I do not own Princess Diaries

I do not own Princess Diaries!

This is my first fanfic so plz be truthful and tell me what you think.

Thursday 4th April The Loft 5 pm

I just have to say life without Michael is really hard. But better than it has been lately. I really hope we'll be able to get back together when he gets home but I still haven't had the courage to tell him that I am not comfortable being friends. So that is why I'm single.

J.P. asked me to be his girlfriend and I said I still have feelings for Michael and want to get back together with him. He said OK but he's been acting really weird lately. I just got an E-mail. Hang on……..

Thurday 4th April The Loft 5.05 pm

WOW!! So the e-mail was from Michael. Here it is:

Hey Mia! Good news, I am coming back on 10th April.

Can't wait to see you. I have finished the robot arm and it works perfectly so I am coming back a few months early. So have you and Lily made up yet because I heard you got into a huge fight and she set up a site called was it. I checked it out, it was pretty mean of her. But then again Lily is not known to be particularly nice.


Oh my god I have to tell him what I feel very soon I am so scared!

Someone is I-Ming me…..

Its Tina!

Iluvromance: Hey Mia did you hear that Michael is coming back soon!!

FtLouie: Yeah, I heard

Iluvromance: Aren't you excited!!

FtLouie: I guess, well I am about him coming back, but not of me confronting him.

Iluvromance: Oh, OH

FtLouie: Yeah I still haven't told him how I feel

Iluvromance: Mia you need to do that soon cuz he's coming back in less than 7 days.

FtLouie: Yeah I know, bye Tina

Iluvromace: Bye Mia

What should I do? Wait, someone is knocking on my door….

Thursday 4th April The Loft 5.30

It was Mom, she told me some very upsetting news. I bet this page is smeared with tear stains. I am crying so hard I can hardly write. My Mom told me that Dad has Cancer and won't be living very long, probably less than a month. I have to go see my Dad. But I can't; so that is why Grandmere cancelled Princess Lessons.

Friday 5th April In the Limo on the way to School

Oh great, It is all over the papers and I have to face everyone about it, I'm not sure I'm ready.

I will update as soon as I get the first 2 reviews. So plz read and review!