The promised sequel to Baby, I need you (previously untitled suggestions welcome) btw for return readers it was equal between My Heart's Desire and Baby, I need you. I went for the baby one as that way I could use both (could use My Heart's Desire for another one) it helps if that has been read first, but isn't wholly necessary, just the last 2 or 3 chapters need to be read.
Summary: Sequel to Baby, I need you. Another addition to the family, the wedding and discovery about what Ecklie was thinking and planning.
Not much else I can think of to say really, don't really know where it's going to go yet. We can find out together.
Fessing Up: Don't own any of the CSI's or lab techs or Brass etc. They all belong to other people (damn them) and I won't own them by next chapter either, but not gonna tell you every time. If part way through I end up owning them I will let you know. Until then, this fanfic is MINE but that's about it.
Please help me with the title again. I really suck at titles. I NEED help on them.
Please review so I can get an idea of where you think I should go and so I know whether to carry on. P x
Sara looked at Grissom, her eyes almost pleading, she didn't dare voice what her eyes were saying as she knew he would give in. She wanted to go back to work, her maternity leave was up and she was ready. She just wasn't ready to leave her babies alone. She knew they would be in perfectly safe hands with the nanny her and Grissom had hired to look after them. She still didn't want to leave them.
She had meant to go back the month before (when her 6 months was up) but on that occasion she had voiced her concerns and Grissom had been only too happy to schedule her another month off immediately. He knew she wanted to return back to work and so didn't say anything, but he was also concerned about leaving the babies alone. Harmony and Ella were only just over 7 months old and he wanted to be sure they were safe.
His eyes showed the same as Sara as he returned her gaze, both determinedly said nothing, for fear something would be said which both wanted to be said, but didn't dare ot say. Grissom drew Sara into his embrace, holding her close, trying to offer her all the support she could. He rubbed his hands up and down her back, comforting her and trying to sooth her back, which was tense from carrying around the extra weight.
He moved to stand behind her, chin resting on her shoulder, arms around her waist, she placed her hands over his. He glanced down to where there hands were, smiling before he spoke to her.
"I don't know why we're so nervous, another 2 and a half months and you'll be back here again and not in work anyway."
"I still can't believe I'll only be in work for that long. I'm only just going back from one maternity leave, and then I'll be leaving for another." She said, also smiling down at the bump, already easily noticeable.
They both stood, eyes glazed over, smiling for a moment before Sara began speaking again.
"I still blame you you know."
"You seemed more than up for it at the time." He reminded her.
"I wasn't the one who decided to use an old condom."
"You didn't want me to go to the shop!" He defended himself. "How was I to know it was past it's date?"
"Errrr...checking on the packet maybe? Just for a suggestion."
"Yeah, well I still say hotel rooms ought to have some in anyway." Grissom muttered sullenly. Sara chuckled, her mind drifting back to Nick's birthday. She still didn't know how he had persuaded them to leave Ella and Harmony with someone else that early on. However he had managed it he had got them both to his birthday. A hired hall in a hotel with all his family and friends there, unfortunately after a night full of dancing (even without alcohol) Sara and Grissom had decided to book a hotel room on the spot for the night. Everyone else was due to drinking too much, and Sara had decided they could do with a full nights sleep and that the sitter was paid all the way through till the morning anyway and had agreed to sleep there, she still didn't know how she had had the strength to leave them then.
Both had gone up to the hotel room and soon both had lost all ideas about sleep.
Grissom joined in her chuckling, "It was fun though." He reminded her. She reached back a hand and cupped his face, "It was. Not fun for my back though. I'd only just lost all the baby weight before I started putting more on. I still blame you for this Gil Grissom." She turned around to face him. "I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world though." She said softly before her lips met his gently.
After a few moments she pulled back. "Come on, let's get to work before I change my mind." Grissom opened his mouth to speak, Sara shot a quick look in his direction. Grissom quickly shut his mouth again. Sara couldn't resist making him sweat for a moment. "Go on Gil. What were you about to say?" He considered for a moment. "Nothing dear."
Sara opened her mouth to annoy him further but decided against it and simply smiled. "I'll just go check on them both once more." Grissom took hold of her hand and dragged her out of the room after him. She started objecting but he continued to move out of the door. He led her down to the car and quietly got in. They had been driving for a short while before she spoke, her voice clear, but he could still hear her worry underneath it.
"Thank You."
He grinned at her. "What for?" She smiled gently at him, thankful for him simple support.
They pulled up outside of work. Sara hadn't come in much after the first few days and was surprised at the pleasant feeling which entered her as she looked at the building. It was like returning home after a long time away. Similar to the feeling she felt when Grissom had returned each morning after work, or the feeling she had got before whenever she had returned to their town house after a particularly trying day at work before she had gone on leave.
