Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with the Harry Potter series nor do I own any of these characters

Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with the Harry Potter series nor do I own any of these characters.

Warning: Contains fem-slash and other mature concepts in later chapters.


Chapter 4: The Talk

Hermione's face was shocked even thought Ginny couldn't see it; A hundred questions flew into her mind from every direction and then flew out of her mouth at a rapid pace. "How are you here? Where have you been? Are you staying long? Why haven't you contacted me?"

Ginny sits up and draws Hermione into a hug to quiet her down. With Hermione's head resting on Ginny's chest and Hermione hold Ginny tightly, Ginny took a deep breath.

"Harry contacted me two years ago when you were getting really bad. I asked him to find out what you truly wanted before I came busting back into your life, especially if you didn't want me. I didn't think you did. You made the decision and I respected that. Harry said he thought you were fine with what happened but I guess it was all an illusion. Once he started telling me about your talks and all the pain you were in and the regret…I couldn't let you suffer. We arranged this little surprise for your birthday but I was tying up a few loose ends."

"Oh Gin, I've been so stupid, I never meant to hurt you. Can you forgive me?" Hermione pleaded unable to look at Ginny

"Mione its ok, you were young, you were confused…it was all very sudden I can't be mad at you for that. I love you too much. I'm just happy you came around before something really bad happened" Ginny hugged her tighter

"Where have you been all this time?" Hermione asked

"Oh I've been working, trying to keep tabs on you, doing this and that" Ginny's tone was casual

"Tabs? You were stalking me?" asked Hermione

"Some call it stalking, I call it love"

Hermione shot Ginny a disbelieving look "working where?" she asked

"Setting up a little herbal shop with Neville. It's cozy, right next to George & Ron's place. Plus Luna got me a job as the Quidditch reporter for the Quibbler"

"My you have been busy. So Ron, George, Harry, Luna and Neville have ALL seen you and yet no one mentioned it to me."

"Don't blame them I swore them to secrecy until I was sure what you wanted. Everyone told me you never dated, you hardly left the castle. Ron said you became the person you were in their 1st year." Ginny explained

"I…I tried to date, but when it came to …intimacy…it always felt wrong, Like I was betraying you somehow. I know it sounds ridiculous." Hermione give half a laugh

"Not ridiculous at all. I told you four years ago…your body was made to be touched by my hands only. No one else could satisfy you."

"I thought you were being….dramatic"

"Now what do you think?"

"I think…I want to know if you've been dating?" Hermione asked this question dreading the answer.

Ginny takes a deep breath and Hermione steady's herself for the worse

"I wouldn't call what I've been doing 'dating'. It's more like….hunting" Hermione looked at her confused

"Well…I can't believe I'm going to even tell you this…." Hermione sits upright and crosses her arms glaring at Ginny preparing for the worse. "If I needed a release, or was missing you too much I would find some Muggle chippy take her to my place and after a few charms and spells…she looked like you. I'm not proud of that but I wanted to be with you so bad. Then it lost its appeal…they looked like you but they could never be you. It didn't smell of strawberries and vanilla like you. I had to stop. I'm haunted by you. I have to have you forever" Hermione relaxed her posture and glare and went back to hugging Ginny

"And I have to have you. I don't want to feel that emptiness. I need you like I need oxygen" Hermione sighs

"That's all I ever wanted to hear. I can't stand the idea of not being with you for the rest of my life." Ginny leans over and kisses Hermione on the forehead then slowly kisses her way down to her mouth. The feeling of being complete engulfs them both.

Ginny breaks the kiss and the silence "So…where do you want to live after we get married?"

Hermione sits up again and looks at Ginny with a blank stare

"After we what?"

"Married, didn't I mention that?" Ginny says playfully with a smirk

"Nooooo" Hermione said slowly "you seemed to have glossed over it. You want to get married?"


"To …me?" Hermione still in shock

"Ron was right; for a genius you're not very bright. Yes you, I don't see anyone else in this bed"

"Well this is sudden…" Hermione managed to sputter out

"We already wasted four years. Just consider that a long engagement." Ginny smiled "you are not involved with anyone and you love me. I'm not involved with anyone and I desperately love you. What's the issue? It'll be perfect. My family is very excited."

"You already told your family? And they are ok? With all this?" Hermione was shocked

"They knew what was going on when I left four years ago. I told them I was going to ask you and they love you so much… they want me to be happy…and I'll be happy knowing that I can come home and sleep next to you for the rest of my life. Because without you I'm only ½ the person I should be. I know this is a lot for you to process…so just take all the time you need. I'm not going anywhere…ever again."

Song lyrics from what seemed like ages ago flow back into Hermione's head

I don't think you unworthy

I need a moment to deliberate…

Hermione leaned back slightly and takes a good look at Ginny for the first time. Ginny was still stunning, her awkward teenage body grew into a curvy adult. She was slightly tanned and her legs were so long, Hermione estimated her height to be about 5'10. Hermione slowly smiled and swung a leg over Ginny's lap leaned in and kissed her passionately. When she pulled away for air Ginny pouted at her

"Is that a no?" Ginny asked

Hermione whispered in her ear and purred "you'll have me…forever"