Wow, reviews! I can't believe how many people liked the story! Anyway here is a second chapter I didn't think I would have time but I'm home, sick so I thought I'd make good use of the time, enjoy!
Instead of replying to his comment I took a breath and returned to kissing him trying to distract him from his thoughts, I ran my tongue across him bottom lip and he compliantly opened his mouth all thoughts of Jacob seemingly forgotten. He pulled out of the kiss and started making his way along my jaw and down neck to my collar bone and back again "I told you I didn't want you to see him" he growled out as he went. I growled out myself in frustration and pulled him back up into a kiss, my hands running through his amazing auburn hair, it served two purposes: one, I had my hands in his hair and two, if he tried to speak I could pull him back down again. "It's just so dangerous, Bella" he spoke out in a moment of freedom, I rolled my eyes and drew his head back down to distract him with another kiss, I was just getting into it when he pulled away again and got up off the bed. "Edward, come back" I groaned out frustrated by his sudden absence, "no, I need a clear head for this conversation" he replied although he couldn't keep the longing of his voice "clear heads are overrated" I mumbled, not wanting to have this conversation at all.
"I will give you the benefit of the doubt Bella I will take your word on it, If you tell me that you didn't go to see him I will believe you, no matter what Alice's thoughts are saying" He began, looking over at me. "I appreciate that" I replied solemnly knowing my answer would upset him. He took a deep breath and began "Did you Isabella Swan get on a motorbike with one Jacob Black and spend the day in La Push with him after I specifically told you not to." Whatever I was expecting him to say, it wasn't that "Who do you think you are!" I screamed "My father!" "Specifically told you not to" I quoted "You can't control me" I told him "I'm an adult!" "So you did spend yesterday with him!" Edward spat out "yeah, I did" I replied "And you can't stop me from seeing him again" I added, not bothering to mention that Jacob probably never wanted to see me again. "Actually, I can" came Edward's reply, "Actually; you can't, not if you ever want to see me again" I replied icily not thinking what it would mean for me If I never saw him again.
"So you would choose him over me" came Edward's grief-stricken reply, my heart broke hearing the words come out of his perfect lips "Edward..." I started "No it's okay" He replied "I knew this day would come, you can't waste your life on a vampire" he spoke his voice rough with despair "You should be with someone who you can grow old with, have a family with..." his voice broke off like he couldn't bear to go on any further. "Edward!" I spoke out "I don't want to be with Jacob!" he looked up "I want YOU, I love, YOU!" "I wasn't thinking when I said that, you just made me so angry, but I could never leave you, you have my heart, and I wouldn't fair very well without it." I got up off the bed and made my way towards Edward wrapping my arms around his waist and pressing myself into his chest, Edward responded by wrapping his arms around my waist in return and bringing his face down into the crook of my neck, breathing deeply. "And you have my heart Isabella Swan" He sighed out "well hypothetically anyway" he smiled into my neck.
"Edward" I started, once we'd both calmed down "you don't have to like Jacob, but he is going to be in my life, he is my friend and is almost like a brother to me, I just want you to trust him"."Brother" scoffed Edward "I really don't think he thinks of you as a sister, Bella" "In fact I know he doesn't think of you as a sister because I know what he thinks...and if that is what he wants to do with his sister he is even more disgusting than I thought" Edward continued on growling out the last
sentence. "I know how he feels about me Edward, but that doesn't change anything, he's still my friend and I want to be able to spend time with him. "It's just so dangerous, love" Edward began taking up my previous methods of distraction. I gave in as I always tended to do when he kissed me like this, so, possessively, when I had an epiphany. I pulled out of the kiss and broke out of his hold standing a few feet in front of him, "If Jacob is so dangerous why were you so willing to give me up to him if it was what was going to make me happy?" I questioned. Edward looked at me confusedly still a little disorientated after the kiss, "even if I decided not to be with you, you would always try and protect me, right?" I questioned "right" he replied. "But you weren't going to protect me from Jacob...that IS interesting" I pondered out loud "Unless, Jacob isn't that dangerous and you're just..." "You're not jealous, are you Edward?" I asked innocently "Jealous! Of the dog, I think not, love" Edward scoffed out pathetically. "That's funny" I replied "because from where I'm standing all signs point towards J-e-a-l-o-u-s" I continued pronouncing each syllable separately and grinning evilly.
"I'm not jealous!" He spoke out sounding like an insolent 4 year old, "you just keep telling yourself that, and maybe it'll become true" I said tapping his cheek and then making my way to the door. "Where are you going" he asked obviously still annoyed, "to the kitchen" I replied "you must have some food in this house" I said calling over my shoulder. I made my way down the stairs with Edward hot on my heels "morning Emmet" I called to the lump on the couch "Rosalie kick you out of bed again?" "How'd you guess" groaned the lump on the couch. I made my way into the adjoining kitchen and opened the cupboards to find some cereal, Edward helped out by grabbing me a bowel and the milk out of the fridge. "I'm not Jealous" he tried again hoping to sound more convincing, I laughed "I think you've still got a while to go there Edward" He glared at me, "Jealousy is a natural emotion" I stated condescendingly as a started on my cereal.