Grissom slipped his arm about her shoulders as they walked in, he signed them both in with Judi while Sara stood close to him. She caught a movement out of the corner of her eye and quickly flipped her head in the direction of the movement. Looking she saw nothing there, no-one was stood there. She peered closer into the darkness and still saw nothing. She became aware of Grissom squeezing her shoulders slightly.
"You ok sweetie?"
"Yeah ... yeah I thought I just saw ... doesn't matter." Grissom looked at her, slightly concerned but was relieved when he saw her look back at him with a smile. "I'm fine" She assured him, she slung an arm around his waist and walked down the corridor to the locker room with him.
Ecklie breathed out, he hadn't realised how much he had tensed when she had looked in his direction. He stayed hidden in the shadows watching Sara and Grissom heading the other way.
"Just you wait Miss. Sidle. You think you can seduce your boss, leave work without warning, leave work again for maternity, and then leave again? Oh yes, I've finally got enough reason to fire you." He breathed out, every word dripping with hatred as he thought of her and Grissom, and how they had messed up work, and both fought against his power.
He didn't know why he felt so determined to get rid of her and to make her suffer. He also didn't care. He would bring her down, and he would crush Grissom as he did it.
A dark smile curled across his face, and his eyes glittered in the darkness. He stepped out of the shadows and walked down the corridor to his office, a low laugh escaping his lips as he entered. He sat at his desk, leaving the lights off, and began contemplating different ways of bringing Sara down and which way would publicly humiliate her the most.
Sara sat unaware that her downfall was been plotted elsewhere in the buidling. She was joking amongst her friends, glad to be back at work. She had seen them all at various points during her leave but she hadn't seem them altogether since Nick's birthday, a sly smile flickered across her face momentarily as she realised that and her thoughts turned to that night. She went back to smiling normally at her friends as they filled her in more on what she had missed and just bantered amongst themselves.
Without even meaning to she got involved in a debate between Nick and Warrick, she argued her cause with as much strength if not more than the others. Grissom leaned on the counter watching her slot seamlessly back in. It was as though she had never been gone. Her eyes caught his for a moment and she grinned at him, he smiled back at her watching as she turned her attention back to Nick and knocked his argument out from under him, Warrick just laughed at her. Sara beamed with the delight of having won before turning to speak to Catherine.
Grissom thought his heart would burst as he watched her, both with love and with pride. Not only had she agreed to marry him and loved him, she was also one of the best CSI's he had ever worked with, she had just managed to beat Nick's arguement which Warrick had been trying to do for months and she had given him hope again, along with two beautiful daughters.
A smile lingered on his face as he watched her, he was so caught up with it that he didn't notice Nick come and stand next to him until he spoke.
"She loves you too you know?"
Grissom looked at the man next to him, still smiling. "I know it, I'm still having problems believing it though. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and find it's all just a dream."
"Griss, it's too perfect to be a dream." With that Nick walked off, trying to work out a flaw in Sara's point which left his argument valid. Grissom pondered over what Nick had meant. 'It's too perfect to be a dream'
Sara realised he was watching her and turned to face him again. She smiled broadly at him before turning back to Catherine again. Grissom understood now what Nick meant, it was too perfect to be a dream. Even in his wildest dreams he couldn't have imagined something this good. It had to be real, there was no way it could be comprehended unless it was felt.
A grin crossed his face as it finally seemed to sink in that Sara was here to stay, that it was real, that life really had worked out this well, that she really did love him. Nothing could take her away from him, his final barrier broke down as that thought struck, he let himself feel everything, he now knew that she wouldn't run away and leave him, he finally took a chance on letting his whole feelings be realised, he could not cope without her, and he now knew it. He also knew nothing could take her away from him, or him from her.
Ecklie sat, still pondering in his office. An idea slowly began to creep into his mind.
He knew what to do to bring her career down, nothing could stop him now, he would bring her down, and Grissom would be crushed. Crushed enough that they would surely split up, that would teach them both. Sara for seducing her boss, and Grissom when he realised she had never cared about him and that the children had been an accident, and that she had only done it to move higher up.
A grin spread across his face. He now just needed to wait for the best moment and then it would work.
No nothing could ever break them up now, not after all they had gone through together. A relief swept through Grissom as he finally let himself realise it. Nothing could get to them. He would never leave her, he loved her too much.
Ok what was trying to say didn't really come across here. Will try and explain better in later chapters.
Let me know what you think, if it is worth carrying on with.