I can't believe none of you like Percy Jackson! THAT WAS THE GREATEST MOVIE MADE THIS YEAR! I just got back from seeing it (and while it's still not as good as the book) it's soooooooooooo gooood! Trust me, if you don't know a thing about Greek Mythology, you will by the time you're done with this movie/book. This has now become my favorite movie! It's so much better than that Twilight shit you people are all gaga over. While you were getting into that, I was perfecting Percy! GO SEE THE MOVIE! Make it make money so that it can make a second movie! (the best book in the series.

I've actually been inspired to write a story just like that ... only with Yugi. See the movie, place Yugi in Percy's role, and then you'll know what I'm talking about. Okay, now that I've got that out of my system, I'm going to go brag about it on DeviantArt.

On another note, some of the ideas in this chapter were given by kuan5555. Thank you for helping me with this new chapter. I dedicate it to you.

Atem pushed the larger body off of him, panting like crazy. It felt so good to have an orgasm again. It had been so long that he had almost forgotten how good they felt. As his body began to cool down the situation that the Egyptian Prince found himself in was one he mentally cursed himself for. He was so weak that he could not even resist his own urges. Seto was going to have a field day with this.

"Damn … I lost …" He whispered to himself, rubbing his hand over his eyes.

Chikashi forcefully grabbed his latest bed-mate's chin and clashed his lips to the Egyptian's own in a rough, bruising kiss. Atem froze on the spot, resisting the urge to return the kiss, but the battle with the sexual urge was easily won over. However, his crimson eyes widened in horror when he heard a gasp coming from the doorway; Yugi, the one he learned to love, was there witnessing the whole scene. Those large, crystalline amethyst eyes sparkled with unshed tears. The betrayal, heartbreak and disgust written all over the little one's face was just too much for the Egyptian to bear. It was at that moment that the smallest prince took off in a sprint away from the room.

Yugi did not know where his legs were taking him, but he heard himself slam a door closed. The smallest prince found that he could no longer fight back his sorrow and slid to the floor, landing on his knees and crying his heart out. The echoes could not even reflect the deepness of the sorrow at the betrayal he had learned. Why did Atem betray him like this? How could he do such act within Yugi's home? He could not understand and continued to sob loudly until someone different called his name.

"Yugi?" Yugi looked up to see his mother's worried face. The woman knelt down next to her son and took him in her arms while he cried. "Baby, what's wrong?" Yugi continued to sob into his mother's form before he finally regained his speech.

"Oh, Mother! Atem has done something terrible!" He felt his mother's grip tighten around his body. With a comforting pat on his back, Yugi's mother stood up and began escorting her son into her room.

"There, there, baby … tell me everything over a cup of tea."

Atem tried to get out of the bed he was currently trapped in. That is, until Chikashi jumped on top of him once again. The pale one laughed evilly as he held Atem prisoner.

"Where do you think you're going?" Atem rolled his eyes. After seeing the pure pain in Yugi's eyes, he felt disgusted with the idea of this man naked in the same bed as he.

"Well, I was going to run after your brother and save our relationship." Atem replied in a bit of a sarcastic tone. He made an attempt to get up, but Chikashi pushed him down onto the bed again.

"What's your rush?" The oldest prince whispered seductivly before forcing another kiss onto his Egyptian counter-part. Atem tried to resist, but, once again, his penis spoke for him as it hardened in response to the desirable touching. The exotic foreign prince melted into Chikashi's seduction one more time as their tongues battled for dominance. Not even seeming to care, Atem was drowning in the euphoria of sex once again … that is, until he felt something big, hard, and hot enter him for the upteenth time. His ruby eyes widened and he quickly sat up. He held out a hand, signalling that he had had enough.

"WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! Six times—both ways—in one night is plenty!" Chikashi pounced on top of Atem one more time.

"I'm not done with you yet." That hard penis entered Atem's sore backside once again. This time, however, he was coherent and angered. The adrenaline that powered that anger gave Atem the strength to push the oldest Japanese prince off of his body ... and his own bed, earning Atem a confused look. Atem stood up, the morning sunlight glistening his naked glory. But the anger in Atem's eyes told Chikashi he was not to move. The Egyptian Prince pointed at the other prince.

"You make me sick! You ruined everything I had, and I can't believe I let this happen—with you of all people!" He quickly grabbed his shanti, wrapped it around his waist and stomped down the hall, calling Yugi's name in hopes that the little one could forgive him.

But that was not to be. Instead of wasting what little energy he had left—and to relieve the pain in his rear—Atem went back to Yugi's room to try and get a little bit of sleep, but when he opened the door, there stood the last thing in the world he wanted to see, Seto. To say that Atem was surprised would have been an understatement, but he was not about to let his former lover see that reaction.

As Atem entered the room, the youngest priest just stood there, glaring at his prince with his arms folded. Atem walked toward the bed, having Seto's gaze follow him everywhere he went. Feeing those icy irises on his skin, Atem decided to play a little game.

He purposely reached his arms up and bent upward, letting his shoulder blades and vertebras move along the bronze skin on top of them. After a few seconds, the younger of the two looked to see that Seto had yet to move so much as a muscle from when Atem had first stepped into the room. When he saw that his first tease did not work, Atem then leaned on top of the end table and pretended to stretch again, letting his toned chest and abs do what they did so well—seduce anyone who looked at them. Still, Atem received no reaction from the priest. He then ran a hand through his hair, letting the shine bounce with sunlight. Still no reaction. The Egyptian prince grunted in frustration.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Expecting a war of words, all Seto did was continue to glare until he decided to end the silence.

