in chapter 26 of sitc

" mike in a dress. it wasn't a pretty picture." Charlie said with a picture.

Carlisle began to chuckle and smiled and rolled his eyes. " that my friend is a scary image."

now on word chapter 27

" that's it." edward said.

I whispered " no" but it was too late. My door creeked opened and someone came though I was lost in my little pain world . I felt something different come though my intravenous. It made me weaker and tired . Before I went to sleep I said goodnight everyone. And slimped away.


when i began to come to i could hear none other than mr . bear himself. " i am so happy she is going to be ok. what else would i laugh at during the day? jokes get old, quick." i felt loved by him. i always knew i was free entertainment to anyone really but to him he always took it to the next level.

my eyes were still closed and i could sense that there were more people in the room besides emmett. i could feel my hand get squeezed lightly. that meant edward was here too. so it was ok to wake up if he is here it always is when he is around. i pealed my eyes open slowly and turned in the direction that the hand was being held to. none other than edward was sitting next to me.

i smiled at him and he lend over to me and was just a few inches away from my face and looked me deep in the eyes. " goodmorning beautiful." he leaned in and kissed my cheek. i could feel the smile behind it. i closed my eyes savoring the moment. when someone cleared there thoat. i quickly opened my eyes and edward withdrew slowly. i moved my eyes from the angel himself to look around the room. there was jasper , alice , rosalie and emmett. he of course was in the corner of the room with his arms crossed , tapping his foot. he had a look of exasteration on his face.

" i know u missed her. but we did 2. even though she has her own room please don't tell us to leave so you can suck face more. i want to play some games and we are wasting time visiting hours ends in 8!"

i blushed at his statement. everyone else in the room just smiled.

i looked at the clock and saw that it was 10 in the morning and breakfast was waiting on me on my bedside table. can i atleast eat before the hours apon hours of no immediate contact with edward starts?

" emmett atleast let her enjoy her breakfast." rose said.

" fine but she better hurry." he was still being a baby. it was adorable. rose sat down in the chair near the television.

alice and jasper were talking quietly to each other in the far side. facing each other but looking at me everyonce and a while. they were looking questionable. i pulled my attention from them to edward. he had moved to the bad and was now sitting on the side. i hadn't even noticed.

" you know emmett is right. you do need to eat your breakfast. if you don't want to eat all of it , its fine but you need to eat some. atleast for me?" then he gave that stupid little crooked grin and made his eyes all big and adorable. who could say no to that? i apprently can't.

" fine" it sounded like a whisper to be but clear as a bella for him. he smiled back and pushed my tray so it was in front of me and took off the lid that was covering the main course.

it was scrambled eggs, bacon and toast, with orange juice and a cinnamon bun. i reached for the bacon. i took the strips and began to nibble at them. Rose was looking at her nails . emmett was gumbling in the corner while mr. dream machine looked at me with a loving face as i ate.

i noticed that his eys were a soft topaz. beautiful as always. i moved on the cinnamon bun. edward was opening the small carton of orange juice and putting in the straw for me. he is so sweet. what did i do to diserve him?

while i was eating my bun alice came over with jasper next to the bed.

" bella do u want be be sorry or be in life?"

" huh?" i put my head to the side what was talking about?

jasper just rolled his eyes and began to talk. " what my dear is saying to say is do you want to play sorry or life first?"

" oh. uh? whatever you guys want to play."

i say emmett un cross his arms and smiled. " yeah twister.!"

we all looked at him and said in unison " no emmett."

" well she said what ever we wanted. it was worth a try. party poopers." then he went back to his hands over his massive chest.

i put my bun down and edward handed me my orange juice.

" carlisle is on his way guys."

just as he thought it mr cullen, carlisle came thru my room doors. he was in his doctor coat.

he saw me and immediately smiled at me and i smiled back.

alice and jasper stepped aside so he could ask me questions and read my charts.

" you gave us all quite a scare earlier. are you feeling better no more headaches? leg cramps? pain what so ever?"

i nodded no. i hadn't felt bad since i woke up. i didn't even realize that i still had my iv in and a monitor on my finger for my heart.

" if you need anything and alice isn't here just tell edward i am sure he will get it for if not i will be right down the hall."

" thanks carlisle. is it all right if we play board games in here?"

" just don't play twister. stick with life its one game emmett seems to be not good at." he smiled all knowingly at emmett.

" carlisle , i will find a way to get you back for that just watch out."

"what ever emmett."

" oh you have therapy at 4 today bella so don;t make the fun to long"

" thanks talk to ya later." i smiled and he left.

" ok i think you have had game time. lets play ..... sorry. yea sorry i call red."

alice came up to me and whispered in my ear " it doesn;t matter he still wont win." i laughed a little.

" isn't sorry a only 4 player game?"

jasper came next to me now " alice can't play she always knows who wins and edward reads peoples minds and eventually finds out who wins. so it looks like its just you, emmett rose and me."

" ok so where are we playing it at?"

" well seeing how you cant really move i thought we would play it here. on the table. alice? " she turned around and left. i wonder what that was about?

" can we sit on your bed with you? i know normally it just you and edward but its family time so i figured you wouldn't care." jasper looked.

" i really don't think there is enough room for all of us on that little bed." rose had looked up from her nails and had put her hands down on her lap again.

emmett smiled again , " i can fix that." he walked over past the curtain.

i looked to edward " what is he plan on doing?"

edward just smiled. then i heard it.

ekkkkk. the squeek of another bed being brought over. only emmett.,

jasper moved the curtian back and he placed the other bed as close as he could to my bed without desturbing any machinery.

he ploped himself on it.

rose took out sorry from a bag i didn't see and got up. rose walked over and sat next to him and jasper came to sit next to me . we sat in some what of a semi circle. edward postioned himself under the covers. he brought up the covers so i wouldn't get cold.

alice came in with a nurse. the nurse was shocked. " who moved the bed?"

emmett looked up at her and smiled.

the nurse stubbled. " oh... uh... becareful please you could hurt yourself. please move it back when your done."

she picked up my tray and left. we all laughed . a vamp getting hurt by moving a hospital bed? hahaa.

alice went to her stop near jasper and sat down joining the semi circle.

" what color do you think i should get?" looking at him.

" um.... either yellow or blue. yellow because you are the sunshine of my life and blue because you look amazing in it. so either one love." he smiled at me again.

" oh please just pick a color! waiting isn't going to delay the eneviable ... you will lose , sorry ." emmett stated .

" emmett just cool your jets. you have cocky written all over you. what are you going to do if you lose?" rose asked.

" thats not going to happen. and i thought you loved me?"

" i do silly. that was just a little to lower your nerves until later." rose had a smurk on her face.

" um guys ... just ate."

" oh right."

" what ever color you don't want i will pick."

" then green is mine. sorry jasper your stuck with yellow." rose said

" if you want to trade i will trade with you i will, its not a problem." i said, yellow was sort of a femalish color afterall.

" nah its fine bella. lets get on with the game."

" lets start all ready." emmett. ....

we played until all i had to get 1 piece to home. then the unthinkable happened................

i have no idea what to write next..... anyone have any ideas????..... i ran out thats y i stoppped there. help!!! thanks for reading looking forward to your review.