Sakura: We have finally made it to the last chapter!

Yumi: (throws a party)

Sakura: Be sure to check out my other stories if you haven't already

The whole Yu-Gi-Oh cast stood in front of Rea after a hard day of work. It was Friday and everyone was ready to get out of there and go have some fun. They only needed one thing from Rea to go do just that.


Rea: Soon, but I can't pay you today

Yami: And why not? I promised Yugi a nice dinner date tonight

Rea: No money

Everyone: NO MONEY!

Rea: Uh yea, there were some bills to pay so we could keep filming here.

Bakura: Forget about the show! We need our money!

Yugi: I got punched in the face by Marik! I deserve a night on the town

Rea: Wait? Why were you punched in the face?

Yami: Marik was trying to get Bakura, but missed and hit Yugi.

Marik: I said I was sorry!

Yugi: Not good enough!

Rea: I promise that you will get paid next week

Atemu: I hate to point this out, but you said that last week

Yugi: I am sick of this! We have worked our asses off and I have a wedding to start planning! I want to get paid now!

Yugi took off the puzzle and threw it at Rea.

Rea moved out of the way and the puzzle hit the wall, breaking into many pieces.

Rea: Watch it!

Yami: Yugi! You broke the puzzle

Yugi: So like I care

Atemu: I guess you forgot I can't live without it

Atemu disappeared.

Heba: ATEMU! (falls to his knees and cries)

Joey: Wait a minute, I thought Yami couldn't live without it

Yami: No, Atemu is the one, because he is my past self

Joey: Huh? But I thought you came out of the puzzle

Yami: It's complicated. Long story short, I don't live in the puzzle anymore, but Atemu does.

Seto: How long did it take you to put together the first time?

Yugi: Eight years

Atemu: No wonder you were never seen around

Everyone: AHHHHHH!

Atemu: What?

Yugi: But the puzzle broke

Atemu: Ha fooled you. Ishizu told me this was going to happen so I give you a fake one

Yugi: Where is the real puzzle?

Atemu: I'm not telling

Ryou walked into the room.

Ryou: Hey Yugi, why was your puzzle under my pillow?

Everyone looked to Bakura.

Bakura: I didn't touch it

Atemu: I hid it there

Yami: Atemu does the puzzle look like a tooth to you?

Atemu: Kind of

Yugi took the puzzle from Ryou and looked at it.

Yugi: When did the puzzle say made by Shadi. I thought the puzzle was made by Atemu's uncle

Atemu: Bye (runs out of the studio)

Seto: I think a war has started

Yugi: Get back here (runs after him)

Yami: Yugi don't leave me! (runs after Yugi)

Heba is still on the floor crying.

Rea: Yami get back here! You have a kissing scene coming up!

Marik: With who?

Rea: You

Marik runs out the door.

Rea: Fine then, I will have Malik do it

Malik was out the door.

Rea: Seto

Seto ran out the door.

Rea: Bakura

Bakura: Hell No (runs away)

People on the street watched as 7 people ran out of the Yu-Gi-Oh studio. One of the person on the street realized that one of those people was his son.

Akenkhamkanken: Was that my son?

Rea stepped out of the building.

Rea: Hey I have your pay checks!

Everyone came back.

Everyone: Sweet!

Atemu and Yami looked over at the new person in the room.

Atemu and Yami: Father?

Akenkhamkanken: When did I get two sons?

Seto: It's your son separated into two

Atemu: I thought you were dead father

Akenkhamkanken: Your mother and I came back to life, like you and Heba did. Your mother wants you home

Atemu: Fine by us

Heba: Atemu!!! (still crying)

Atemu: One minute father. Let me get my boyfriend

Atemu walked over to Heba, picked Heba up and kissed him. After those two were done, Atemu, Heba, and Akenkhamkanken turned around and started to leave.

Rea: Why are you leaving?

Atemu: I quit

Heba: Me too

Yami: That sounds like a good idea. Yugi and I quit too

Yugi: Yea! We can start planning our wedding

Yugi and Yami followed the other three out of the building.

Bakura: Come on Ryou, lets get out of here

Marik: Don't forget about us

Bakura: I can't forget my cute little sidekick

Marik: Cute?! Little?!

Malik: Oh here we go again

Bakura ran out of the building with Marik on his trail. Ryou and Malik just calmly follow them.

It wasn't long before the whole cast was gone.

Rea looked around the empty building.

Rea: I wonder if the Twilight studio needs a director

Next door to the Yu-Gi-Oh studio


Sakura: (bows) Thank you to all who read this last chapter

Yumi: Don't forget to review!