Title: Unsaid

Chapter: Escape

Disclaimer: I don't own Shaman King

Nightglider: I'm sorry it took so long to update, but atleast I didn't abandon it right? Thats should make younot want to kill me right?




Anna's heart constricted as she looked around. Gray fog hung in thick volume throughout the distance, seeping softly in the darkness beyond. No one was in sight.

"Yoh!" she called again, rubbing her arms, trying to shake of the chill wrapped around her frame.

The eerie silence was staring to get on her nerves. Anna Kyouyama was never afraid. And the fact that her fiance didn't seem to be around to answer her wasn't helping. Why was she calling him again?


"Yoh no baka!" She called again, furrowing her eyebrows in displeasure. Where was he? How dare he allow his fiancée to be let in a place like this by herself?

She took a few steps forward, determined not to let the silence get to her. The darkness seemed endless. She had no idea where she was, yet that thought didn't seem to occur to her. She knew where she was. She was where Yoh baka had been stupid enough to let her. Who else would she follow to a place like this? When she finds him she would make sure he'd beg for mercy.

She walked further, but it felt like she was moving nowhere. There didn't seem to be any ground beneath her feet. Just black nothingness, but whatever that was it was solid. So it was good enough for now. All around her was nothing but darkness and thick gray mist. This was starting to get frustrating.

"Yoh." She called again, but this time her voice came out softer than she wanted. She frowned, clearing her throat and brushing of the fear trying to grab her heart.

"Yoh!" she tried again, trying to make her voice louder and more clear. How will the idiot be able to hear her if she went soft?

But her voice came out more softer and broken than before.

Anna bit her lip, frowning more than ever and halted in her steps.

The more she tried to call out to her fiance, the more she started to feel tired.

"Yoh." Anna whispered, her voice trailing off. Something was trying to get to her heart. She could feel it. She kept brushing it off, but it wouldn't leave. It gave her goose bumps. Anna Kyouyama never gets goose bumps!

"Yo-" she stopped, feeling a pair of warm arms wrapping themselves around her from behind.

She wanted to look back, but for some reason felt frozen in place. They pulled her back, and Anna felt her back hitting something firm before warmth enveloped her frame. She felt hot breath against her neck as his face drew closer, resting his chin atop her shoulder before pressing her against him.

"You're the only one keeping us apart Anna..."

Kyouyama Anna snapped her eyes open, feeling her heart beating wildly against her chest.

"Yoh…" she whispered to herself, realization finally dawning to her senses. She was still in the bed he had left her in. The only difference now was it seemed to be nighttime.

She stayed still, staring before her. Her eyes were starting to itch suspiciously, and she didn't dare blink. Thoughts raced through her mind. Memories of when it all started. How it all proceeded. He had fooled them all. Even her. They realized it too late what he had done. She didn't know where the others were. How the others were. She never thought she'd miss the noisy buffoons so much. It felt like years since she'd been trapped in her own house. The inn she had became so fond of. And he…

Quickly shutting her mind, Anna closed her eyes. Refusing to think anymore. He was the last thing she needed to think about right now.

A slight movement beside her made her snap her eyes open again, turning her face slightly. Her heart skipped a beat.

"Hmm…" he murmured, a small smile gracing his lips as his arm moved up, fingers touching her shoulders slightly.

"Funga..ufu…" he murmured sleepily before burying his face further in his pillow, breathing evenly.

Anna heaved a sigh. He was asleep. She closed her eyes, determined not to let her thoughts wonder again. If he had been awake…she didn't want to think of the consequences. Anna frowned, brushing the thought rom her mind. She needed to gt some sleep.

A few minutes slipped by and he opened his eyes, a smile forming on his lips as the blond itako slipped back to sleep.


Kino Asakura walked slowly down the hall, keeping her senses alert for anything out of ordinary.

It had been two years since she came with her great grandson and a friend of her grandson to the small shack. When they had heard Yoh had merged with Hao, and was on his way back, Anna had handed the child to her and asked her to keep him safe. Pirika Usui had been told to go with her, to aid the aging woman with the infant, and stay safe until they were sure there was nothing to worry about. It was supposed to be temporary. Anna's faith in Yoh had everyone believe Yoh would be back. Not Hao, but after two months things had started to turn against them.

