Secret of Doru Araeba

Disclaimer: I do not own Eragon.

Chapter 3: Therinsford and the Assassin's Dagger

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A breeze swept though forest floor stirring snow into a swirl of glistening flakes in a rainbow of colors while the morning sun beat a cold light upon the valley. The roar of the falls continued its relentless torrent even under the icy claws of winters grasp as water and ice fell unto the rock abyss below. The beat of a dragon's wings rippled through the valley undeterred and unwavering as a glow in the distance signaled its presence.

Eragon tossed a large timber into the swirling blue flames. Saphira flew overhead carrying stacks of debris from the old structures and after tossing them in, she returned for more. Eragon wiped the sweat from his brow and looked at Saphira, though only for a moment before he went back to work. Her graceful form set down on the ground with a thud and she began to scrape together enough together so that it would feed the fire and incinerate the remaining rubble.

Saphira, it looks like we'll be done soon and I think we should go to Therinsford today and pick up some lumber and maybe some news about what happened after Roran left. Eragon scraped together the last of the rubble in his area that he had started on two days before. It was clear that they would be done before evening and it would be nice to speak to some people and hear about local happenings for once without the fear and concern of him being a rider working for the new kingdom.

I would like to take some time to fly around here some more. So while you're busy doing that I'll be in the mountains and in the forest so take your time. Saphira replied over their link. How is your head, are you still having those headaches? Saphira dropped the last of the debris into the fire and it swelled several meters and spewed ash into the sky.

Eragon tossed the last of the charred wood from where he had been working into the fire and looked at Saphira as she landed beside him. He touched his hand to her snout. "They've become worse but I can handle them." He felt the concern though their link and he tried to ease her worry. "I'm sure it's just that I've been worrying too much about the others and maybe I've been using too much magic."

Well if that's the case then you should take it easy, maybe we should just relax for a while before starting to bring the lumber for the new town. Saphira knelt down and let him climb onto her shoulder without the saddle because she would not be flying long. She did however have his bag tied to her back incase anything happened and they had to escape the valley of someone came snooping around their camp. Eragon gently rubbed the base of her neck and she took to the skies with a tremendous beat of her wings.

Saphira, the boat with the others has probably left by now and it won't take them long to reach here once they're at Leona Lake with that ship of theirs, maybe only a few weeks at most if they haven't already started on foot by now. The least we could do, is build them a few decent homes to live this winter in while the town is under reconstruction. I wasn't going to rebuild the entire town right away, if that was what you were thinking. They may want to change how their homes looked now that it's not an issue about the cost. Eragon rubbed her scales with his marked palm. Have you been able to reach Isanzadí? I can't seem to be able to reach anyone that I know would be near enough.

It is strange, I know little one. I have had the same troubles as you. It is far worse than you think. I do not think I could speak to anyone other than you. I was flying over Therinsford yesterday in search for a meal and I asked what appeared to be a young hunter who reminded me of you for any information about deer sightings or other large animals but I received no response from him, not even a notice that someone was talking to him. Saphira began to swoop downward and into a clearing near the town. Once Eragon was off she took to the skies again, stay out of trouble little one.

Eragon only smiled and ran his fingers through his hair before heading towards the town. The air was chilly and the sun provided little warmth amongst the tree but at least the wind was deterred amongst the thick branches. In the fresh powder before him, small tracks of deer that were no more than a few hours old caught his eye. He tried reaching out with his mind but felt only Saphira's presence but more confusing than that was the fact he had a sudden craving for meat. Not since the time he spent in Ellesméra had he been hungry for meat but now for some reason upon seeing the tracks it stirred in him and his mouth began to water at the thought. He quickly shook it off thinking it might just Saphira's feelings over their link.

The town of Therinsford was blanketed with snow while dark smoke rose from chimneys. The air was rich with different scents of foods and oils as well as a heavy waft of the nearby farms. It was odd however that there seemed to be guards around all the major roads to the town and watchtowers set up to watch over most of the area. Eragon shrugged it off and started towards the main street. It was not long however before a brutish man stopped him.

"What be your business here boy," His tone was deep and his breath foul. He wore a light chainmail underneath what appeared to be a tunic-like cover with thick cowhide pants. In his right hand he held a short sword that was dull and chipped with age and abuse while in his left a bag filled with what appeared to be coins.

"I wish to visit the market for some food to feed my family," Eragon said plainly and looked the man in the eyes. "Is there a problem with that?" He had no weapons himself but that didn't matter when his strength was beyond most of the people he came across.

The brutish man burped and then spit on the ground. "There be a toll you have to pay if ye want in here." He held the bag up slightly. "It is five to pass."

"I don't have any money to pay you though," Eragon said and crossed his arms with an obvious aggravated appeal. He didn't want to get into a fight with one of the guards but it seemed he may have to. "May I pass?"

"No," the man said bluntly. "No money, no passage that's simple. Why don't you go back to what ever farm you crawled from boy and don't come back until you have money unless you would like a beating for your intolerable stupidity." He raised his sword threateningly. "Got that?"

