A/N Yes I know I haven't updated in ages (more like a century, don't kill me) but I felt it would be bad if I didn't at least finish the story. Even if I don't like it and am really confused in what to write, but anyway hope you this chapter and please R&R.
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. You all know that right :)
Chapter 3
Karin awoke on a small lumpy bed. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and slowly opened then to see that she was in a very small room. She sat up to get a better look and then realized that the room was even smaller than she had first thought. The room was barely able to fit the bed in.
Feeling a wave of claustrophobia coming over her she decided to get out of bed and explore the area outside of the room. She stepped out of bed quietly and walked over to the door when suddenly it burst open hitting Karin in the face.
The woman who had opened the door apologized profusely saying that she thought Karin was asleep along with many other excuses.
"So what are you doing here and who are you and where am I and a better question why am I here?" Karin asked rubbing her nose which was still slightly sore.
"Oh, that's right you blacked out when Taicho saved you, which I think is quite cute, so of course you can't remember anything, but enough of my babbling. How are you?" The voluptuous red-head rambled.
"I'm fine, but can you just answer my questions?" Karin answered, getting impatient.
"Oh right the questions… What were they again?" The red head asked
Karin sighed and answered "Where am I, why am I here, who are you and what are you doing here?"
"Oh yes that's right. Well your in your new room at the academy and you're here to learn how to become a shinigami and umm…" the red head had a thoughtfull expression as if trying to remember something, "I'm here to explain things to you and drop off you luggage and my name is Matsumoto Rangiku. Don't worry I already know who you are, you're Kurosaki Karin, Ichigo's sister. I must say you look nothing alike."
"Ok, then can you start explaining and I don't remember packing anything."
"Oh that's allright. I bought you everything you need, I hope you like the colour pink."
At the mention of the colour pink Karin froze. She hated the colour pink, it was so… girly and Karin didn't do girly. She was unsure of what to say to Matsumoto, she didn't want to be mean, but she definitely would not be caught dead wearing pink. Ok she was already dead but that's not the point.
"Uh Matsumoto-san… pink's not my colour."
"Oh ok, well I have a couple of things that are blue. I'll just take the pink ones for myself, I mean they are my size."
"Er, you can take them now, if you want to," Karin didn't want anything to do with the pink clothing.
"Thank you so much Karin-san. Well classes for the academy start tomorrow. Your uniform and your timetable are in this bag. Nice meeting you and thanks for the shirts" Matsumoto handed Karin a medium sized bag which could easily slip under Karin's bed.
Just as Matsumoto was walking out the door Karin remembered a question she wanted to ask, "Matsumoto-san, what happened to me after I fainted and how did I get here?"
"Taicho saved you and brought you here, he said something about high reitsu and a murderer, but I'm not to sure about what really happened though."
"Thanks, I'll see you around" Karin waved and smiled, Matsumoto did the same and then walked out the door.
Karin lay back down on the bed. A myriad of thoughts spinning around in her head. She wondered whether the 'Taicho' Matsumoto was talking about was the person in the white robe she saw before she blacked out. Karin decided to go for a walk around the campus to think things over and figure out how to get around. There were many twists and turns, Karin felt like she was in a maze. She walked for a while trying to figure out where she was going until she came across a large clearing.
The training grounds. She knew she was going to spend a lot of time there she smiled and then walked onto the field suddenly feeling happy. She was going to have a good time here.
A/N No it's not finished. Sooo yeah tell me what you think about this chapter I know it was reaaaally boring, but I'm still trying to get the story started (I know :(). I'll try to update much earlier this time. I feel really bad about not updating for ages, but I hope at least some people like it and thanks for taking the time to actually read my story. Thank you :).
P.S I will try my best to finish this story and not leave it hanging out in the open. I just don't like doing that.