
I HATE MY DAD! My mom wanted to change me but my dad SUCKS!

He wont change me! Mike's screaming in pain and I can't help him.

Thankfully it's day four and he'll stop screaming. My dad took him out

and I can talk to him. After he gets back he'll be under control. I hope. I

need to hug him, kiss him, hold him. I HATE MY DAD! My mom

cautiously came in the room "You ok hun?" I took a deep breath "No mom

I'm not." she came over and hugged me "I'm sorry hun. If I could change

you I would but..." I pulled away " But what mom?! What could go

wrong?!" she snorted "What could go wrong! Huh EVERYTHING could

go wrong!" My eyes got wide "Sorry for yelling Liz. I just don't trust

myself. I'm young, for a vampire. So I still can't completely control

myself. Remember whenever you got even the smallest cut, I couldn't help

you. It was always your father." I looked down at my feet. "O" I heard

'How do you feel' and response 'Good. Can I see Liz now?' silence 'Be

careful' then running foot steps. "Liz! Where are you?" I started to cry.

"I'm here baby! I missed you!" he picked me up into a death squeeze "Be

carful." my dad warned. "I would never hurt her." he looked down at me

and then picked me of my feet and kissed me. It was different. Instead of

warmth I felt cold stone. It was awkward and he felt it too. Mike pulled

away quickly. "Weird?" I nodded my head "Yeah. Weird. Why?" My

parents laughed "It's like that..." my dad said "...for a while. You get use

to it. We did." he said as he leaned in to kiss my mom. "It's late. Why

don't you get to bed Liz." Mike said. I jumped "NO WAY! I've wait four

days for this! Can't be away from you for one minute." he chuckled and

picked me up again to kiss me. He carried me into my room not taking his

lips of me once. It's so much colder with him here. Antarctica is cold

enough without a house full of vampires. "What you have to eat?" he

chuckled at how weirdly I said eat. "Penguins" I made a gaging sound

"Penguins. Lovely. He laid me in bed, tucked me in, and got in bed with

me. He stayed on top of the covers so I wouldn't be as cold. "I hate my

dad. I wanna be able to not be cold or tired so I can be up with you." he

chuckled "Hmmmm I wish the same." he kissed my neck "Good night

cutie. Sleep well." I couldn't argue I was to tiered.

3 months later

Shit! "Mike get in here. NOW" he came in quickly "What is...shit" He

saw what was in my hands. A little plastic stick that said 'pregnant' on it.

"My parents are gonna kill us." his forehead creased. "What are we gonna

do? Where screwed. Pregnant!" he said that a little to loud

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. They'll hear." He looked down " Oops

sorry." he took the test from my hands. "Is this accurate?" I nodded "Sadly

yes. What are we gonna do?" he sighed "We've said that to much." I

sighed too "Yup. But what are we gonna do?" he held my face in his

hands. "I know but say that one more time and I'll never tell you." I

laughed "Ok promise. Now tell me." he smiled "We do the only thing we

can. Tell Susan and Pat." my jaw dropped "Are you crazy? Do you wanna

die?" We both hearing foot steps outside the door. "What are you doing in

there kids?" shit it's my mom. Speaking of which that's where I got my

obsessive swearing from. "Your right Mike. We have to tell." we

walked out. My mom looked confused because Mike through a wad of

toilet paper in the basket. "Mike you have your period?" I rolled my eyes

"No mom. But I missed mine." she looked worried. "Does that mean..." I

interrupted. "Yes. It does mean I'm..." she interrupted me "PREGNANT!"

I shrunk and Mike pulled me out of the way. "Mike she's my mom I think

she wont really kill me." there was a low growl in her chest. She

shuddered and stepped back. "Alright. I have to take a breath." Silence.

"How did this happen?" I rolled my eyes. "Well mom when a man loves a

woman..." she stopped me with a snarl. "I know that! How did this

happen?" I shrunk. "I didn't think vampires could get pregnant so..." I

stopped because my mom was shaking her head. "I'm sorry. I didn't know

that was possible either." I sighed thinking I was off the hook. "BUT

YOUR 15! Having something like that before your married!" Mike pushed

me back farther and snarled as my mom looked like she about to kill me.

For real. "Wait till your father gets back." I shrunk at the thought. "Mike

we should leave my dad will kill you!" he shook his head pulling me into

our room and pulling me on our bed. "He wont kill me. He already

knows." My jaw dropped. "What? How?" He laughed. "You know bout

the 'special powers'?" I shook my head. "Yupers what's that have to do

with anything." he laughed. He never stops laughing. " Well, he can read

minds. And ah I kinda can too." My eyes nearly popped out of my head.

"You can read my mind! Shit shit shit!" he laughed...again. "Yes. It's very

interesting. I love to know how much you love me." My eyes got wider

and my face got red with embarrassment. He chuckled and kissed me. My

heart raced. He pulled my face in his hands. "That still happens to you?

After over 11 months now!" I nodded and got even redder. "If my heart

was still beating, it would do the same." I stared into his eyes and he

pulled me into a deep kiss again. When he pulled away I thought of

something. "I was not!" I laughed. "HA. Yes you were! And you know it!"

FYI I thought he was trying to distract me. No wait I know he was trying

to distract me. Lies! I screamed in my head. "No way babe. What you

wanna know?" I rolled my eyes. "You know." he nodded his head.

"Alright. Yes he's mad. Not as mad as your mom..." I sighed "...but mad."

I nodded. "I guessed that. Im good at guessing!" he rolled his eyes and got

up. I got up too. "I just thought...where are my brother and sister?" he

answered as he walked out the door. "Your grandmothers. Your dad I'll be

here in five." I was the most confused I had been in a long time.

"Grandmother?" I whispered to myself. O well. I saw Nicky singed on

AIM and went over to talk.

CheeseLuva982: hey nicky!

SkiStar1288: hey liz

CheeseLuva982: wats up?

SkiStar1288: nothing. hows NY city?

CheeseLuva982: good. i guess.

SkiStar1288: How r u doing?...ya kno...mike

CheeseLuva982: fine

SkiStar1288: thats good

CheeseLuva982: ya well gtg talk to you later

SkiStar1288: k luv ya bibi

CheeseLuva982: bi

I singed off. I wish I could tell her the truth about Mike. How he's now a

vampire. But I can't. Of corse. I mean I like having friends so I won't tell.

"Listen, I'm sorry Pat, it was a mistake." my dad sighed "I understand, but

you guys are in so much trouble."Shit...my dads home.