Computers are evil. Sorry I haven't updated in a really long time, I wont give an excuse and I apologize for the shortness and the crapiness of this chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own... DAMMIT!

Dedication: Paylo for giving me inspiration by telling me about her troubles with her two best guy friends... what has nothing to do with the story but hey I love Paylo so this chapter is for her anyways!


Read Paylo's stories Naruto's Shot and Snowfall, they made me cry,


Shikamaru, Kiba, Ino, Sakura, Neji, Lee and Kankuro had given up on trying to track Naruto and Sasuke. It's not that they didn't believe they could catch him, they just needed some time to reflect things over. They had seen what had happened between the two boys and they knew it had nothing to do with the bet.

Sakura stood and started to pace, pausing every now and then, looking like she was about to say something, before shaking her head then going back to pacing.

Finally, she stopped and faced her friends head on.

"Guys, I say we let them do what they want."

Kiba immediately stood, "What are you talking about?"

Sakura winced slightly at the harsh tone he was using before staring them straight on again. "Look, for years I was obsessed with Sasuke, don't you find it a bit weird that I just gave up all the sudden?"

Ino looked as if she was about to say something but Sakura raised her hand, silencing her.

"I don't remember the exact details but it was sometime around last year, it was Sasuke's birthday I think. I was looking for Sasuke and I couldn't find him anywhere, I don't know what made me do it but I started towards Naruto's apartment. I knocked lightly on the door and slowly opened it. It had to be the most amazing scene I'd ever seen. Both of them were covered in flour, sitting side by side on the floor, laughing while eating cake. Not only was it one of the only times I've ever seen Sasuke laugh it was also the moment that made me give up Sasuke. Sasuke and Naruto may say they hate each other, may act like it 24/7 but really I've never met two people more perfect for each other.

"For months afterwards I watched them, and I noticed things that I never saw before, like whenever Naruto smiles Sasuke's lips twitch as if he's trying not to smile as well, how every time they train together, nothing else exists. It's just the two of them, alone in their little world"

The pink haired girl gave a small smile, "I remember, a month ago, on one of our missions, I don't know why but Sasuke was incredibly harsh to Naruto that day, and looked even more smug then usual. Naruto got super pissed at him and climbed up on one of the houses we passed and screamed over the entire village that he hated Sasuke more then anything and he wished he would burn in hell. You should've seen the look on Sasuke's face. He was petrified, and for the next week he bought ramen for Naruto everyday.

"They act like worst enemies, but really they care for each other more then anything. They are a perfect example of kids who tease their crushes in an act of denial. They are my team mates, and two of my closest friends and I want them to be happy, and if that means letting them get together then so be it."

About a minute of silence followed Sakura's speech, everyone waiting for someone to say something.

"So are we in agreement that we won't interfere?"

Everyone turned to face Ino. She just stared at all of them, a wide grin holding her features.


Kiba rolled his eyes. "Well duh. Naruto's one of my best friends, and even if I don't really like Sasuke, if Naruto likes him I guess I can give him a chance, but even if we all agree on letting them get together we also have to swear if Sasuke ever hurts Naruto well kill him. Deal?"

They all nodded in agreement, Neji with a triumphant look on his face, at the possibility of having a reason to kill the younger Uchiha.

Shikamaru sighed, "Damn those two are so troublesome, and besides Kiba, we all know the main reason that you want the two of them to get together is because you want Naruto out of the picture so you might actually get a chance with Hinata."

Sakura gave a small laugh as she saw Kiba blush a deep red and loudly proclaim that Shikamaru was a lying, lazy, bastard. 'Oh, Naruto,' she thought, 'Someone like you definitely deserves people like this. Sasuke better damn well take good care of you if he values his life.'

---------- ~ ~ ----------

Naruto was well known for his amazing stamina all across the village, but despite that amazing stamina he was panting heavily when he finally reached his hiding place on top of the Hokage monument. Hey, you'd be out of breath too, if you had been running all over Konoha just to make sure you'd shaken off the person who had been messing around with your head all day.

He sat down on the head on the Forth Hokage and sighed. He didn't really know what he had said back in the alley. What hints? And why did he kiss Sasuke? He didn't know anymore, it was all too confusing. He had never doubted himself before; when you live on your own you have to trust yourself, who else is there to trust? This was getting far to out of hand...