Anna never had a chance to tell him. For the first month because Anna wanted to make sure he was Yoh. The second because the get together and parties after the victorious defeat of the great Asakura ancestor didn't seem to end. That was when everything had turned for the worst. Before they could all retaliate, he had them all cornered to the wall. Tamao's prediction had come too late.

For now it seemed that he still hadn't found out about his son. Kino felt a mixture of pride and grief for her star pupil. It was never easy for a mother to stay away from her child or so long. Especially when he was this young.

He had seemed to develop a liking for sick games. Shamans who had stood against him were all being hunted down like wild animals. She didn't know where the rest of the warriors and her husband were. She didn't know how Anna and Tamao were doing or if her daughter and son-in-law were even alive. And the inu girl crying herself to sleep every night for her brother didn't seem to make matters better.

It felt somewhat like the night she had lost her eyesight and her family. Somewhat; for she wasn't completely helpless this time. She patrolled around the house every night sensing for danger. He didn't know about Hana for now. But there was no telling when he'd find out.

She passed the girl's room first and peeked in. Faint trail of tear marks were still visible on her cheeks, but she was fast asleep.

Beside her laid the two year old shaman. His small hands resting lightly against the Innu girl's cheek snuggled in deep sleep.

Kino stared at the child for a moment longer. He had learned enough words to make sense now. She had begun his training months ago, just like she had with his mother.

But no matter how hard she trained him; to her he still seemed vulnerable. Clenching her hands in a fist, Kino tore her eyes away from the sight, only to stop dead on her tracks.

She stood still, her heart clenched in deep fear as she sensed him walking closer towards herself. She wanted to scream out a warning, but knew she could give away their presence.

He smiled, "Konichiwa, Obaa-chan"

Kino pressed her lips in a thin line. Keeping her mind clear of any thoughts and refusing to answer him.

He laughed, "I guess Anna learned more from you than I thought."

Heart beating wildly against her chest, Kino forced herself to appear calm.

"What are you doing here, Hao." She barked, hoping the two sleeping occupants would wake up.

She sense him smile and move closer, "Why obaa-chan…can't a father vi-"

"GET THE BOY OUT!" Kino shouted slashing her cane in attack.

She felt him doge it effortlessly, laughing at her attempt as she rounded on him, charging endlessly. She knew he would dodge every attack she'd throw. His speed surpassed her own, but she wasn't intending to kill him. And he knew that perfectly well.

"You really think stalling me would work?" he asked softly, as though explaining something simple to a small child.

Kino kept her anger in check, hoping Pirika had left with Hana. She knew he could easily catch up to them. But there was nothing more she could do. He must not get the child.

"I'm getting bored with his…"

Pirika ran as fast as she could, clutching the startled Hana in her arms. She knew it was only a matter of time before he'd catch up to her. She needed to hide Hana somewhere.

A loud explosion momentarily froze her on her path, she whirled around. Eyes wide in fear as the shack burned wildly.

"G-gra" Hana whispered eyes wide in fear and disbelief.

Pirika felt tears starting to blur her vision as she forced herself to turn away and sprint as fast as she could.

"Gr-Gra-"Hana whimpered again, unable to look away as the fire ate away at his home. Wasn't Kino in there? What-

"Gra-!" he stopped short as Pirika clumped her hand across his mouth, shushing him to silence.

Hana watched, terrified as hot tears raced down the Innu girl's eyes. She stared at him, eyes wide and pleading.

"Q-quiet." She managed to choke out, "P-please s-s-stay and b-be quiet!"

Hana wouldn't have been able to move, even if he had wanted to. He had never seen the girl like that before. Sure she had cried numerous times before him, but he had never seen her scared like this.

He could only watch helplessly she shoved him against the nearest tree, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead.

"Close your eyes, clamp your ears." She instructed her voice hardening as she glared down at him, "don't say a word, not until he leaves. When he does, run. Anywhere. Don't come back. Understand?"

Hana only stared. Unable to think of anything to say.

Pirika leaved forward, planting another quick kiss to his cheek.

"Your mother is Kyouyama Anna. Never forget that."

With that she quickly got up and sprinted away, not daring to look back at the young Asakura.

Nightglider: I know this was short, but I had to end it here, so I wouldn't ruin the plot. Anyways I'll write the next chapter soon so no worries. Please leave a review