"How. Dare. You." Atem was taken aback. Of all the things he had expected Seto to say, that simple set of words was not one of them.

"Uh … what?" Seto's glare intensified.

"Are you really so pathetic that you couldn't even resist a single look?!" This dumbfounded the prince. Atem stood in front of his former lover who was staring at him with an unreadable expression on his face.

"What in the world are you talking about?!" Atem asked, more confused than ever. Seto closed his eyes and smirked.

"Let me put it this way: I know where you were last night and I know what you did." The taller said in a low, dangerous voice. Atem's eyes widened as realization finally hit him. Seto know. Did that mean that everyone knew? That bastard, Chikashi, must have been bragging about it.


"I can only answer one question at a time." Atem inhaled deeply to catch his breath.

"How did you find out?" Seto's eyes narrowed.

"The heartbroken look on Yugi's face when he passed by me in the hall this morning was too terrible to miss."

Atem covered his hands with his face and plopped himself down on Yugi's bed. He could not believe the way things were turning out; although if he had been thinking clearly, he would have seen that he had this coming.

"What were you thinking, Atem?!"

"That's just it: I wasn't thinking! I just did what came natural." Seto let out an angered sigh and shook his head.

"You mean what came natural to your penis!" Atem hung his head in shame. He began to repeat the question of how could he do such a thing to Yugi in his head. "You really blew; and this time, I don't think I can help get you out of it; it's that bad." Atem gazed at Seto through his fingers before suddenly standing up in front of the other male.

"What are you pissed off about anyway, huh? You won the bet!" He pointed out. Atem had been expecting something from Seto. He was not sure what, but he was expecting something. However, Seto made no move, but quietly said,

"This is not the way I wanted to win." The priest then walked away. The soft tone that Seto had just used on his last statement showed Atem that underneath it all Seto never really wanted to win. Feeing even worse about himself, the Egyptian prince buried himself under the luxurious blankets of Yugi's bed.

"He is not marrying that monster!"

"He is, and that is final!" Yugi sat in the corner of the throne room with his head bowed as he watched his parents argue with each other. After he had told his mother what Atem had done, it had taken every ounce of Yugi's strength to keep her from killing his fiancé. Although he was angry and hurt at what Atem did, he just did not have the heart to condem the other prince to death.

"I am not letting my baby boy be tied to a traitor for all eternity!" Komatsu smirked.

"Well guess what: you don't have any say in the matter." No one saw the action that came next. Yugi's mother slapped Komatsu across the face so hard that it left a clear, red handprint on his pale white skin. Everyone else in the room, Aknonkanon, Yugi, his brothers, and the priests all gasped. No one was allowed to touch the Emperor in such a way, especially not one of his concubines. Yugi always knew that his mother was a tough woman, but this showed him just how tough she could really be.

"I gave him life so that means that I have EVERY say in the matter!" Komatsu gave a small, amused chuckle. Yugi could see that his father was holding back his rage. Even Komatsu was not stupid enough to poke a mother bear when it came to her cub.

"Well, I would hate to have my old friend come all this way for nothing, so the wedding is still on!"


"NO!" Yugi screamed. All of a sudden, the youngest prince shot out of his spot in the corner and quickly sprinted out of the room. Everyone was astonished at the act that the little one had just taken. Not only did he just speak in his father's presence without being told to, but he ran away, something Yugi knew never to do.


Yugi could hear his father's threats of beatings and 'making sure he would never growing up to be a real man,'—whatever that meant—as he dashed out of the room, but the boy refused to stop. He knew that if he stopped, if he even turned around, that his father's death glare would control his movements and he would once again be held the statue that his father thought him to be. No, he not this time; this time, he would not stop. He had to get out of there. Not just out of the room, but out of the palace all together. He may not survive very long out there among the normal people of Japan, but it was better than being beaten to a bloody pulp by his father, and definitely better than being married to Atem.

Yugi was just starting to think that perhaps the two of them could make something out of their forced marriage, but after the betrayal that he had just witnessed, he never wanted to see that man ever again.

The Japanese Prince did not know where he was running to, but soon his feet reached the main gates of the palace. The guards tried to stop him, but the boy slid underneath their crossed spears and dashed into the nearby woods. Faster and faster he ran, not knowing or caring where to go. All he knew was that he needed to get away. Away from his father; away from the torture; away from the pain; away from Atem. It felt as if a small fire had been burning inside Yugi's heart for the longest time. It had been growing and growing since he was at least ten years old. Over the years, Yugi was able to control the growing inferno deep within him, but when he saw Atem under his oldest brother, enjoying what was being done to him, that control broke and the fire began to engulf his entire heart. The pain went so deep that Yugi never knew if he would be able to feel anything else ever again.

Suddenly, the boy tripped over a raised tree root and tumbled onto his face. When he regained the strength to pick himself up, he curled over, ejecting his breakfast from earlier. The pain of throwing up bile was starting to hurt, but it was nothing compared to his inner pain. Just thinking about the scene from earlier made him throw up even more. Finally, when there was nothing left to leave his stomach, Yugi stood on shaky legs. His body shook with the aftershock of his vomiting. Tears were flowing down his face, but he could not tell if they were from vomiting or if he had been crying since he left the palace. Either way, he had to continue his journey. This was his chance to finally get away.

To be Continued ...