Edward's glare suddenly turned into an evil grin, I wriggled uncomfortably from my spot on the counter, that grin was never good. "You know what else is a natural emotion" started Edward "No" I mumbled "desire" he continued. "What!" I spoke out sputtering as milk came out my nose, Edward had shocked me with his words for the second time that morning, "you heard me, d-e-s-i-r-e" He said again copying my previous teasing. "Okay, I'm confused" I said hoping for an explanation "well" Edward began "you had some very interesting things to say in your sleep last night", "oh, crap" I said under my breath "no" said Edward –him and his bloody super strength Vampire hearing!- "It was more like "Oh, yes!"Edward panted out. "What!" I let out panicked, "Oh, there was more but some of it I wouldn't dare say in front of a lady... but you were the lady who said them so maybe it would be okay" He went on with a grin as wide as the Cheshire cat. "Oooh, that feels good" Edward went on imitating my voice "Oh, fu..." "Okay!" I cut him off "I get the drift."
Edward grinned at my obvious embarrassment and made his way over to me standing between my legs "I love it when you blush" he said grazing his hand across my cheek "Is that why you you're trying to embarrass me to death?" I questioned bitingly. "I was just trying to get back at you" he replied grinning obviously proud of himself "So none of its true?" I asked relieved "Oh, no" replied Edward "It is" "Ugh!" I groaned placing my face in my hands. Edward laughed and pulled my hands away "Don't worry about it" he said "I don't mind, in fact it was actually quite sexy" he went on giving me that gorgeous lopsided grin. "Sexy, how?" I questioned "Knowing that you were thinking about me doing those kinds of things to you...It was very sexy" he replied. I smiled mirroring his earlier evil grin "How do you know It was you I was dreaming about?" I questioned innocently.
"WHAT!!" Bellowed Edward portraying his anger at its highest possible level, his eyes alight with fury and of course, jealousy. Emmet came running into the room reading to pull Edward off of me but relaxed when all he saw was Edward pacing a trench into the ground. "If you weren't dreaming about me then who were you dreaming about?!" Edward questioned forcibly, daring me to say his name, truthfully I had had this dream before and I knew perfectly that it was Edward who was making me produce those happy noises but I 'just wanted to get back at him'. "Emmet" I said unconvincingly, it didn't matter too much though Edward was so far past rational he would believe anything. "EMMET!" he bellowed again and returned to his pacing, he stopped suddenly and looked up at Emmet who was pretending to look innocent "Stop thinking about her like that!" "She's mine, and you're married!" "Now get out of here, the urge to kill you is growing stronger!" Emmet hightailed it out of the kitchen as quick as he could knowing not to argue with Edward when he was this angry. "I CAN STILL HEAR YOUR DISGUSTING THOUGHTS!" Edward bellowed to his retreating form.
I jumped off the counter and made my way over to his form snaking my arms around his waist from behind, he relaxed a small amount but still gently pulled my arms from around him. J-e-a-l-o-u-s I said teasingly "Of course I'm jealous Bella, did you really think I wouldn't be after you told me you were dreaming about making love to my brother?" "No" I replied, "That's why I said it" "I just don't understand...wait, what? Edward broke off realising what I'd said "So you weren't dreaming about you and...and Emmett?" He questioned hopefully "No" I laughed. I tried again to put my arms around him and this time he didn't pull away, I stood up on my toes to whisper in his ear "I've had that dream before, and believe me you're the only guy who could ever make me say things like that" I kissed his cheek and then buried my bright red face into his chest. Edward looked down at me grinning like an idiot, "you don't have to look so proud of yourself" I said rolling my eyes, he grazed his hand along my cheek "I really do love it when you get embarrassed" he said happily. I sighed "Truthfully I kinda like it when you get jealous" I admitted "really" he let out obviously surprised "the whole overbearing thing can get old" I started "But the possessive thing is actually quite sexy" I said blushing again. Edward laughed "Sexy, how?" he asked, copying my earlier statement "You thinking about me as yours and yours alone, it might not be very 21st century of me's very sexy.
"So, you like it when I get Jealous..." pondered Edward out loud "I surely do" I said as an answer to his question, I reached up and placed my arms around his neck pulling him in for a make-up kiss. Edward pulled out of the kiss after a very short amount of time and I whined "Ed-ward" I said emphasising the syllables he smiled down at me and began to kiss up and down my neck I lost all coherent thought but was shocked when I felt his smooth teeth on the soft flesh of my neck, and then it happened, Edward bit me! "Edward!" I breathed out in shock my hand flying to my neck to feel the damage, I pushed on it and it hurt but he didn't break the skin and there was no blood, I looked up at him "A Hickey" I said my confusion evident. He grinned back at me and kissed along my jaw stopping at my ear "let every man that sets eyes on you know that you belong to me" I glared at him through thin eyes trying to be mad but I couldn't I had just told him that possessiveness turned me on and did. I jumped him, wrapping my legs around his waist and attacking his mouth with my own Edward responded willingly getting more and more into it and started pushing me up against the fridge I was blissfully happy until...
"You know you're lucky we don't eat because I don't think I ever want to touch that fridge again" came Emmett's voice from the doorway "It's too bad Bella, it could have been absobloodymazing between us."
Teehee I love Emmett so I thought I'd throw a bit of that in. What do you all think better? Worse? Somewhere in between? I really think I should stop now, this was only meant to be a one shot and I think it's losing its edge so review but I don't think I'll write another chapter on it.