Full summary: Bella Swan's life seemed ideal; she had a steady boyfriend, a great dad, and was graduating high school in a matter of months with a perfect 4.0. In a split second everything changed though- What started off as a joy ride on Jake's motorcycle ended up with Bella unconscious in Forks Community Hospital. Will she wake up? What will happen when she does? If one man knows the answer it is her doctor, Edward Cullen, the twenty year old protégée doctor. Her fate lies in his hands, but will theirs get intertwined in the interim? ALL HUMAN

Disclaimer: I do own a copy of Twilight; however, I don't own the actual rights to said book … :(

Chapter 1: Beginning


Beep, beep, beep.

I rolled over and hit the alarm clock that was currently buzzing in my ear, telling me it was a time to get up.

5:30 A.M.

I wiped my eyes, stretched and got up slowly to walk to my shower. The cold water immediately woke me up when it hit my back, and after I was done showering I quickly changed into my doctor scrubs, grabbed a bagel on the way out of my house and headed to work.

I walked into Forks Community Hospital at exactly 6:00 A.M., greeted the girl at the front desk and then proceeded to my office in the back. After setting down my briefcase and taking off my coat, I headed to my patients rooms.

"Hello, Mr. Anderson," I said, walking into the first room, "How are you today?"

"Fine, fine, Dr. Cullen," the old man replied, chuckling, "can't wait to break free from this jail though. Have any good news for me?"

As I checked the machines for his heart rate as well as other things I responded, "Well, you're alive still, so that is good news."

He laughed and responded, "Suppose that is good news, boy."

I grinned at him. Arthur was by far my favorite patient; he reminded me of my grandpa and always had a good story about 'back in his day'.

"Have you had your medicine yet today?" I asked, putting down his charts to focus my attention on him, looking for signs of lying.

As much as I loved Arthur, he tended to lie about medicine and well… just about everything in particular.

"Yep," he said, popping the 'p'.

"Really?" I asked, narrowing my eyes, "because it says here that you are due for some."

He sighed, "I don't know why you ask me if you already know."
I laughed, "Well, if I didn't ask then I wouldn't be able to say this," I paused for dramatic effect, "Mr. Anderson – do you want the blue or red pill?"

He let out a small chuckle and said, "You're quite a character, you know that Edward?"

I nodded and handed him his morning medicine, watching him as he swallowed.

"See, it's not that bad," I said, taking the empty cup from his hands.

He huffed, and I laughed.

"Not that bad," he scoffed, "ha! Have you tasted that stuff? Back in my day, if we were sick, we sucked it up, none of this staying in the hospital against your will because your wife forced you. And we sure as hell didn't drink this stuff, unless we lost a horrible bet. The watered down soup back in the army tasted better."
"I'm sure it did, but did the watered down soup make you feel any better?"

"It sufficed," he said, not answering my question.

"Let me put it this way, this medicine," I said pointing to the container "will help you get out of here faster."

"Let me have it then," he said, grabbing at the bottle, which I quickly pulled away.

"Not until noon, sorry," I laughed and after saying goodbye walked out of his room.

I made my usual rounds, visiting all my patients all who had various conditions. The best part about my job was that I got to do a little bit of everything.

Since I wasn't old enough, or experienced enough, to be a full on-call doctor, I got the patients the other doctors were too busy for. Hence how I ended up with patients ranging from a little girl who had a head injury to Mr. Anderson, who was currently suffering from a nasty case of the flu.

Just then my buzzer beeped. I glanced down at it and saw that room 14 was requesting me. Great.

I walked slowly, extremely slowly, down to the room.

"Oh, Edwardddd," the raspy voice inside the room called.

"Yes?" I asked, walking into the room, putting on my professional face.

"I was just wondering what the procedures were around here for my sponge bath. I've been told I get one, and was wondering if you would do the honors," Jessica Stanley purred.

"Well, Mrs. Stanley," I began, but was interrupted.

"It's Ms. Stanley, no husband," she said, waving her left hand at me to show that indeed, there was no ring on her wrinkly finger.

"Right, Ms. Stanley, well, doctors don't give the sponge baths usually, it's the nurses job. Let me call Alice for you real quick and I'm sure she'd be glad to assist you." I replied.

"But aren't you an exception to every rule? I mean, I've never heard of a doctor who was twenty before, or of one who was so hot and good at what he does," she trailed off suggestively.

I tugged on my collar and said, "Let me call Alice,"

"No," she replied, grabbing my hand, "Never mind, I don't want a bath." She frowned as I walked out of the room.

Just as I walked out of the room I was pulled aside by a certain pixie-like girl.

"Someone has a crush," she said, teasingly.

"She's nearly fifty years old!" I said tensely.

"You attract all types of women-and men- McDreamy," Alice said, hitting me playfully.

"McDreamy?" I asked.

"You know? Like that guy on that show… Grey's Anatomy." She said, like it was the most obvious thing ever, "That's what all the girls back here call you when you're not around."

I groaned, great, just great.

The morning passed fairly quickly, and before I knew it, it was time to go on lunch break. Just as I was about to leave, I heard frantic yelling start and I rushed to see what was happening.

When I arrived to where the commotion was, I saw a girl being carried by hastily on a stretcher by my father, away from a rather large crowd of people.

"Edward, son," Carlisle said, "help me please."

I immediately took a side of the stretcher and kept pace with my dad until we were in the critical care room.

After the girl was placed on the bed, my father told me to leave while he did tests and cleaned her up. I obliged, and left the room, and went to lunch thinking of the girl the entire time I was there.

I quickly ate my meal and got back to the hospital as soon as possible, when I entered the girl at the desk stopped me and gave me a slip. On the hospital stationary it said:

Forks Community Hospital

Patient Name: Isabella Swan

Age: 18

Time of Admittance: 11:32 A.M.

Reason: Car crash

Doctor Assigned: Edward Cullen

Notes: Broken bones, possible head trauma, unconscious

Edward, I'm putting you in charge of her, make sure to contact me as soon as she wakes up. Love, Dad.

I read over the note twice and headed to Isabella Swan's room to meet my new patient.

A/N: So, there is the first chapter – it's extremely short I know, I promise they will usually be longer then this – but it's kind of an intro chapter and I want to see if there is interest in this story or not. Sorry for grammar mistakes, I'm not perfect nor do I pretend to be… Please review if you liked it, hated it, or even just read it! I love hearing from everyone and take into account everything everyone has to say! Thanks!