In an instant, Eragon had the man disarmed and pinned to the ground. The sword landed with a metallic thud against the frozen ground several feet away. With a wolfish grin, Eragon looked down at the struggling man with a feeling of disgust for someone who would take advantage of needing access to a town. It was despicable to him to even consider why someone would have the conscious thought to rob people of their hard earned money.

The man remained speechless under Eragon's foot and didn't even resist as the bag of money was plucked from his hands. With a slight toss of the bag, Eragon released the man and headed off towards the town. Luckily for him, the other guards had failed to notice what had transpired and paid no attention to him as he entered town. As soon as he was inside the town, Eragon slipped into an alley just as the alarm was raised amongst the closest guards.

Saphira, Eragon asked over their link but couldn't find her. That had never happened before, what was happening to him and why now? He looked at the bag of money and opened it. He couldn't keep all of it he thought and so he headed further down the alley until he saw several small children playing some kind of game and a young women holding a baby in her arms. Eragon set the coins beside her and kept walking though he kept several for himself for the tavern.

The air became heavy with the smell of horses and other animals kept within the town. He was used to it however and so quietly walked down another road towards the tavern. Within moments, he was immersed in a crowd of people shopping the busy markets for goods. It felt nice to be amongst everyday folk without the conduct of courts and protocol of a military. His feeling did not last long however for he soon spotted several guards sweeping the crowd and so quickened his pace for the tavern.

When he opened the doors, he was struck by a foul wave of rotting food. The air was thick with smoke and many people were gathered around tables where they seemed to be gambling amongst other things. The barkeep was busy moving between customers while gathering glasses smeared with grit and covered with bubbles. Laughing and chatter filled the room while the floor creaked in several spots.

Eragon slowly walked forward to the counter and sat down. Instinctively he felt the amulet around his neck to ensure it was still there, it was. A barmaid looked at him and asked, "What would it be for you handsome?" Eragon smiled, "Just a light ale please." He watched as the women walked away to talk to another man. He looked around for anyone he could talk to about local news to find out anything about what happened after Roran left Carvahall and hopefully not draw suspicion to himself at the same time.

Even though the Empire was gone, people in general had distaste for riders. Where ever he went with Saphira, people would flee before him and on occasion would throw rocks among other things. It seemed that since Murtagh had become one of Galbatorix's main men, he was often sent to carryout raids upon towns and cities to search for any of the important Varden members. If any were found, those hiding them were also put to death or tortured in massive dungeons beneath Urû'baen. More often than not however was the fact that the fall of the Empire was not received in the town and people did not trust the news incase it was a test of their loyalty.

It was not long however before Eragon spotted a lone man in the corner. He was dressed in the soldier's attire of the Empire and had many a bottle before him. He may have been one of the ones that had burned Carvahall but of that, Eragon couldn't be sure. Once he had his ale in hand, he decided to check it out. He sat across the man who only gave a slight look before turned his gaze down.

"You look like you're dress for battle so what are you doing here?" Eragon asked as if he were a curious young man trying to find out about the world outside the town. The soldier stirred slightly. "I was part of 'Galbatorix's hand picked force' to go to Carvahall. I'm that last one now! Damn soldiers got scared and ran off or were killed by… I don't know what. Damn those Ra'zac and their winged abominations. You know that they once ate someone, picked him clean." The soldier reached out his arm and poked Eragon in the shoulder. "We were supposed to get a new commander after the things left and he never came. We were supposed to burn and watch the town to make sure no one would return. Not even a rabbit dared go near it. So much time wasted for nothing and I can't even return home until I am sent for!"

"What I heard," Eragon said softly as not to draw attention from anyone else. "I heard that Galbatorix was killed, not by any man but his own dragon, nearly ripped in two." The soldier burst into laughter and nearly fell out of his chair. "I only wish that were true my lad, that would be news indeed. I could go home to my wife and daughter but I'm sure they moved on by now." The man began to sob lightly and set his head on the table.

"Here," Eragon said as he pushed his ale across the table. "I think you need this more that I do." The soldier nodded and grasped the handle tightly before tossing his head back and downing it. He hit the cup against the table with a thud. "That hit the spot, light thing though and it had a funny taste to it but…" Suddenly the soldier fell from his chair in convulsions and began spitting up blood before he finally went limp and his eyes rolled up.

Eragon looked around him wildly for anyone that looked suspicious. Everyone was staring at him however but out of the shadows, he saw a man cloaked and hooded running out of the tavern with great haste. He gave chase. Eragon passed down a long hallway and soon pushed open a door to the back of the tavern. He looked around and quickly spotted the person heading towards the edge of town.

Saphira, he called without answer as he continued the chase. The man, he was after was faster than most he had seen and it was not long before he was in the tree line and out of sight. Eragon entered the forest behind him but soon stopped several meters in. He had lost him. With that realization, he turned around and had to jump out of the way just as the man he was after rode by on a kind of wolf creature but larger than any he had ever seen with eyes like flames. Even in the mountains of the dwarves he had seen none grow to this size. Wing beats sounded from some ways away. He knew them all to well, Saphira was on her way.