Chapter 60:Ending...I Promise

Disclaimer:I do not own Naruto or any of it's characters.

Speaking "blah blah"

Thinking 'blah blah'

Inner Sakura 'blah blah'


When they arrived the beach there still wasn't a sunset so they decided to walk around the beach.

They took off their shoes and walked around hand in hand.

"That was a nice dinner"said Sakura.

"Yeah"said Sasuke.

"We should go there again sometime.Their food is delicious!"said Sakura.

"Okay, whenever you want to go again we can go"said Sasuke.

"Really?But it's a bit far from where we're staying at and you will waste gas and have to keep paying and gas prices are high these days"said Sakura.

"Don't worry about that, I'll do anything for you, anything to make you happy"said Sasuke.

Sakura smiled and looked at the flowing water.

"Why?"asked Sakura.

"Huh?Why what?"asked Sasuke confused.

"Why do you do all of this for me?Why do you love me?"asked Sakura as she looked at him.

"I do all of this because I love you and I'm happy when you're happy.I love you because your perfect,your everything I wanted and more.You gave me the happiness I wanted so long but, never had.You complete me,you make me feel something that I've never felt before and I like this feeling.And your the only one who can make me feel this way,your the only one who can make me do all of these things.Without you I would be nothing,I wont ever love another girl.Your the only one I want.Your my everything"said Sasuke.

Sakura had tears in her eyes.

"Sasuke, don't make me your everything because if I'm gone, you'll be left with nothing"said Sakura.

"No, you wont ever be gone.You promised to stay by my side and I will stay by yours."said Sasuke.

"I just don't want to end up hurting you.I love you so much and your the only one who actually showed me that you truly care about me"said Sakura.

"You wont hurt me, the only way you'll hurt me is if you leave me."said Sasuke.

He was now holding Sakura from her shoulders and looking her in the eyes.

"I wont ever leave you Sasuke.Look(she pulled out a locket from beneath her shirt) remember?This was the first time you said you would always be here for me"Said Sakura.

"yeah, i remember, I gave you that for Christmas.I liked you at that time but, I never told you"Said Sasuke.

"I'm glad we're together.I didn't think you would ever want to be with me"said Sakura.

"Why wouldn't I want to be with you?"asked Sasuke.

They started to walk towards the water their hands held together.

"Well, many people say my hair is weird because it's pink"said Sakura.

"Your pink hair doesn't even look bad I don't even know how you pulled it off because I never thought that anyone looked good in pink hair until i met you.Your pink hair makes you unique anyway"said Sasuke.

"Well, many people say I have anger problems, which I still don't understand because that surely isn't true"said Sakura.

"It is true, but, I can deal with it, it isn't so bad anyway"said Sasuke.

"Hmm some people think it's weird to have emerald colored eyes"said Sakura.

"You gotta be kidding me?I'm starting to think that these people are just jealous because your eyes are beautiful.You can easily get lost in them and they sparkle"said Sasuke.

"Thanks and uh um like Ino, some people say I have a huge forehead"said Sakura while looking down.

'She was teased about that in the past.It probably brings back awful memories.It doesn't even look big to me.She probably grew into it or something'thought Sasuke.

"Your forehead isn't even big,if it was big in the past you grew into it or something because it isn't big and even if it was I wouldn't care"said Sasuke.

"Oh um then I guess I'm not sure anymore of why you might not like me"said Sakura.

"I had no doubt that you like me I mean come on,everyone does"said Sasuke with a smirk.

She playfully pushed him.

"Still so cocky"said Sakura.

Sasuke chuckled a bit.

"Na, actually I wasn't so sure you would like me because well, i thought you still liked Gaara and that you were starting to like Sai"said Sasuke.

"No wonder you never liked Sai!"said Sakura.

"Yeah, that and the fact that all he likes to do is sleep with girls but, you don't listen to me and you still hang around with him!"said Sasuke.

"He isn't such a bad person once you get to know him"said Sakura as she gave him a peck on the lips.

"He isn't such a good person either"muttered Sasuke.

Sakura just rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, I also had some doubt because well, I wasn't exactly what you call nice and social and like I said I was a bit cold"said Sasuke.

"A bit?"asked Sakura.

"Okay I was cold"said Sasuke.

"Yeah you were but, you had good looks and you weren't always such a bastard and I saw that you cared for me even if it was a little bit"said Sakura.

"Well, things turned out for the best and I'm glad.You changed my life and I'm sure you changed something in everyone's life, which I don't know what they are doing at home right this moment and nor do I care, I only care about the time that I am finally getting to spend alone with you"said Sasuke.

She smiled at his words.

"I'm glad I moved here, this year was so interesting"said Sakura.

"yeah it's good we were in the same high school otherwise we never would have met"said Sasuke.

"Yeah, high school sure is full of drama, it makes your life so much more interesting even though all the teachers bore you"said Sakura.

"Yeah and this was the best high school year."said Sasuke.

"Yeah my other High School was just chaos and nothing more"said Sakura.

"We're going to graduate next year.Have you made any plans yet?"asked Sasuke.

"Um no, I will start um in September when school starts"said Sakura.

"Oh"said Sasuke.

"Oh Sasuke look at the sunset!"said Sakura as she pointed at the sunset over the ocean.

Sasuke turned to look at it.

He looked at Sakura and he could tell that she was happy.

He wnet behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Isn't it beautiful?"asked Sakura.

"Yeah, I got to admit, it is a pretty sight but,your even prettier, your beautiful"said Sasuke.

Sakura smiled, they both watched the sunset.

Sasuke turned her around and gently put his lips over hers.

They were both relaxed and enjoyed seeing the view and then they started to kiss, it was a very passionate kiss.

All of their feelings were expressed in that just one kiss.

When they pulled apart they smiled at each other and then continued looking out at the sunset.

"Sasuke?"asked Sakura.

"Yeah?"asked Sasuke.

"Promise me that you'll always be here for me, you'll always stay by my side and that you'll always love me as much as I love you.That no matter what happens, we will always stay together to the end of time"said Sakura.

He looked into her emerald orbs and she looked into his onyx orbs.

"I promise that I will always be there for you Sakura,I will always be right their by your side,I'll always love you,and no matter what happens we will always be together and stay together.I promise you,I will always love you even if you stop loving me, I will always love you"said Sasuke.

Sakura smiled at him.

"I will never stop loving you Sasuke, I love you too much to stop.I'm glad to be with you.Your the best thing that ever happened in my life and I promise that I will never let you go"said Sakura.

"That's good to hear Sakura because, I promise to be that right guy for you, and the one you want to spend your life with.Just don't leave my side, I know I will never leave yours,I will always be here for you til the ed of time"said Sasuke.

They smiled warmly at each other and their lips met once again.

They promised to stay their for each other...would they have met if they didn't go to the same High school?

High School can change your life in some ways, High School Makes your life So interesting. ;)


A/N:That's the end.I hope you liked it.Thank you too all who reviewed.I would like to give a special thanks to those who reviewed nearly every chapter:







Mezumi Azuma



all hearts are dark and cold

sakura's twin954


Mitsuki Sakura Uchiha


Romance is Me


SasuSakuFan Jo-chan




sakura's twin954



AKITO. At The Disco










There might be more but, yeah special thanx to all of those above and thank u to everyone who reviewed!!I HOPE U ENJOYED THE STORY!!Sorry that I ended it :(

Anyway next I already started I want that gang leader to be MY girl!

You dnt have to read it if you don't like the summary but yeah most people did so, please read and review that story :)!!Thank you to all and all of those who reviewed!!

Talk to you next time!! :)