Naruto's head spun around and he found himself staring a Sasuke. He quickly scrambled to his feet and got ready to run but was stopped by Sasuke's hand.

"Come on dobe. Just hear me out, I know you want answers too." Sasuke's grip grew tighter and he tried to catch Naruto's eye.

"Let go Sasuke."

'No. Now hear me out or I'll Chidori your ass into the next century."

Naruto finally turned to face him with a glare that was almost worthy of an Uchiha... well almost. "You know, if you want someone to listen to you, threatening them might not be the best idea."

Sasuke smirked. "It's always worked for me before."

Naruto continued to glare for a moment before sighing and giving Sasuke a quick nod. "Fine, I'll let you talk, but no more than five minutes, okay?"

The raven-haired boy gave a nod in response and let go of Naruto's arm. "This morning when you kissed me, I thought you were seriously fucked in the head-"

Naruto glared. "What?"

"Let me continue. Anyway, I thought you were seriously fucked in the head and when you kissed me later on today outside Ichiraku and knew something was up, I mean why else would you kiss me? But it wasn't until later when you kissed me in the ally I stopped questioning your sanity. I felt something in that kiss, I'm not quite sure what but it was something and I'm pretty sure you felt it too."

Naruto blushed lightly and began to play with the hem of his jacket. "I hope your not saying you love me or something."

Sasuke shook his head. "I don't think it's love, at least not yet, but it is something and I think I want to take that something and maybe try to turn it into something we both understand a bit better."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, and I wouldn't expect myself to know or you to know, but still maybe if we look together we'll be able to understand it better."

Naruto frowned and looked Sasuke in the yes again. "Are you asking me out?"

Sasuke smirked. "Yes I do believe that is what I happen to be doing."

Breaking eye contact again, Naruto looked out over the village. "I don't know. The villagers already hate me enough and what will Tsunade and Iruka think. Oh and what about your fangirls, they'll maul me alive and don't even get me started on-"



"Shut up." To say Naruto was a bit shocked when Sasuke leaned in and kissed him would probably have been an understatement. Though, to say he didn't like the feel of Sasuke's lips against his, or the feel of their tongues together, or even the small smirk Sasuke gave him when they pulled apart, to say that would have been just plain lying.

"So, you up for it?"

Naruto beamed up his 'boyfriend'. "Of course."

Sasuke grinned back and leaned in for another kiss, only to be interrupted by a whistle.

"Nice going Naruto. I mean, we knew you seemed to be enjoying the kisses a bit to much but this? Priceless. Simply priceless."

Sasuke and Naruto both spun around, only to find Kiba and the gang standing behind them. Kiba and Kankuro were grinning at the pair, Lee was yelling something about the power of youth and love combined, Neji looked like he was trying to burn holes in Sasuke, Shikamaru looked as tired as ever and Sakura and Ino were both squealing over how cute the pair looked. Naruto's face went crimson in seconds and Sasuke just glared. How dare they interrupt his first 'moment'!

Naruto finally managing to string together some word stuttered as he spoke,. "W-what are you g-guys doing here?"

Shikamaru gave a quick yawn before giving the two of them a mocking smile. "Well we had to make sure you finished the bet, but I never did think you'd finish the last three kisses in one go."

Naruto frowned, confused. "Three?"

Kiba nodded, "Yep, the last three kisses. A French kiss, a make-out and the last one, getting Sasuke to kiss you, and you managed to do it all in one! Congratulations!"

Naruto just blushed again while Sasuke stepped forward. "While I appreciate the fact you felt the need to tell Naruto this fact and would like you to all leave. Now."

They didn't exactly need another warning.

Sasuke turned back to Naruto and smirked. "I believe we were about to kiss before we got interrupted, right?"

Naruto nodded and grinned happily as their lips met for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.



'Told you so.'



Well that's finally over. I'm thinking about writing a epilogue, hmmm sounds like fun but I'm not really sure if this story needs an add on. It was kind of hard to write because I've been in sasunaru withdrawal lately, for some reason I just can't get myself to read it. I have a feeling it's because I have several new fandoms and they're taking up all my time, who knows. VOTE IN MY POLL! Paylo and me can't start working on our next story until people tell us what one we should work on! If people don't think it's good enough, just let me know and I'll try to rewrite it. Thanks for the support, didn't get much, but the support I did get was well appreciated!