
I hate him so why do I always think about him?

Why do I want to see him so badly?

Why Does he care about me?

Why do I care about him?

Why is he so important to me?

Why is he holding me in his arms?

Why are we kissing?

Why do I like it?, I shouldn't.

Why do we risk getting caught sneaking out and seeing eachother at night?

Why should a princess like myself like a peasant like him?

I always ask myself these questions, and now..now that he's lying in front of me, dying because of me, I relize the answer...I love him, I really do love him. I fall to my knees crying at the sight of him dying, and I realize I'm a monster. I watch him die, and in a few days when my maid comes to wake me up I'll be dead too, with a dagger in my hand, the same dagger I killed him with that treacherous day.