demyx was a clean freak, but he is. Not the obsessive kind of freak who bursts into tears at the smallest speck of dirt, but the kind of person who will quite happily mop the floors and pick up all the junk I leave lying around.
Good thing one of us is tidy...
It's raining outside, so I start gathering my stuff and put it by the window. No doubt that Demyx will come dancing along the street, and I want to see it. Books, pens, paper, laptop; I seem to have almost everything I need. Except snacks. Gotta have snacks. The kitchen lounge and dinning room are open plan, the only thing separating the kitchen form the rest of the room is a floating breakfast bar. Floating as in not connected to a wall or other cabinets, not floating in the air... That would just be weird.
As I walk over, I realise that something's not quite right. There's something on the breakfast bar. It doesn't make sense for there to be one thing there when everything else is spotless. So, of course, I have to go and look. It's a white envelope.
I open the envelope, I guess I'm allowed to, seeing as it has my name on the front.
I can easily remember the day you first met me. I thought you were a stuck up idiot who was far too nosy
for his own good. You following me home only cemented that in my mind. But you stuck by me. You didn't
care that I was shittier than the hat dude. That, Zexi, was the best thing that ever happened to me. And
then, that day when you followed me outside and actually acted like you cared... That was amazing. Even
when I got grumpy with you, you still acted the same. I loved it.
I was so sad back then, you were my only way of smiling. I was so freaking depressed. And writing this,
revisiting that time in my mind... It's hard feeling that way again. But I'll be fine. Cos as soon as I'm finished,
I'll leave this on the breakfast bar for you to read. And thinking of that makes me think of you, and you
make me smile.
What I really, truly want to say... Is thank you. I've said it a hundred times before, but never said exactly what for.
Thank you Zexion, for saving me, helping me, loving me, giving me someone to love. I know it was hard on
you... Really hard, and I guess my, er, 'relapse' a coupla years back must have been horrible. But that wont
happen again. Because I will never, ever hurt you. I wont scare you or worry you, I wont make you fuss. I'll
be my own person, strong, independent... But totally yours... Of course.
I just want you to know that you're the first and last things I think of each day. And every time I dance in
the rain, or smile and feel good, I remember that you're to thank.
So thank you baby and remember... I 'don't love you' either.
P.S. We're having roast chicken for tea tonight, so if you're going to cook yourself a snack, make sure the
oven's empty by the time I get home.
End Notes: It was fluffy, short and... -sobs- IT'S OVER! TT.TT
I am really, really quite sad about it. But also really proud of myself, that was the first big thing that I've finished (TPOS dun count, that was midget).
It's almost as though we have this little community here at TWYF, and I'll be sad to leave. But, hopefully, this story will live on in... Oh gods, I sound cheesy.
Thank you so much to all you guys who reviewed, and if you've been reading, but haven't reviewed, a little review right here at the ned, telling me what you thought would be fantastic.
I love you all!