Ch. 6

Naruto's apartment was sparse, cheaply and simply furnished. There was, Sasuke noted, only one chair at the table. He watched as Naruto set the bags of takeout on the table, and decided to inform Naruto of this fact. "Dobe, you're going to have to look into getting another chair. Where do your guests sit?"

Naruto laughed, with an ease Sasuke envied. Laughing didn't come easily to him anymore. "I don't have people over to eat, everyone knows I only eat ramen. Anyway, we can eat on the couch." 'Or in bed.' Naruto thought the last bit, and he grinned.

Sasuke saw Naruto grin a moment after he finished speaking, and guessed his thoughts immediatly. He almost grinned himself, but stopped at the last minute. Sasuke, even when he's weak, tired, hungry, and horny, is still Sasuke.

"Alright dobe, on the couch then. " Sasuke grabbed his dinner from the bags and settled down on the couch to eat. The kitsune plopped down onceremoniously beside him and began to eat, pausing from time to time to watch Sasuke as he ate.

Sasuke ate his dinner slowly, watching Naruto watch him. When he was finished, Naruto(who had already finished eating) cleared up the remnants and then walked out of sight into his bedroom. He re-emerged with his radio. He turned it on, and what came out surprised Sasuke.

Naruto had put in his favorite cd for just hanging out, a gift from Iruka-sensei. It was by a woman called 'Tracy Chapman'. Great for relaxing, or seducing a reluctant Sasuke, at least he figured it would work for that, and he didn't have much else that was soothing. His own tastes tended to run towards punk-rock. He ditched his jacket on the table with the stereo and rejoined Sasuke on the couch.

"Naruto," Sasuke asked, "You like Tracy Chapman?" Naruto grinned. "It was a gift from Iruka-sensei. You like it?" Naruto got up and switched it to track 5, his favorite song on this album. "This one's my favorite."

Done so many things wrong, I don't know if I can do right...Oh I, Oh I, Done so many things wrong, I don't know if I can do right...

Sasuke got up and walked over to Naruto. "It's my favorite too." With that he grabbed Naruto and pulled him into a slow dance.

At this point in my life, I've done so many things wrong, don't know if I can do right. Put your trust in me, hope I won't let you down, if you give me a chance, I'll try...

Naruto leaned into Sasuke and danced with him around his apartment. Sasuke was a very graceful dancer, it surprised Naruto. Someone so skilled in battle, also so skilled at something as lovely as dancing. It seemed...Naruto wasn't sure of the word exactly, but figured that it was ironic.

Sasuke enjoyed the way the blonde's compact little body moved against his own. He whirled the smaller boy out into a turn and back into his arms, then grinned down at him. The dobe moved easily wherever he was led, as graceful as a cat. An impression the whisker markings on his cheeks added to. Sasuke grinned to himself, who would have thought that the loud mouthed, clumsy, #1 knucklehead ninja was a graceful dancer?