Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Note: So I've written stories before but this is my first Harry Potter story. So please tell me what you thing!...REVIEW! Thanks and I really hope you like it!

Things you might want to know: After Dumbledor was killed Draco switched sides and became a spy for the Order. During the war both of his parents were killed leaving him alone. After Hogwarts he...partied...A LOT...but after years of that he finally became tired of it. He is now 25 years old and he was lonely. His life had no meaning.

Hermione's life was much different. After Hogwards she decided to go to the university to become a healer. She was 24 and her life wasn't very eventful. Not like Harry and Ron's but she was happy. Or at least she thought she was.


He was sitting on his black couch, his elbows were proped on his lag and his head was resting in his hands.

This can't be happening! He thought. I'm only 24 years old!...why?...why?...What the hell am I going to to?

Oh fuck!...what does it matter, it's not like my life is all that fantastic. And who the hell would care if I fucking died anyway.

No one...hell some people might actually be happy...

But I still don't want to die...

But maybe...maybe she could help...would she?...she hates me...not that she didn't have a right to...but just maybe...


"Well there you go Mr. Caldwell. All done!" she said as she turned around and looked at the older man sitting on the table.

"Thank you doctor Granger!" the man said with a smile. "You really are a wonderful healer. I didn't even feel it!" he added.

"It was just a shot." She told him as she laughed in her head. "But thank you all the same."

Mr. Caldwell stud up as she turned around to write something on his chart. He walked to the door and when he grabbed the handle he turned around and said "Thank you again and have a nice day."

"Same to you Mr. Caldwell." She said as he walked out the door. She took off her gloves and threw them away before she grabbed Mr. Caldwell's chart and walked out of the room.

"Hermione!" some one yelled from behind her.

She knew who it was and she knew she had been caught. She turned around and looked at the person who had yelled her name. Andrew Stine was looking at her with a frown on his face.

"What are yo doing here?" He asked walking towards her.

"Um...well..." She was trying to think of a good excuse.

"Um, well nothing." he said. "I told you to take the day off and rest! I thought you were going to work on the research today?"

"I was...I really was," She started trying to think of an excuse. "But Mr. Caldwell requested I be the one to see him today." She said with a smile that was just two big.

Andrew looked at her smile and knew she lying but he just ignored it. "Whatever, but now he is on his way home and so are you." He grabbed the chart from her hand. "Now go home Hermione!"

She did as she was told and apparated to her very small but cozy house. She walked to her room to change. When she walked in she puller off her long white coat along with her shirt and pants. She threw them on her bed as she stood in front of her closet, in her knickers looking for something to wear. She grabbed and old sweater shirt with a big blue teddy bear on it and dark blue pj bottoms.

She walked back into the living room and to her desk where she grabbed her notebook and laptop (one of the many muggle things she owned). She sat down on the couch and opened the laptop.

She really did need to get some research done. She was trying to find a cure for a new disease called VL. It was a disease that only wizards could get (and yes that does mean only men can get it). So far only three men had died from it about 4 years ago but two years ago there was a prophecy saying the disease would get out of control and kill millions of wizards. That was when Hermione decided she would find a cure for it. She was just missing one little piece of the puzzle but it was hard because anyone who had VL died from it and she really need a test subject but they were impossible to find, so she had to figure it out on her own.

She finally looked at the laptop screen that had turned black from not being used. She looked back at the screen. She was starting to go over the work she had already done when there was a knock on the door.

She wondered who it could be. Harry and Ron were out on an assignment so she knew it wasn't them.

She got up from the couch and walked over to the front door and opened it. Her jaw almost dropped to the floor. She could not believe who was standing in front of her.

Draco Malfoy was standing at her door with that same smug smirk she remembered from school.

"Hello Granger!" He said. "Nice sweat shirt. The teddy bear is adorable."

She looked down at her sweat shirt as a blush creeper to her face. What is he doing here? She thought.

"Are you going to let me in Granger?" he asked her.

She finally snapped out of her own thoughts. "What do you want Malfoy?" She asked without any emotion.

And for the first time Hermione saw a look of fear flash across Malfoy's face. "Pleas just let me in." he said in a low tone.

She was so shocked by his reaction to her question that she moved out of the way so he could walk into the house.

She watched him as she looked around before finally sitting down in a chair near the couch. She shut the door and walked back to where she was sitting before.

They both sat there in silence. Hermione wondered if she should say something or just wait for him to talk. But she didn't have to wait long.

"Look Granger, I know we're not exactly friends but...I...um...I need your help." he finally spit out.

Hermione could not believer her ears. Did Draco Malfoy just ask for help?


He took a deep breath. "Yes. Help." He answered.

"With what?" she asked wondering what he could need help with.

"I heard you were doing research on VL." He said.

"Yes...I am." she was a little confused. "But what does that have to do with anything?"

"Because...I have VL."

"Oh My GOD!" She said shocked.

So good? bad? tell me what you think and review!...PLEASE!