"M-Mr. Gavin, you have a visitor!"

The blonde man seated in the large violet chair sighed as he gently placed the book he was reading on the mahogany stand in front of him.

"Mr. DeLite," Kristoph began, watching the red-haired security guard from the corner of his eye. "I believe I have mentioned countless times that I do not wish to speak to any minister attempting to 'save my soul'. I'm not terribly fond of religion, you see."

"This man isn't a priest. At least, I don't think he is. Then again, maybe not all religious officials look the same. I mean after all, times are changing and you always hear on the news how people dress differently than they should and maybe this guy was one of them, but…." The security guard began to trail off, tilting his head to the side and biting his lip. Then, as if catching himself in the act, the guard stood up straighter and stopped his train of thought. "But, umm, anyway, this person really wants to see you and I don't think he'll take no for an answer…so, could you come with me…please?"

Kristoph sighed as his eyes trailed up towards the small window near the top of his cell. Rays of sunlight escaped through the bars, lightly illuminating the towering bookshelf. Picking up the copy of Paradise Lost he set aside earlier, Kristoph made his way towards the shelf and gently placed the book back in its original position.

"Well, I suppose we shouldn't keep this mysterious guest waiting." Kristoph gave the security guard a smile, although he already had a feeling he knew who this unknown "guest" was. After the initial shock, the guard quickly nodded and unlocked the metal gate. After that fateful trial, Mr. Gavin was never cooperative when it came to leaving his cell. If Ron DeLite didn't know any better, he would have said that Mr. Gavin considered the small room some kind of sanctuary.

Mr. DeLite gulped as he led Kristoph past the cells of various inmates towards the visitor's room. Along with being a murderer, Kristoph Gavin was also officially deemed criminally insane by a number of psychologists. As the only guard leading an extremely dangerous and mentally unstable man down the corridors, Mr. DeLite hardly felt at ease. Giving a quick glance behind him, Ron was surprised to see Kristoph staring melancholically at the direction from which they came.

"Mr. DeLite," Kristoph began. Ron gave a small jump and quickly turned to look in front of him.

"Umm, yes?"

"This little visit will not take long, will it? I really must get back to my room. It's been a while since I've ventured outside, and I suppose I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable." Although Kristoph was speaking in the same melodious, almost hypnotic, tone he always used, there was a slight edge in his voice that was not present before.

Ron gave another gulp as he tried to search for the right words. The absolute last thing Ron wanted was to upset a man confirmed to be mentally insane. Although Mr. Gavin was always polite and courteous towards him, there was always a possibility that one day he would just snap.

And after seeing that video of him in court, Ron thought, giving another glance to the man behind him, I can't really be blamed for feeling uncomfortable around him. Even if Dessie told me there was nothing to worry about…

"It really shouldn't be that long, Mr. Gavin. Unless he has something really important to say, which could go on for a while, but I really don't think…" Ron trailed off, biting his lip. Luckily for him, the door to the visitor's room came in view and Ron let out a small sigh of relief.

"Well, I believe this is where we part ways. It was a pleasure speaking to you, Mr. DeLite." Kristoph gave Ron a warm smile, which was more unnerving than relaxing.

"Umm, same here." Not really… "I'll be back in ten minutes I guess, unless it goes longer….then I'm not exactly sure when I'll come back…" Ron mumbled. As he turned to leave, Ron's eyes accidently locked with Kristoph's. The security guard quickly let out a small gasp, before quickly turning around and scurrying down the hallway. As he left, Ron felt Kristoph's piercing gaze watching him until he turned the corner.

Ron stopped momentarily to catch his breath. Ron DeLite, you went undercover as a phantom thief who stole priceless artifacts and never was caught. You can't let some prisoner scare you. You're the one who's supposed to be in charge. Ron could hear Desiree's voice like she was right there with him.

But those eyes…

Ron shivered. He saw something like that once before, seven years ago, in a man he hated to think about.

Those eyes…they were the eyes of a madman. They had this gleam of insanity in them, I know they did. I can't just be imagining it…

Ron shivered again, giving a deep breath. Whatever he saw, it was over now. Until, of course, I have to see him again…why did I even take this job in the first place? Me and my decisions…

With a sigh, Ron DeLite went about his way, trying to push thoughts of demons with angelic voices and angels with demonic eyes behind him.


After waiting to make sure the footsteps of the pitiful security guard could not be heard, Kristoph Gavin let out a small chuckle. Every staff member in the whole building was an idiot.

Kristoph put his smooth hands on the metallic doorknob, hesitating to pull it open. This whole thing would probably end up being a complete waste of time, but the sooner he could get this conversation over with, the sooner he could return to his room. If the person waiting for him was who he thought it was, then that security guard would come knocking on his bars, telling him of a visitor, for every day Kristoph did not meet with him.

How tedious…

Kristoph Gavin let out a small sigh before turning the knob.