Disclaimer: Don't own anything Gundam Wing

Disclaimer: Don't own anything Gundam Wing. Now on with the story!

Warning: Yaoi! 13X5, If you don't like, don't read.

Dreams: One of my favorite pairings, everyone knows they belong together. I refuse to believe Treize is dead … unless his death fits the purpose of a story, but besides that … nope not dead. This is just a drabble I did in class today, my teacher was boring.

Treize sighed as he stepped out of the taxi, tipped the driver, and watched him drive off. He had hoped to get home at a slightly decent hour, but a large thunderstorm had delayed all flights by four hours, causing him to arrive home at two in the morning. He smiled when he turned to the house. Though the rest of the house was dark, a single light shone from the kitchen window. His dragon always left a light on for him if he didn't arrive home before Wufei went to bed. Though it was a simple gesture, it was the small things his partner did for him that made Treize love him even more.

He locked the door behind him, removing his coat and hanging it by the door as he walked through to the kitchen. Another smile touched his lips when he saw the cup of tea, already prepared and waiting to be heated sitting on the counter. Thirty seconds later, his tea was steaming, and the smell of earl grey wafted up to his nose. He sipped his tea, relaxing bit by bit, the warmth almost as soothing as his Wufei's gentle kisses.

Treize placed his empty cup in the sink, and continued through the house. A soft light from the living room caught his eye and treize found the t.v. still on. He walked around the couch to turn it off, only to find Wufei asleep on the couch. His lover's hair was down, creating a black curtain across his face. The simple white tie lay on the couch, probably having fallen out during the night. One of Wufei's arms was tucked under his head, the other flung off the couch, the t.v. remote lay on the floor. He picked up the remote and set it on the side table, then knelt in front of Wufei. Treize just watched his dragon sleep, gently tucking a strand of soft hair behind Wufei's small ear. He pressed a kiss softly to Wufei's hair, before gently maneuvering his arms under Wufei and tucking him against his chest. He moved carefully, not wanting to wake his lover, and moved them to their bedroom.

The bed was already pulled back and Treize settled Wufei under the covers and then moved around the bed to the closet to change. He was pulling a pair of cotton sleep pants on when Wufei's sleepy voice floated through the room.

"Treize? You're home?"

Treize sat on the side of the bed running a hand through Wufei's silk hair.

"Yes dragon, I'm home."

Wufei tilted his face up to nuzzle Treize's palm, before pressing a soft kiss to it, and meeting Treize's deep blue eyes with his sleep filled own.

"I missed you."

Treize climbed under the covers, pulling Wufei into his arms.

"I missed you, as well."

He breathed in Wufei's scent of sweet cinnamon, and thought of the sweater he had nicked from the closet just so he could have Wufei's scent with him as he traveled.

"Do you have class tomorrow?"he asked, referring to the Kung Fu class that Wufei taught at the children's center for his friend Duo every now and then.

"No, not until next week. I'm free all day tomorrow."

"Good, I entirely plan to keep you locked up here all day."

Wufei turned to face him, pressing a tender kiss to the corner of his mouth, "I would not be one to complain if you did so."

Treize smiled and pulled the covers tighter around them, watching as Wufei's fell closed again already falling asleep again. Treize breathed in his scent again and followed his into sleep.