This is the start of a new story that I'm very excited about. It is based loosely off of the novel The Delivery Man which came highly recommended to me by Davis (BrookenLucas12). It is completely AU, which I've never done before.

There will be some intense language and drug and sexual references. You are forewarned.


The radio is blaring loudly as the air conditioner thuds and blows frigid air through the Porsche. "We're in for another scorcher here in Los Angeles today. Highs in the low to mid-90s. Remember to keep hydrated." Keeping hydrated wasn't a problem when there's a stash of Red Bull in the backseat that never runs out. It keeps him hydrated and awake, perfect for when he's driving at insane hours.

Lucas Scott is a driver. His old friend Christina begged him to take the job when they both moved to LA proper and she started her "business". Lucas and Christina met when they were fifteen, him a scrawny, acne-ridden boy and Christina, a 5'9, 115 pound blonde vision who had gotten boobs that year and was thus the new hottest thing at their Pasadena prep school.

His phone rings in his pants pocket and while clutching the steering wheel with his left hand, he grabs his phone with his right and flips it open, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" he asks the caller.

A female voice clears her throat and says, "Lucas."

It's Christina. Lucas can tell easily. "What is it, babe?" he asks.

"I just got a call. 85 Westwind Drive, 9AM", Christina says directly, "Take her to Glendale. She knows the address."

Lucas Scott is a driver. But he doesn't drive celebrities or dignitaries. He doesn't even drive fat tourists. He drives girls. Call girls. Girls willing to do anything for free booze and maybe a little coke if the johns really liked them. They were usually younger than Lucas, a handsome man of 21. Clients liked girls young these days and there was never a shortage of LA girls ready to jump in a stranger's bed for a few hundred dollars and a good high.

It was 8:30 by now and as he takes in the sights and sounds of morning Los Angeles, he turns the radio off and heads out of the city and into the mountains. Westwind Drive is a suburban street, filled with families who couldn't stand the city anymore. The girl he was about to pick up was probably from a good home, went to a good school, but was just itching to rebel. The sun beats down on the car and Lucas has to squint to see anything. He flips the visor down but it's no help.

He continues driving, pushing 80 miles an hour up hills, then down hills. Lucas turns onto Westwind Drive, finding house number 85 quickly. He's early so he keeps the engine idling and looks around the street.

Picking up jailbait girls and taking them to "appointments" was not the life he intended to lead. After driving Christina around a few times at the beginning, she began handing him wads of cash and sashaying away before he could give the money back. He refused to get involved at first, but as Christina kept reminding him, he needed the money. Desperately.

Lucas turns off the engine and looks towards the house. He can see into their dining room where the family is sitting together and eating breakfast. He spots the girl he's supposed to pick up, sitting happily and talking. She stands up at the table and leans over to kiss her father on the cheek. She lingers there for a moment and Lucas imagines her saying something about having to go to a friend's house, but don't wait up because we're working on a science project and it's going to take forever.

The teenager disappears from Lucas' view for a moment but then reappears at the front door. She swings a red Jansport backpack over her shoulder and skips out of her house. Lucas can see her clearly now. Medium height. Thin, but not too thin. She has dark brown hair, gleaming reddish in the sun. It flows straight over her shoulders and she tucks a piece behind her ear as she walks down the driveway.

She's wearing denim cut-offs that fray at the edges. The short shorts highlight her long, lean legs. She's wearing a white tank top with a neckline so low that Lucas can see the tops of her freckled breasts. Lucas never feels anything for the girls he drove around but he could tell already that there was something different about this girl.

She gets to the car and leans forward to open the door, her top falling forward to reveal more of her chest. She pulls the door open and bends to get in and sit down. Lucas smiles at her and she giggles and smiles back. He can see now that she has dimples etched deeply into her cheeks.

"You must be my driver", she says coyly, her voice low and raspy.

Lucas quickly becomes aware of the pressure building in his pants. Yes, this girl was very different.

He nods at the girl, trying to ignore the immediate attraction, "Yeah, I'm Lucas", he says, faking nonchalance badly.

The teenager notices the tension and smiles again. She reaches out her hand and Lucas nervously shakes it. "I'm Brooke."


I know it's short, but it's just a start to set up the scene and to begin to explore the characters and story. Please review and let me know what you think!