This is just a random thing, because I'm bored and I wanted to write something funny for you guys.
Sakura: Hello Everyone. My name is Sakura. This is a new show called "The real life of the Yu-Gi-Oh Gang" In this show I go around the Yu-Gi-Oh studio and talk to the cast. If you will follow me I will see who we can interview first.(moves around the studio and sees seto sitting in a chair)
Sakura: Hey Seto, what are you doing?
Seto: Go away Sakura and why does Yumi have a camera?
Me: This is for a new show I am making I go around the studio and ask people questions. So Seto how is the love life?
Seto: (looks away)
Sakura: Hello are you home
Seto: Go away!
Sakura: Answer the question now
Seto: Fine I am not in love and never will be
Sakura: Man you act just like in the show. Ok, next question are you always this cold?
Seto: You are getting on my nerves (gets up and walks away)
Sakura: I will take that as a yes (follows him)
Seto: I said go away (runs)
Sakura: (runs) Seto do you like Yugi off the show?
Sakura: (stops) man he (pants) can run
Yumi: Should we go find someone else
Sakura: No I didn't get a good interview. (goes to find Seto)
Seto: (hiding under the food table)
Sakura: (finds him) Hey Seto, so is you last name really Kaiba
Seto: What will it take to get you away from me
Sakura: An interview
Seto: (comes out) Fine and yes my last name is Kaiba
Sakura: Is Mokuba really your brother
Seto: Yes
Sakura: Do you really hate Joey?
Seto: Maybe
Sakura: Yes or no not maybe
Seto: Well off set he is ok
Sakura: I knew it, so Seto are you gay?
Seto: No I am straight unlike someone else I know
Sakura: Who?
Seto: Yugi
Sakura: What?! Not My Brother! His too innocent!
Seto: He is not so innocent off set
Sakura: Ok I will have a talk with him later. Seto do you like Tea's friendship talks
Seto: Do I have to answer that
Sakura: Yes
Seto: Well they are good advice
Sakura: What is the world coming too.
Seto: Me leaving
Sakura: No just a few more questions. Do you diet or work out?
Seto: No I don't diet, but I do workout how do you think I got this hot body of mine.
Sakura:Ok that is all the time I have. Ladies it seems Seto is still open for a date, so look out for him and he works out. Well I better get out of here before the Director kills me for keeping Seto away for so long. BYE!(runs out of the building with Yumi following)
Next time we will interview Yugi and maybe Yami